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Castle of the Dead (Epic Quests) — Origin

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To Go to the Castle of the Dead

Level 85
Quest Giver Marlene Kitzka
Briefing Marlene Kitzka: "Adventurer, I'm still grateful for your help with Anton's subjugation. I knew the operation would be a success, led by you and Commander Eagle Eye. ...I came to see you because of the Castle of the Dead. Up until a while ago, the only thing we knew about this castle was its connection to Bakal. Then we got a message from Pandemonium that the castle can only be seen sometimes because it's beyond this dimension. You said you wanted to go to the Castle of the Dead. Her Highness was going to grant your wish immediately, but then we found out this castle is more dangerous than we thought. If you still want to go, then please enter the Palace and receive an audience with Her Highness."
Objectives Receive an audience with Empyrean Princess Erje in the Empyrean Palace.
Upon Completion Upon talking to Erje:

Erje: "Adventurer, thank you for coming. I'm glad you look healthy. I presume Marlene explained why I wanted to see you. We've discovered something new about the Castle of the Dead: its owner is an Apostle, and according to one of our investigators, his name is Luke. I can't believe this. We barely defeated Anton, and here comes another Apostle. I wish it was a joke, but the engineers who observed the Castle of the Dead said that the powerful waves coming out of that castle are similar to Anton's. This means we can no longer hold off investigating the castle. Adventurer, you said you wanted to go to the Castle of the Dead. To get to Pandemonium. Am I wrong? If worse comes to worst, you might encounter the Apostle while inside the castle, and you might have to fight him. Do you still want to go there? I see. You're determined to go to Pandemonium. I don't know why, but I believe everything you do, you do it for this world. Then you may go to Zelva. My people are waiting for you on the island. There's a temporary airfield next to the Slaugh Industrial Complex, and there, you can take the gunship to the island. I'll send word to the airfield."

Upon encountering Jurgen in Zelva:

Nevillo Jurgen: "I've heard you're coming. Please come this way."
  • Expicon.png 213,579 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold

The Joint Investigation Group in Zelva

Level 85
Quest Giver Nevillo Jurgen
Briefing Nevillo Jurgen: "I didn't have time to thank you properly when we were in Noblesky. I'm glad we meet again. I was sent here to represent Empyrean for the Joint Investigation Group. I wanted to wait until the investigation camp is settled to bring you over, but things have gotten serious more quickly than I thought. First, let me introduce you to this island, Zelva. Named after a mythical giant, Zelva is part of Anton's body protruding from the water. We believe when Anton died, he released special energy, and that caused the Castle of the Dead to fully reveal itself to this dimension from beyond it. When I heard an Apostle resides in that castle, I organized the Joint Investigation Group and came here to fulfill my duty as the regent. What's this Joint Investigation Group? It consists of investigators from Empyrean and the Empire. It represents the strong bond between the two states. Underworld is also threatened by the Apostles, isn't it? When Empyrean and the Empire join forces, there's nothing they cannot overcome."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Err, Adventurer. So you made this far. You were also impressive during the battle with Anton. This is why I've been watching you."

<Player>: "..."

Vaughn Walshuted: "What? Do I have something on my face? Oh, right. Don't just stand here. Come with me. The Imperial Princess came. She's the leader of the Imperial investigators in the Joint Investigation Group. You've met her before, right? Why don't you come say hello?"
Objectives Meet Imperial Princess Isabella in Zelva.
Upon Completion Isabella: "Geez, this place is too hot! Oh, Sir Walshuted. Who's this person next to you?"

Vaughn Walshuted: "Your Highness, he's the adventurer you met in the Sky Tower. You probably don't remember him because you only saw him for a moment."

Isabella: "Ah, I remember now. Nice to meet you. I've heard it's easy for adventurers to get wounded. You're still in one piece. This has to prove your skill, right?"

Vaughn Walshuted: "Yes. You can trust this adventurer, Your Highness."

Isabella: "Oh, how amazing! Sir Walshuted, you rarely complement others. Then I'd like to officially introduce myself. My name is Isabella Catherine Heinrich De Los, the Third Princess of the Del Los Empire. I'm not used to interacting with commoners. Thank you for your understanding."
  • Expicon.png 213,579 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold
  • Lv. 85 Magic Sealed Weapon

Safety First

Level 85
Quest Giver Isabella
Dungeon Inverted Watchtower
Briefing Isabella: "Come to think of it, a bunch of Empyrean engineers came and created something strange. They said Erje has prepared it for you. Are you close to her too? Huh? I mean Erje, the Empyrean princess. She and I are both princesses; it's only natural we're close. Anyway, thanks to Erje, we can now enter that towering castle. The machine looked rather shoddy and strange. Sir Jurgen said Empyrean technology is reliable, but I'm not sure about that machine. Why don't you go check it first? Huh? That's because such dangerous work is for the commoners. Plus, you're adventurous, and you've always wanted to enter the Castle of the Dead. This is like killing two birds with one stone for you, isn't it? Come on, don't be so humble. Go have your fill of that place. If you fall and die, I'll find your next of kin and properly compensate them for your loss. I promise."

<Player>: "..."

Vaughn Walshuted: "...Sorry. The Princess doesn't have a malicious bone in her body. She means well. I'm sure."
Objectives Ride the vertical lift connected to the Inverted Watchtower dungeon and enter the Castle of the Dead to check inside.
Upon Completion Isabella: "It took you safely to the castle. That's great! Now we're ready to embark on an adventure! It seems the Empyreans are really good at making interesting things, though their crude designs offend my sensibilities."
Cyrus: "Your Highness, you're too excited. If you get hurt, Sir Jurgen will be in trouble. You need to calm down."
  • Expicon.png 5,389,332 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold
Dungeon Map

A Fox from Pandemonium

Level 85
Quest Giver Isabella
Briefing Isabella: "Don't worry. Father said I'll only have myself to blame for any injury I get. I assure you there won't be another gardener who would be locked up because he let me be jerked by a thorn."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Did that really happen?"

Cyrus: "His Majesty was only trying to show Her Highness what happens to others around her if she doesn't behave. Your Highness, this place is filled with all sorts of people. You have to be careful as to whom you keep close to yourself.

