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Ancient Boar

From DFO World Wiki
Revision as of 10:37, 20 April 2015 by Mikaya (talk | contribs) (Details)
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Calls an ancient wild boar that pushes and stuns enemies.


  • Command Input: Leftkey.pngRightkey.pngRightkey.pngZ.png
  • Level Requirement: 15
  • Skill Level Interval: Every 2 levels
  • Prerequisite: None
  • SP Cost: 15
  • Casting Time: Instant
  • Cooldown: 9.9 seconds
  • Stun Probablity: 100%
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 seconds
  • The Elven Knight uses a spirit of a Boar to dash attack enemies, stunning them on impact.
  • The dash distance can be adjust by holding down the Leftkey.png or Rightkey.png, depending on where the Elven Knight is facing.
  • Can be upgraded with Ancient Boar Upgrade, increasing Stun Level.

Skill Growth

Lv Level Req Stun Level Ancient Boar Attack Strength
1 15 Lv16 1211%
2 17 Lv18 1334%
3 19 Lv20 1457%
4 21 Lv22 1580%
5 23 Lv24 1703%
6 25 Lv26 1825%
7 27 Lv28 1948%
8 29 Lv30 2071%
9 31 Lv32 2194%
10 33 Lv34 2317%
11 35 Lv36 2440%
12 37 Lv38 2563%
13 39 Lv40 2686%
14 41 Lv42 2809%
15 43 Lv44 2931%
16 45 Lv46 3054%
17 47 Lv48 3177%
18 49 Lv50 3300%
19 51 Lv52 3423%
20 53 Lv54 3546%
21 55 Lv56 3669%
22 57 Lv58 3792%
23 59 Lv60 3915%
24 61 Lv62 4038%
25 63 Lv64 4160%
26 65 Lv66 4283%
27 67 Lv68 4406%
28 69 Lv70 4529%
29 71 Lv72 4652%
30 73 Lv74 4775%
31 75 Lv76 4898%
32 77 Lv78 5021%
33 79 Lv80 5144%
34 81 Lv82 5266%
35 83 Lv84 5389%
36 85 Lv86 5512%
37 87 Lv88 5635%
38 89 Lv90 5758%
