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Empyrean Revolt 2

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Etten's Commander Petra Noiman

Level 90
Quest Giver Brigadier General Navarre
Prerequisite Hidden Quest Icon.png Noblesky
Objectives None
Upon Completion

Etten's Commander Petra Noiman was one of the priests who moved to the Army to avoid Nevillo Jurgen and his plot to weaken the Church. Petra had no prior connections to the Army, but she quickly rose to her current position because of her archpriestess title, a few lucky incidents, and her aunt, who was a decent general. Jakter, a soldier through and through, wasn't happy with this unprecedented promotion, but couldn't reject it. So, Petra received her certificate of appointment from the Princess and became the commander of the Etten Industrial Area.

Petra: Did you locate the Noblesky?

Navarre: Reports say it's somewhere around here.

After Anton was eliminated, her main duty as Etten's commander was to rebuild its destroyed infrastructure. Petra didn't know much about the Army, but she wasn't dumb. She did what she could as an inexperienced commander, and Navarre didn't think too badly of her. She was in the process of finding benefits of being in Etten, which was far away from Ghent, when the news arrived that a revolution broke out in the capital city and the Princess was deposed. Petra didn't mobilize her forces for the Princess. Instead, she tightened security around the transmission tower that sent electricity to Ghent and kept her ear to the ground.

Navarre: As I told you before, there is no reason for us to worry about the transmission tower being attacked. The level of security we have now is sufficient.

Petra took a sip of her hot tea. It was fine tea rarely found even on the Capital Island. If it weren't for Nevillo Jurgen, she would've never had to wear such a tasteless uniform...

Petra: Well, continue guarding it and keep an eye out. You can't be sure nothing's going to happen to it. God doesn't help those who don't help themselves.

Navarre: ...Are you worried that whoever stole the Noblesky might attack? If you're that concerned, we can always go capture it.

Petra: We can't afford to chase around a bunch of pirates. Besides, it's obvious that they're heading for the Lawless District. I'm sure the people there will take care of them.

Navarre: ...Rumor has it that the Princess is onboard.

According to the newspapers published by the Nobility, Ghent had been quiet except for a couple of uproars by angry mobs. The general populace was just unhappy about the Princess having gone on a pleasure trip. No one believed in the rumor that a revolution broke out and the Princess was deposed. The rumor itself was controlled so well that only a few of them heard it, anyway.

Petra: Where do you keep hearing these rumors? Even if it's true, what can we do about it? The only thing we can do is protect the Power Station and pray that someone will take care of the rebel army.

Navarre: (You came up with all kind of contingency plans when the revolution broke out. Don't you think I know you're keeping an eye on the Noblesky?)

Navarre's gaze at Petra grew colder.

Petra: Is that all? Then, you're dismissed.

Navarre: I have a question: what are you going to do now?

Petra: What do you mean?

Navarre: We're running out of food.

Etten's food self-sufficiency is poor at the moment. It didn't have enough reserves either, so it had to rely on the food supplies from the Capital Island. Recently, the amount of food coming from the Capital Island started decreasing. The Nobility in Ghent was in charge of the food being sent to Etten. Having no electricity was inconvenient, but having no food to eat was a matter of life and death. Ghent had figured out Petra's intention.

Petra: They'll send our food soon. Don't worry. And I've asked our team to create an agricultural development team. The engineers will come up with some solutions. And since you asked about our future plans, Etten will no longer be the workshop that produced electricity and other supplies for the Capital Island.

Navarre: What do you mean?

Petra: There are two pillars of Empyrean: the Capital Island and Etten. So far, Etten didn't receive the treatment it deserves, but now that I'm here, that'll change. I'm going to make it an equal partner to the Capital Island.

This time Navarre couldn't think of anything to say. While the Capital Island was the political and cultural center of the country, Etten was mostly an industrial area. It was important, but not as much as the Capital Island was.

Navarre: (Etten isn't openly looked down upon, but everyone knows it's not equal to the Capital Island. Is she going to instigate regional sentiments which the Capital Island hasn't noticed? She's already found a legitimate justification.)

It was a shame, Navarre thought. Given enough time, the Princess would've been able to get rid of such inequality among her people and lands. It was natural for those who survived war against formidable enemies to bond with each other. But she was deposed, and Etten, instead of trying to save her, is beginning a power struggle with the Capital Island. This was a waste. It wasn't going to improve the situation.