Isabella: "Don't do that. You're only scaring the adventurer. Cyrus worries about me so much that she doesn't want me to meet new people. Oh, right! Adventurer, you can be my agent! I saw a very cute animal a while ago. Could you get its name? It was this tall and wearing human clothes. You won't miss it."
Objectives Meet Hunter Von in the Adventurer's Guild tent.
Upon Completion Hunter Von: "It's been said even brushing past a person is connected to one's karma. Hello, I'm Hunter from Pandemonium. Welcome to the Adventurer Guild."
  • Expicon.png 213,579 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold

The Adventurer Guild in Zelva

Level 85
Quest Giver Hunter Von

Meryl: "Nice to meet you. You're the adventurer who brought down Anton and created this bizarre volcanic island, right? I hope Naen didn't bother you with her requests too much. Your reason for being here is obvious: to investigate the Castle of the Dead, right? We've just got to Zelva, and we didn't have time to check inside. It took us a long time to check [if] this island alone is safe. If you want to take the initiative and investigate that place, you're welcome. The vertical moving board is working properly. Feel free to get in."
Objectives Explore the Inverted Watchtower.
Upon Completion Meryl: "Machines that are not Empyrean are in operation. That's strange. I've heard Pandemonium lacks mastery of mechanical engineering. How come there are machines equipped with artificial intelligence there?"

Hunter Von: "It's because of Apostle Luke in the Castle of the Dead. He's a genius who rebuilt the Metro Center. He's as good an inventor as the Seven Shards of Empyrean, if not better. *Ahem*"

Meryl: "Oh, yeah? Then tell me about this Luke."
  • Expicon.png 5,389,332 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold
Dungeon Map

About Apostle Luke

Level 85
Quest Giver Hunter Von
Briefing Hunter Von: "The Castle of the Dead is more of a myth, even to us people of Pandemonium. It's always hidden, and I don't think even Hilder knows where it is. Luke is staying in the castle. He's dedicated to his research and the peace of Pandemonium. He's the one who brought light back to Pandemonium."

Meryl: "Did he trample people to death, like Anton did?"

Hunter Von: "Oh, no. He's not like that. There are some scary Apostles, but Luke is like Hilder, working to make Pandemonium a better place. Meryl, if you meet him, you'll know he's good."

Meryl: "Oh, yeah? Then can we meet him for a talk?"

Hunter Von: "Well, I don't know how to contact him. *Whine* He must be somewhere in there, though... if he's not outside."

Meryl: "I see. But so far nothing good came out of Anton, Bakal, and everyone else who was called an Apostle. Before we meet and talk to him, we'd better prepare in case things don't go as we planned. Adventurer, could you go bring me the components of those machines that stalk the Castle of the Dead?"
Objectives Collect strange-looking components from the Inverted Watchtower.
Upon Completion Meryl: "I see. Its structure is different from any machine made in Empyrean. Whoever made it has a system of his own. And he has incredible skills. I hope he is a good Apostle."
  • Expicon.png 5,389,332 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold
Dungeon Map

Homunculus Becky

Level 85
Quest Giver Dana Donatel
Briefing Dana Donatel: "Meryl, we've received strange electromagnetic signals from the Castle of the Dead--oh, who's this?"

Meryl: "This youngster is an adventurer from Arad. Jackter couldn't stop talking about his heroic exploits during the wars with the Kartels and Anton."

Dana Donatel: "Oh, then you're the same person that my guild master told me about."

<Player>: "...?"

Dana Donatel: "My name is Dana Donatel. I'm from Arad."

Hunter Von: "She's the deputy master of the Adventurer Guild at which Meryl and I are members."

Dana Donatel: "I think you know our leader, Karakas, right? He told me a little bit about you. I didn't know I'd see you here."

Meryl: "We can introduce ourselves later. What did you say about electromagnetic signals? Give it to me. Hm... It seems this strange pattern is not of electromagnetic signals, but of the thing called mana. Can it be a message? Let's see... This, being a new pattern, took longer than I thought to translate, but here goes. 'I'm homunculus Becky. Stop interfering with Luke. Come again, and I'll shoot you far away!' What a cute threat! Hah hah."

Hunter Von: "A homunculus is an artificial creature created by magic. Wow, this castle even has homunculi."

Meryl: "This one called Becky must be the gatekeeper of the Castle. This confirms that the Apostle called Luke really is in there."

Hunter Von: "Do you think if we talk to this homunculus, it will let the Adventurer meet Luke? We have no reason to fight him."

Meryl: "I don't know. Adventurer, can you try? But unless this homunculus is stupid, it wouldn't let its guard down easily."
Objectives Find Becky in the Inverted Watchtower and explain the situation.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the boss room:

<Player>: "...!"

Becky: "Ah, how did you dodge that? Ah! Sh-sheesh, you're lucky I went easy on you!"

<Player>: "I'm--"

Becky: "I'm not going to listen to intruders! Becky punishes intruders. Everyone, attack!"

Upon defeating the boss:

Becky: "Old man, I fought as best as I could..."
Upon Completion Becky: "A-are you going to kill me? Are you going to send me back to Elting Memorial?"
  • Expicon.png 5,389,332 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold
Dungeon Map

Optics Research Center

Level 85
Quest Giver Azalea
Dungeon Luke Rinje
Briefing Azalea: "Adventurer, you're here."

Becky: "Ah? Who are you? Are you also here to pick a fight with Luke?"

Azalea: "My name is Azalea. I'd like to cooperate with the Apostles for the peace of Arad. I came to see your master."

Becky: "Sheesh, I'm not stupid enough to tell you where he is."

<Player>: "..."

Becky: "Why are you staring at me?"

Azalea: "We know Luke is in this castle. We'll meet him one way or another, and we don't want to cause you trouble for being loyal to your master. But there's [something] I'd like to ask you. Did Luke ask you to protect this castle against intruders?"

Becky: "Huh? Erm, wh-what are you talking about? Intruders must be brought down, of course. They can't just barge in and expect us to throw them a welcome party. Parties are fun, sure, but erm, I'm not throwing one for you!"

Azalea: "You mean, Luke didn't exactly tell you to defeat enemies, did he?"

Becky: "Huh? I just maintain the dimensional navigation system and look at the outside... but I'm going to fight because I can!"

Azalea: "I see. I'm not saying what you're doing is wrong. But you can't beat this adventurer. You should stay here until we meet Luke. Adventurer, there's something I want to check in the next sector. Could you come with me?"
Objectives Explore Luke Rinje with Azalea.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:
Azalea: "Adventurer, I haven't seen you since you returned from your trip beyond the dimension. How are you? I came as soon as I heard you went to the Castle of the Dead. Yes, we Grim Seekers are also part of the Castle of the Dead investigation group. Since Anton, Empyrean has become so wary of the Apostles that it welcomes anyone, even if they're not related to it, who wants to help [them] with [it]. In fact, it was us Grim Seekers who informed the Empyrean Princess of Luke and his castle. She didn't believe us, but after her people came to Zelva, she reluctantly agreed that there was something here. And Luke isn't the only one who's here. Perhaps you and I can find out what else is there. What do you say?"
Upon Completion Azalea: "Say, did you find out anything?"
  • Expicon.png 5,389,332 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes Azalea accompanies the player in room A1.

The Grim Seekers in Zelva

Level 85
Quest Giver Azalea
Briefing Azalea: "Sparkly, isn't it? This is Luke's optics research center. That gigantic speculum reflects and deflects light, making the Castle of the Dead disappear, like a mirage. It's the reason this castle is hardly visible even from Pandemonium. Even Apostle Hilder wouldn't have been able to come here easily. But the real purpose of this research center is something else, to absorb light from Empyrean. I think Luke is converting the light to fuel himself. I'll tell you why I think this way and what I want you to see in this place... when we go outside. Luke has ears everywhere in here."
Objectives Leave the Castle of the Dead and meet Azalea.
Upon Completion Azalea: "This is where we Grim Seekers are camping. Roy and Erica are helping us."

Roy: "Who is he? A potential member?"

Azalea: "He's the adventurer I told you about before."

Roy: "Hm... He doesn't look as smart as you said he was. But why do I care? He's not my responsibility."

Erica: "Roy, don't be so rude! You're embarrassing Azalea. Hello, Adventurer. I'm Erica. I haven't been a Grim Seeker for a long time, but I've heard many great things about you."

  • Expicon.png 355,966 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold

Investigating Luke Rinje

Level 85
Quest Giver Azalea
Dungeon Luke Rinje
Briefing Azalea: "Roy told me the function of the place we went together. He can tell the structures of places without being there."

Roy: "Well, technically, I presumed the structure, but most times, my presumption is just as good as the actual measurement. *Preen*"

Erica: "Aww, you're practically oozing arrogance from each and every one of your pores."

Azalea: "But what concerns me is that that castle, aside from the light it's absorbed, also has dark energy. Most creatures you've seen radiate dark energy. So I had a theory in mind when I took you to the optics research center. Adventurer, didn't you notice something when you were there?"

Roy: "You have to be more elaborate than that, or people, unless they're geniuses like I, cannot understand you. Tsk, tsk. Hey, adventurer. Go take a look at the machines that roll about the research center. Seeing is believing. It's better you see them yourself."
Objectives Clear all the maps in Luke Rinje.
  • Cleared Map Counter: 0/8
Dungeon Dialogue Upon defeating the boss:
<Player>: (What's that?)
Upon Completion Azalea: "So you've noticed. Yes. I'm worried about the traces of dark energy left on Luke's creations. It could be of the Black Nightmare."
  • Expicon.png 5,389,332 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold
Dungeon Map

Obstacles in Luke Rinje

Level 85
Quest Giver Azalea
Dungeon Luke Rinje
Briefing Azalea: "Actually, not many people know about the Black Nightmare. In Arad, Empyrean, and even Pandemonium, the Black Nightmare has been hiding very well. When I came here and saw the Castle of the Dead, I was reminded of its ominous energy. Underlying Anton's evil energy and dimensional forces could be the Black Nightmare's dark energy that drove the residents of Mount Thunderime to bloody madness."

Erica: "Azalea, I also sensed something strange, but are you sure it's the Black Nightmare? But no one here has fallen asleep. You said the victims of the Black Nightmare fall into a deep sleep, and then wake up angry and destructive. But that hasn't happened to me or anyone else.

Azalea: "That's why I'm not sure if the Black Nightmare really has something to do with Luke. We have to figure it out while investigating this Castle of the Dead. Maybe Luke is also being victimized by the Black Nightmare. I don't know if the Black Nightmare can affect the Apostles, but even if it can't, we must find him as soon as possible. Adventurer, we need your help. I don't want to do this to Luke, but since he would [not] come out on his own, we'll have to cut our own path through his creations."
Objectives Defeat the monsters in Luke Rinje that get in your way.
  • Lukebot_Puncher: 0/20
  • Lukebot_Bubble Buffer: 0/20
Upon Completion Vaughn Walshuted: "Hey, you're working hard. It's a pleasant surprise to meet you here."
  • Expicon.png 5,389,332 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes Vaughn is found in the boss room.

The One Who Gathers Light

Level 85
Quest Giver Vaughn Walshuted
Dungeon Luke Rinje
Briefing Vaughn Walshuted: "I can't even tell what kind of place this is. Why would Luke make a place like this? And what are those chunks of metal with long, wavy beards? Aww, they look human. Creepily so. By the way, doesn't this place give you the heebie-jeebies? At first, I [attributed it] to Anton and Luke, but something tells me it's not them. What is it? Adventurer, do you have any idea?"

<Player>: "..."

Vaughn Walshuted: "You don't? Hmm... What the hell is it? Anyway, you're looking for a path to the next floor, aren't you? Want to bet on who finds it first? Hah hah. This is fun. It reminds me of our time together in the Sky Tower. Escorting the Princess is a pain in my neck, but for now, Cyrus and the Deputy Master can take care of her. Why does His Majesty keep dumping her on me?"
Objectives Find the path to the next level in Luke Rinje.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the boss room:

<Player>: "...!"

Vaughn Walshuted: "What was that flash of light? Was it from this?"

Giant Argos: "I'm Argos... I destroy Luke's enemies!"
Upon Completion Vaughn Walshuted: "Whew, did it stop? Phew, that was tough. Err, what's this? It came out of his belly."
  • Expicon.png 5,389,332 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes Vaughn accompanies the player in the boss room.

Strange Speculums

Level 85
Quest Giver Vaughn Walshuted
Briefing Vaughn Walshuted: "Hm, it looks interesting. Is it made with Luke's technology? There are Empyrean engineers on Zelva. Perhaps they can find out something useful from this. I'd better take it to them. Want to come with me? Who am I going to? You know that old scientist at the Adventurer Guild. Sir Jurgen said she's also an Empyrean and I can ask her anything I want. What was her name--Meryl? Ah, you've met her. I'm going to go to her. If you know her, then maybe you can come with me."
Objectives Go to Meryl with Vaughn.
Upon Completion Meryl: "Mm? You're an Imperial Knight. What brings you to this old scientist? You want me to check this. It's a speculum. Where did you get it? From the Castle of the Dead? Hm... Let me see. This isn't a simple speculum. It's designed to collect energy and spread it afar. What an amazing technology! The creature that carried this emitted a strong light and summoned darkness. But that darkness just could've been an absence of light."

Vaughn Walshuted: "The darkness was as powerful as light."

Meryl: "I see. But I can't tell you anything yet. I'll have to check this further."

Roy: "Meryl, how can you not know that?"
  • Expicon.png 213,579 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold

Troublesome Roy

Level 85
Quest Giver Roy
Briefing Roy: "The research center these guys visited uses speculums to collect light energy, but most machines in there are vulnerable to light. They'll break down if a strong light spreads inside the place. The one with a small speculum must be immune to light energy. I think it gathers light from the outside and uses it or converts it to a different type of energy whenever necessary. In other words, it's the backbone of the research center. It must be indispensable to Luke. He even made it capable of fighting. Sigh, it's a shame that I don't have time for physical labor. I'd love to go there and experience everything myself, instead of having you do it."

Vaughn Walshuted: "...Aha."

Meryl: "You twerp, where did you come from? Youngsters like you don't get to call me by my first name!"

Roy: "It's me, Meryl! Your beloved, respected friend, Roy! You didn't forget my face, did you? Of course not: who could forget such a handsome face? Look at my hands! People, when they see my cute pinkies, wink at me. There, that should jog your memory, no matter how long it has been."

Vaughn Walshuted: (Pinkies that make people wink? They sound as horrible as the Ghost Arm...)

Meryl: "..."
Objectives Return to the Grim Seekers camp before Meryl beats up Roy.
Upon Completion Roy: "Meryl hit me! She threw a pen at me! Meryl did! I can't believe she's turned into this violent woman!"

Vaughn Walshuted: (He's lucky she only threw a pen at him.)

Erica: "*Sigh...* Roy, did you irritate her again?"

Azalea: "Roy, are you okay? I understand you're frustrated, but so much time has passed that... ..."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Oh, hello. Miss Azalea Lott, right? Of the Grim Seekers, I mean."

Azalea: "Yes. I'm sorry I couldn't introduce myself earlier."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Not at all. I've been just as busy as you've been. In fact, I have to go report to my princess. See you later. Adventurer, take care."

Erica: "Isn't he the knight in the Empyrean-Empire Joint Investigation Group? Azalea, do you know him?"

Azalea: "Yes. I met him briefly when I contacted the Empire for help with the Apostles. But please don't tell him about the Tower of Despair."

Erica: "Got it."

Roy: "Drat! What in the world is going on? I wasn't in the Tower of Despair for a long time, but it was enough for Meryl to completely forget about me. I can't believe my impression on her was so insignificant."

Erica: "*Sigh* Roy is completely disappointed, but I'm not worried. Soon he'll forget and go back to his old loud self. Huh? Is he crazy? He is crazy, but not in the way you think. And Meryl and he probably knew each other a long time ago. In the Tower of Despair, time flows so slowly that you fall behind everyone else outside. It hasn't been long since I joined the Tower, but looking at Roy, I think... I don't want to end up like him."

Azalea: "Roy can be emotional sometimes, but he's a very important member to us. And right now, he's being more emotional than he usually is, having met someone he knew after a long time."
  • Expicon.png 213,579 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold
  • Lv. 85 Primary Armor Mastery Magic Sealed Top
  • Lv. 85 Primary Armor Mastery Magic Sealed Bottom

Metal Brakium

Level 85
Quest Giver Erica
Dungeon Metal Brakium
Briefing Erica: "By the way, Adventurer, did you find a path to the next floor in the Castle of the Dead? I saw you coming out of there with the Knight. You did, didn't you?"

Azalea: "Really? I knew I could rely on you, Adventurer! Adventurer, as I told you before, we left the Tower of Despair because this is an urgent situation. This world cannot exist without the Apostles. Now that Apostle Anton is defeated, there aren't many Apostles left alive. We couldn't help Sirocco, Lotus, Delezie, or Anton. They'd caused too much damage to be let [to] live. But we're hoping Luke is different. Pandemonium's greatest engineer, Luke is known for his abhorrence of physical confrontation. If we cooperate with him, maybe we can change the course of destiny and save the world from destruction. Please help us find him."
Objectives Enter the next area, Metal Brakium, to meet Luke.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the last room:
Dana Donatel: "Oh, I wondered who was coming, and it was you, Adventurer. *Chuckle* I knew you could make it."
Upon Completion Dana Donatel: "I heard what Meryl just said and learned a path to the next floor has been opened. I came in as soon as I could. This place is pretty dark."
  • Expicon.png 5,560,793 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,488 Gold
Dungeon Map

The Castle's Defense System

Level 85
Quest Giver Dana Donatel
Dungeon Metal Brakium
Briefing Dana Donatel: "If the two places we passed by are to observe and study things, this place looks like it's made for defense. I can tell by the heavy air and the devices hidden here and there. *Chuckle* But we adventurers become more excited, the more dangerous things are, don't we? Why did we come to Zelva? Isn't it obvious? Empyrean is a country above the skies. That alone is exciting, and yet there's the Castle of the Dead. We call ourselves the Adventurer Guild for a reason. We had to come even if it kills us. Yes. Others may be focused on the Apostle, but we're here to explore. That alone helps Empyrean. That's how we could come this far. Of course we're well aware of the terror and danger the Apostles pose. If fighting the Apostle is inevitable, we'll help as best as we can. We can't be adventurers if there's no world to explore. Does this answer your question? Then shall we go on an adventure together? *Chuckle* I'm going to have a lot of fun while I'm here, and Karakas will be so jealous of me!"
Objectives Explore Metal Brakium.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon defeating the boss:
White Steam: "...Peeekkk..."
Upon Completion White Steam: "Alert. Alert. White Steam destroyed. Requesting the activation of Metal Brakium Defense System Level 2..."
<Player>: "...?!"
  • Expicon.png 5,560,793 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,488 Gold
Dungeon Map

Destroy the Controller

Level 85
Quest Giver Azalea
Dungeon Metal Brakium
Briefing System: "White Steam down. Enemy infiltration confirmed. Activating Level 2 Defense System... Turning on all the systems..."
<Player>: (I must stop this defense system.)
Objectives Find and destroy the defense system controller in Metal Brakium.
  • Destroy the Defense System Controller: 0/3
  • Explore Metal Brakium: 0/1
Upon Completion Dana Donatel: "Oh, I thought we were on different paths, but we meet again. I heard the alarm. Do you know why? It sounded urgent. I thought about leaving, but then I saw this machine--robot, right?--trying to fix some strange device, so I stopped it. I didn't know why the alarm went off, but I had a feeling it had to do with you. Oh, I see. I'm glad I didn't mess things up. So what happened?"
  • Expicon.png 5,560,793 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,488 Gold
Dungeon Map

Gatekeeper Metal Gear

Level 85
Quest Giver Dana Donatel
Dungeon Metal Brakium
Briefing Dana Donatel: "I see. So Luke is getting more defensive. But if the Castle is automatically responding to intrusion, as you said Adventurer, why isn't Luke stepping in already?"

System: "Increasing Metal Brakium Defense System level... Level 3 issued. Activating the Metal Gear..."

Dana Donatel: "Oh, no. Wasn't it at Level 2? It's getting more dangerous. Maybe we should get out of here. Huh? We have to stop that system. What are you basing [that on]? Your instincts? If it's your instincts, I'll cooperate. To [us] adventurers, unexplainable, but sharp instincts are a gift. Since you're an experienced adventurer, I believe your instincts are as sharp as a blade. But I don't know much about machinery. I wouldn't know what to do even if we face the Metal Gear. Why don't you take the lead? I'll bring up the rear, so you can focus on stopping the system. *Chuckle* All right, I'll put my trust in you."
Objectives Find and destroy Metal Gear in Metal Brakium.
  • Metal Gear: 0/1
Dungeon Dialogue Upon encountering the boss:

Metal Gear: "Enemies sighted. Switching to elimination mode..."

Upon defeating the boss:

System: "Metal Gear system down. Metal Brakium defense system compromised. Requesting Iron Aim for help..."
Upon Completion Dana Donatel: "How did it go? I heard the booming voice again. That's not good. What if there are more traps? I think we should get out of here and observe the situation for now."
  • Expicon.png 5,560,793 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,488 Gold
Dungeon Map

Iron Aim's Terror

Level 85
Quest Giver Erica
Briefing Erica: "Ah, Adventurer. Is something happening inside the Castle of the Dead? Roy said strange waves are coming out of there. Iron Aim? Iron Aim is a giant steel dragon rumored to live in the Salamander's Furnace. I can't believe it really exists! Not many people of Pandemonium know where Luke is or what he makes, but everyone knows about the Salamander's Furnace, the lair of the giant dragon that keeps Luke's castle. *Shudder* Any topics related to dragons are considered taboo in Pandemonium. Everyone hates them because of the tyrant dragon Bakal. Anyway, that dragon awakens, we'll be in big trouble. It's created by Luke, which means he could be as strong as Bakal..."

Nevillo Jurgen: "Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't just pass by and pretend not to hear you. Did you just say Bakal?"
Objectives Go to Nevillo Jurgen and continue with the conversation.
Upon Completion Nevillo Jurgen: "Apostle Bakal is also hated by everyone in Empyrean. Are you saying a likeness of Bakal was created by Luke in the Castle of the Dead?"

Erica: "I wouldn't say it's his likeness, but... I don't know. I haven't seen it. But if the defense system is activated and awakens the dragon, it could come out of the castle and attack everything in its way."

Nevillo Jurgen: "I can't let that happen. An Imperial princess is here. I can't let anything bad happen to the princess of my ally."
  • Expicon.png 220,374 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,488 Gold

Salamander's Furnace

Level 85
Quest Giver Cyrus
Dungeon Salamander's Furnace
Briefing Cyrus: "I don't like what I just heard. Is my princess in danger?"

Nevillo Jurgen: "Ah, don't worry. I'll mobilize all of the Empyrean Royal Army, if I have to, to protect Her Highness."

Cyrus: "You should. Your country is only as safe as she [is]. You'd better make sure there is no potential threat."

Dana Donatel: "Then she needs to leave Zelva. I experienced the defense system myself, and it's pretty powerful. If you want to protect your princess, then you should get her as far away as you can from here."

Cyrus: "Or I can destroy that defense system. Take me to it."

Objectives Explore the Salamander's Furnace with Hound Cyrus. (This quest cannot be completed if you let Hound Cyrus die.)
  • Objective changes to "Tell Meryl about Iron Aim" after completing the dungeon.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Cyrus: "*Snort* I knew this place was beneath Her Highness."

Upon entering room D2:
Cyrus: "Something's near us."

Upon entering room D3:
Cyrus: "Is that Iron Aim? Looks bulky."

Upon defeating the boss:

Cyrus: "Urgh... Why won't it stop? I thought I damaged it enough! You want to go back? No way. I won't be humiliated in front of those Empyrean scumbags. ... Darn it! I'll get to the bottom of your trickery!"
Upon Completion Upon clearing the dungeon:

Cyrus: "Are you familiar with that artificial dragon? You want to go back and consult that scientist. I don't think we should... All right, let's do it."

Upon talking to Meryl:

Meryl: "A steel dragon? Are you sure you saw it correctly?"
  • Expicon.png 5,560,793 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,488 Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes Hound Cyrus accompanies the player in room A1.

In Search of Its Weaknesses

Level 85
Quest Giver Meryl
Dungeon Salamander's Furnace
Briefing Meryl: "Yeah? Hm, if its frame is so durable, then we'd better check Luke's other creations as well. He couldn't have made such a big thing without experimenting first. But you said that dragon is hot on your heels. That's going to interfere with your investigation."

Cyrus: "I'll stop the dragon."

Vaughn Walshuted: "We'll go with you."

Cyrus: "I can stop it on my own."

Vaughn Walshuted: "I'm not doubting that, but we're fighting an Apostle. We can't be too careful."

Isabella: "Go with them, Cyrus. It's better that more people witness the progress of things before we meet Luke."

Cyrus: "...All right, Your Highness, if you say so."

Nevillo Jurgen: "I'm ashamed. The Empyrean Army should join you, too..."

Meryl: "But it can't."

Nevillo Jurgen: "No it can't, but I still don't feel right about not joining you."

Meryl: "We do need all the help we can get."

Nevillo Jurgen: "You do. I promise soon the Empyrean Army will be able to do its bit. Adventurer, please keep up the good work until our army arrives."
Objectives To find Iron Aim's weaknesses, find different machines in the Salamander's Furnace and collect their parts.
  • Objective changes to "Meet Meryl" after clearing the dungeon.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering room B2:

Cyrus: "Are you still wandering about this place?"

Upon defeating all enemies in room B2:
Cyrus: "Go, before that chunk of metal comes."

Upon entering room D1:
Vaughn Walshuted: "Hey, how are you doing with the investigation? Don't rush yourself."

Upon talking to Vaughn Walshuted:
Vaughn Walshuted: "What kind of Apostle is this Luke? Being in this castle puts me on edge every time. I can't wait to get done with it."

Hartz: "I'm worried he might blow up this whole island, and we might not have enough time to evacuate the Princess."

Vaughn Walshuted: "I tried to tell her that, but she wouldn't have any of it. She thinks we're being overprotective. She won't leave unless we can prove Luke can destroy this island at any time. Geez, why did His Majesty let her come here? She should've stayed in Ghent with the other princess, strolling around the garden and admiring the flowers. Sigh..."

Upon talking to Hartz:
Hartz: "By the way, Master, why did you volunteer to help Cyrus? I thought you wanted nothing to do with her."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Are you asking if I have some reason other than to keep the Apostle in check? Yes. If Cyrus gets hurt or dies, I'll have to escort Her Highness myself, and I don't want that. Don't let Her Highness know, though."

Hartz: "Why are you afraid of Her Highness so much? She's polite and dignified. She said she's sorry that she came here only to burden us."

Vaughn Walshuted: "WHAT? Why haven't I heard that? All she said to me was, 'Thank you for taking care of me. Ho ho!'"

Hartz: "I see..."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Why? What is she doing differently with everyone else in the Knights that makes them adore her? What is it?!"
Upon Completion Upon clearing the dungeon:

Cyrus: "Did you finish your investigation? I haven't seen the steel dragon. It came after me as soon as I entered before. Where is it hiding? I can hear the creepy mechanical sound it makes, but I can't locate it. I wonder if Luke is hiding it... *Snort* Don't worry about him, and go back to that old woman. I doubt that Empyrean technician will be helpful, though."

Upon talking to Meryl:
Woon: "Excuse me, Doctor Pioneer. I've brought a package from Commander Eagle Eye."

Meryl: "Ah, your timing is impeccable. Jakter gets things done as quickly as I remember. Hey, kid, tell Jakter that I asked when he would come by as he promised. I'm busy. You can go now. Ah, Adventurer. Good job. Did you find out anything? I've found out something: the Metal Gear can only fight enemies inside the castle while Iron Aim is capable of shooting down enemies on the outside. Also, Iron Aim has more claws, aside from those you've seen, which act as its arsenal. Be careful."
  • Expicon.png 5,560,793 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,488 Gold
Dungeon Map

Iron Aim's Structure

Level 85
Quest Giver Meryl
Briefing Meryl: "Ah, did you get some parts? Then let me check them along with the thing that the kid brought to me... Yes. This is terranite. You know what it is. Good, then I don't have to explain. It's a mineral originated from Pandemonium. Empyrean Headquarters had it in small quantities, so I asked it to bring it to me. There was something I wanted to check with it. That dragon is created by the Apostle of Pandemonium. There has to be common denominators between it and this mineral. Hm... This reaction... Then that dragon also must--why is that twerp back?"

Roy: "Meryl! Don't you really remember me? I understand you're losing brain cells every day, but you have to have thought about the time you spent with me at least once a day. Unless you're senile, you can't forget such repetitive experience--"

Meryl: "You little numbskull! Stop using that tone of voice with me. I'm thrice as old than you! Where did this dunce come from, anyway? I'm going to throw you into the sea and watch you get stuck between Anton's teeth!"

Roy: "You would drown my genius in the sea? How could you be so mean? What happened to you? When did you become this crazy hag? Wah! You're trying to burn me with your cigarette butt! You're crazier than I thought. Go away!"

Hunter Von: "*Yip* It took all my energy to separate them last time. What do I do, Adventurer?!"

Hunter Von: "You never miss out on a chance to preach, do you? *Whine*"

Meryl: "Whew. Anyway, terranite is strong, but not as strong as you said. The dragon must have some special energy running along its surface, and that energy must deflect enemy attacks."

Roy: "...So if you want to destroy Iron Aim, find the device that feeds the energy to the dragon and destroy it! Hah! I said it first!"

Meryl: "*Sigh* Who's the guardian of this twerp? Adventurer, to get past Iron Aim, you must eliminate the device that supplies it with the energy. Have I seen it? No. You could've seen it, but not recognized it. Luke is not stupid. He has to have hidden his defense system's weaknesses. Some of the enemies you ignored must have been modified. Find and get rid of them. You can't remember. Then destroy everything you see. If you can't single them out, you'll just have to get rid of everything and hope they're among them. And stop asking me for help like a baby."
Objectives Destroy all the Bigfoot Types in the Salamander's Furnace.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the boss room:
Vaughn Walshuted: "Did you find some clues? Good. I'm getting tired of playing hide-and-seek with that mechanical dragon. Let's get this over with."
Upon Completion Vaughn Walshuted: "Heh. A special energy turned into a dreadful dragon? That sounds interesting."
  • Expicon.png 5,560,793 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,488 Gold
Dungeon Map

Destroy Iron Aim

Level 85
Quest Giver Vaughn Walshuted
Briefing Vaughn Walshuted: "But it's been quiet. When Iron Aim moved about, I couldn't hear anything else over its footfalls and buzzing sound, but it became quiet some time ago. Huh? An arsenal? Well, I don't know. Does that mechanical dragon have an arsenal like humans? That's interesting. Oh, right, we don't have time for this. I've heard a voice that reverberated through the entire castle. Aside from intercepting enemy missiles, we can also go outside the castle and attack the enemy from there. We'd better get rid of it before it reaches Zelva."
Objectives Destroy Iron Aim in Salamander's Furnace.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon defeating the enemies in room C1:

System: "Activating Defense System Level 4... Switching to external tracking mode... Iron Aim is ready to make a sortie."

Vaughn Walshuted: "That's it. We must stop it before it goes outside. We can beat it this time, right?"

Upon entering the boss room:
Vaughn: "Cyrus? Oh no, is this the dragon's armory? Bah, things are getting more complicated. But this might be the only chance we have to stop it. Let's go!"

Upon defeating the boss:
System: "Iron Aim cannot function properly. Iron Aim cannot function properly."

Vaughn: "You're okay?"

Hound Cyrus: "Urgh... Yes. I'm ashamed, though."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Don't be. It was all but invincible until a moment ago."

<Player>: "..."

Vaughn Walshuted: "I'd better take my knights out of here. We've been here for too long. What's wrong? Let's go."
Upon Completion Isabella: "Cyrus! Are you okay? Are you hurt badly?"

Cyrus: "No, don't worry."

Vaughn Walshuted: "We took care of Iron Aim. We fought it for a long time, but Luke didn't show up. I wonder where he is."

Hartz: "Speaking of Luke, that woman named Azalea and the girl named Erica entered the castle to meet him. They looked as if they weren't afraid of Iron Aim. I wonder if they had a guide."

Isabella: "A guide? Do you think Luke let them in?"

Hartz: "I followed them, but Iron Aim was close by. I got distracted by it for a moment, and they were gone. I couldn't follow them any further because I had a mission to perform."

Nevillo Jurgen: "They're acting on their own. Of course, each party is entitled to its own investigation, but still they should've at least told us beforehand."

Vaughn Walshuted: "But now that we defeated Iron Aim, we can move on to the next floor as well. We don't have to be here anymore. Let's go."
  • Expicon.png 5,560,793 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,488 Gold
  • Lv. 85 Primary Armor Mastery Magic Sealed Head/Shoulder
  • Lv. 85 Primary Armor Mastery Magic Sealed Belt
  • Lv. 85 Primary Armor Mastery Magic Sealed Shoes
Dungeon Map
Notes Vaughn Walshuted accompanies the player in room A2.

A Place Filled with Light

Level 85
Quest Giver Nevillo Jurgen
Dungeon Banquet Hall of Light
Briefing Nevillo Jurgen: ""
Objectives Explore the Banquet Hall of Light.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Vaughn Walshuted: "This place is unique. It's glittering all over. We've passed the Optics Research Center that gather light, but this place looks much more...refined. I wonder if the Grim Seeker ladies are here. I really hope they'll stay out of things."

<Player>: "..."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Hm, Adventurer, what's wrong? You look as if you really want to say something to me. My life hasn't been much, but if anything, I'm a good listener. If you want to talk, I'm here. I can give you advice on life, adventurers, girls, girls... Ah, I miss my Emily! Anyway, stop staring at me and talk to me. You're frustrating me."

Upon defeating the boss:
Vaughn Walshuted: "I think someone else passed by here..."

<Player>: "...Vilmark."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Mm?"

<Player>: "Vilmark's Metastasis experimentation. Why?"

Vaughn Walshuted: "...How do you know about that? It's a shame, but I was ordered to participate in it. I can barely remember what went on, though. Why don't we focus on Luke for now? I talked about this with the Deputy Master before, but this castle is filled with some evil energy. At first, I brushed it off as the Apostle's, but..."

<Player>: "...!"

Erica: "It's the Black Nightmer's. Luke... Why...?"
Upon Completion Vaughn Walshuted: ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

Foggy Zelva

Level 85
Quest Giver Erica
Briefing Erica: "We must get out of here. That clown, having failed to scare away us hecklers from Empyrean's Zelva with Iron Aim, has released the Black Nightmare this time. By now, Zelva must be..." Vaughn Walshuted: "Let's get out of here first."
Objectives Leave the Castle of the Dead and head for the Joint Investigation Group's Temporary Barracks.
Upon Completion Vaughn Walshuted: "Your Highness! Are you okay?"

Isabella: "Mm... Mm? Oh, Sir Walshuted... What's wrong? Why do you look so surprised?"

Vaughn Walshuted: "This place is covered with dark fog. Are you feeling okay?"

Isabella: "Huh? Now that you mentioned it...it looks dark...and... *Yawn* I feel drowsy..."

Erica: "Oh, no... Let me go check on the others!"
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

Owner of the Banquet Hall of Light

Level 85
Quest Giver Erica
Briefing Erica: "The others are the same. Everyone's feeling drowsy, but so far none of us are experiencing a serious problem."

Dana Donatel: "Meryl says she's tired, but Von and I are fine at this moment."

Nevillo Jurgen: "I feel dizzy. I wonder if Luke has poisoned us."

Hartz: "It seems the ominous energy I felt in the Castle of the Dead has followed us all the way here. Darkness also must be part of Luke's power."

Vaughn Walshuted: "I see. Is he capable of both powers of light and darkness? Hey, what happens when someone's exposed to the Black Nightmare for a long time?"

Erica: "He would fall asleep, and then wake up a completely different person. He'd be angry at the world so much that he'd want to destroy everything. Because he's lost all his bright energy."

Dana Donatel: "Adventurer, do you know about the Black Nightmare? It spread in Mount Thunderime as well. So it already caused damage to Arad. Did Apostle Luke really spread this terrible thing?"

Nevillo Jurgen: "If this energy is capable of traveling through dimensions, then it can definitely affect everywhere around this castle, including Empyrean."

Hunter Von: "The Black Nightmare? *Whine* Even its name is scary..."

<Player>: (This is definitely similar to the Black Nightmare, but I don't think it's the same...)

Isabella: "All Apostles are harmful without exception."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Your Highness, you must leave Zelva with Sir Jurgen. This place is too dangerous."

Isabella: "No./ I'm the leader of the Imperial members of the Joint Investigation Group. I came here, knowing the risks. I'm not going to run in the face of the enemy."

Nevillo Jurgen: "As the leader of the Empyrean members, I also refuse to run away from this threat of the evil Apostle."

Vaughn Walshuted: "My head hurts. Adventurer, help. To address this situation, we must search the Castle of the Dead for Luke. And Erica, you should stay here."

Erica: "Okay, I'm sorry. I just have too many things to think about."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Adventurer, let's go to the Castle of the Dead. I want to find the clown that the Grim Seekers met first."
Objectives Find the clown in the Banquet Hall of Light.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Vaughn Walshuted: "Things are getting bad. Let's go."

Upon finding the boss:
Vaughn Walshuted: "The Clown... He's got to be it."

Gold Clown: "We've got company! How'd you like to play with me?"

Azalea: "Everyone...please...be careful..."

Upon defeating the boss:
Gold Clown: "You're amazing! But so is Gold Clown! Well, better luck next time!"

Vaughn Walshuted: "Is this one fake? A clown controlling another clown. Is that it?"

Azalea: "*Cough* Yes... It's a fake that Gold Clown created to confuse you."
Upon Completion Vaughn Walshuted: "Darn it! We don't have enough time as it is!"
Azalea: "..."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

The Gold Clown's Accomplice

Level 85
Quest Giver Vaughn Walshuted
Dungeon Banquet Hall of Light
Briefing Vaughn Walshuted: ""
Objectives Find and defeat the helper of Gold Clown in the Banquet Hall of Light.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon finding the boss:
Azalea: "He's helping the Gold Clown."
Upon Completion Azalea: ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold
Notes Azalea Lott accompanies the player in the first room.

Sender of Light Energy

Level 85
Quest Giver Azalea
Dungeon Banquet Hall of Light
Briefing Azalea: ""
Objectives Find and defeat the being in the Banquet Hall of Light who sends light energy to Gold Clown.
  • Lamper: 0/25
  • Lukebot Keeper: 0/15
  • Light Archer: 0/1
Upon Completion Azalea: ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold
Notes Azalea Lott accompanies the player in the first room.

Collapsing Banquet Hall of Light

Level 85
Quest Giver Azalea
Dungeon Banquet Hall of Light
Briefing Azalea: ""
Objectives Defeat the Gold Clown in the Banquet Hall of Light.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Vaughn Walshuted: "The ominous energy is growing weaker. Adventurer, did you do something about it? ...*Snort* Vilmark, huh? I haven't heard that in a long time. Yeah, it was exciting..."

Upon entering room D3:
Vaughn Walshuted: "Your coming here means the Gold Clown is just ahead of me. Hah hah, good! I haven't had fun fighting for a long time!"

Upon finding the boss:
Gold Clown: "Tuturuturu, tuturuturu! My name is Gold Clown. I've been created by Luke. How do you like the way I look?"

Vaughn Walshuted: "This face is getting old. Where's Luke?"

Gold Clown: "Hah hah. You think you've weakened me, but I've served Luke since Heblon. Are you sure you can beat me?"

Upon defeating the boss:

Gold Clown: "Err... Ah... My body... Luke upgraded it for me... King of Hebulon, please recover your light!"
Upon Completion Azalea: ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

Level 85 magic accessories.

Notes Vaughn Walshuted accompanies the player in room D3.


Level 85
Quest Giver Isabella
Briefing Isabella: ""
Objectives Talk to Azalea.
Upon Completion Azalea: ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

The Grim Seekers' Persuasion

Level 85
Quest Giver Azalea Lott
Briefing Azalea: ""
Objectives Go to Nevillo Jurgen in the Joint Investigation Group.
Upon Completion Nevillo Jurgen: ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

The Joint Investigation Group's Persuasion

Level 85
Quest Giver Nevillo Jurgen
Briefing Nevillo Jurgen: ""
Objectives Go to Dana Donatel in the Adventurer's Guild.
Upon Completion Dana Donatel: ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

The Adventurer Guild's Persuasion and Selection

Level 85
Quest Giver Dana Donatel
Briefing Dana Donatel: ""
Objectives Talk to Dana Donatel and join a faction.
Upon Completion Dana Donatel: "Adventurer, have you made up your mind?"


  • Join the Joint Investigation Group.
  • Join the Adventurers Guild.
  • Join the Grim Seekers.
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold
  • Quest line changes depending on group decision.

Vibration that Shakes the Castle

Level 85
Quest Giver Roy
Dungeon King's Archive
Briefing Roy: ""
Objectives Explore the King's Archive.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the boss room:
<Player>: "...! Is that...?"
Upon Completion Roy: ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

Path to the Giant

Level 85
Quest Giver Meryl
Dungeon King's Archive
Briefing Meryl: ""
Objectives Clear all rooms in King's Archive.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Dana Donatel: "Let's find a way to get to the giant you saw, Adventurer."

Vaughn Walshuted: "I want to see if it relies on an external energy source."

Azalea: "At least now we know Luke is here. I hope he'll listen to us."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Let's split up and investigate this place separately. I'm sure each of us can take care of ourselves."
Upon Completion : ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

Robot Investigation

Level 85
Quest Giver none
Dungeon King's Archive
Briefing <Player>: (What's this? Did Luke save his data on robots? But this is all I can find on this robot. I'd better check the others.)
Objectives Search the King's Archive for robots that still might contain Luke's data.
Upon Completion Fabrum Manus: ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

Luke's Data

Level 85
Quest Giver Vaughn Walshuted
Dungeon King's Archive
Briefing Vaughn Walshuted: ""
Objectives Search the King's Archive for Luke's data.
  • Changes to "Talk to Meryl" after completing the dungeon.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering room D3:
Dana Donatel: "Oh, I wondered who it was, and it was you, Adventurer. Did you find a way? I see. I don't know much about machines, but I was hoping I could find something useful from these books. Unfortunately, I can't read most of them. Is this a Pandemonium language? I hope I can at least find the map of this place..."
Upon Completion Upon completing the dungeon:

Vaughn Walshuted: ""

Upon talking to Meryl:

Meryl: "What's this? The data of Luke's robots. Okay. I doubt I could find information about Luke, but there has to be at least a map or two. Give me a moment."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

Quatro Manus

Level 85
Quest Giver Meryl
Dungeon King's Archive
Briefing Meryl: ""
Objectives Defeat the giant robot that tries to come over to Zelva from the King's Archive.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

<Player>: (This is...)

Upon entering room...:
<Player>: "...!?"

Dana Donatel: "Adventurer?"

Azalea: "Leave this place to us, and go that giant!"

Upon entering the boss room:
<Player>: (Pandemonium...) "...!?"

Quatro Manus: "Eliminate...enemies..."
Upon Completion Vaughn Walshuted: "."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

Report the Subjugation of the Giant

Level 85
Quest Giver Vaughn Walshuted
Briefing Vaughn Walshuted:
Objectives Report to Meryl on what you experienced in the King's Archive.
Upon Completion Meryl: ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold

Apostle Luke's Threat Continues

Level 85
Quest Giver Meryl
Briefing Meryl:
Objectives Talk to Hunter Von.
Upon Completion Hunter Von: ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,632 Gold