Navarre sighed in spite of himself.

Petra: Why are you sighing?

Navarre: The war is over, but the world is still in chaos.

Petra: War isn't a problem-it's a result. Unless the railroad tracks change, the train will always end up at the same destination.

Navarre: But the passenger can always get off and get on a different train.

Petra: They can.

Navarre's expression slid into a frown. Something told him that he shouldn't make rash judgments about Petra.

Navarre: (Wait, was she feeling me out when she talked about becoming the governor? She's not the naive priestess I thought she was. What is she up to?)

Navarre saluted and left the commander's office. As he walked through the hallway, he restructured his theory based on what Petra told him and her attitude.

He broke into a run.

  • Expicon.png 248,904 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 8,208 Gold
Notes {{
  • To access this quest, go to Slaugh Industrial Complex and talk to Navarre.

The Visitor

Level 90
Quest Giver Lucas Wane
Dungeon Upper Deck

Lucas: What's going to happen to us now? We can't drift like this forever. We'll have to find a place for Her Highness in the Lawless District, or take her down to Underworld.

Imperial Princess Garden: What did you just say?

Lucas, pathetically mumbling to himself with his mop standing next to him, almost jumped out of his skin when a member of the Princess Garden shrilled and glared at him.

Imperial Princess Garden: You're already feeling weak, soldier? Wait, are you even a soldier?

Lucas: I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm worried. We're not getting many support calls like we used to through Doctor Naen anymore. By now, the Rebel Army must have handled the public unrest and been working on establishing its legitimacy. I wouldn't be surprised if it produces a new emperor in ten days-

Imperial Princess Garden: What? I can't believe you said that! Are you plotting treason?

Lucas: What? No! I only wanted to say that we need to get a move on.

Imperial Princess Garden: There are things you can say, and things you shouldn't. I've heard you're from a noble family. Are you a mole?

Lucas: What? No! I almost got killed trying to save Her Highness, like everyone else here. How could you say that?

Imperial Princess Garden: Then, why do you keep saying things that raise suspicion?

Woon: What's going on?

Their voices were getting louder when Woon came on deck and intervened quietly.

Lucas: Colonel, it's-

Lucas tried to approach Woon, looking relieved to be saved, when a member of the Princess Garden pushed him aside and started laying into Woon.

Imperial Princess Garden: Colonel, what's your plan? You're the commander now. I understand you're wounded, but we can't wait forever for you to heal. Her Highness must be moved someplace safe.

Woon: She doesn't think this is the right time.

Imperial Princess Garden: The right time is when we decide it. The Lawless District is where the Commander-in-chief and you came from, right? Why don't we go there for help? Doctor Naen has been eavesdropping on radio communications. Etten hasn't made any statement, which means they're on the enemy's side now! We must go to the Lawless District. If the people there feel sorry about what they did, surely they would try their best to help us, right?

She was pouring out her frustration, and Woon was just listening quietly. Unable to watch anymore, Lucas flailed both arms.

Lucas: Wait. The Colonel looks exhausted. Why don't you talk to him later? I'm sure the Colonel knows what he's doing, and he doesn't need to be pushed like that right now.

That was a mistake. The member of the Princess's Garden started attacking Lucas, saying that they must hurry now before it was too late. After a while, Lucas surrendered.

Lucas: I'm sorry. From now on, I'll think twice before I speak.

Imperial Princess Garden: You'd better. I'm only stopping now because of the Colonel.

Lucas: Okay...

Lucas waited until she walked away to wipe away his sweat.

Lucas: ...Whew, she's way to anxious. We're just as worried as she is, but how can we talk when she snaps at everything we say? By the way, did you get some sleep last night? I'm sorry we don't have any more sleeping pills left. Let me know if you can't sleep. Maybe I could hit you on the back of the neck. It's something I read from some novel- Colonel?

Woon was staring at something. Lucas followed his gaze. There was nothing. After calling him several more times and not getting any answer, Lucas grabbed the Colonel by the shoulders and shook him.

Lucas: Colonel, what are you staring at? Why aren't you answering me?

Woon: Huh? Where am I?

Woon looked around and asked dazedly. Lucas released his grip on his boss's shoulders.

Lucas: Huh ...Colonel??

Instead of answering, Woon stared at Lucas and tilted his head this way and that. Why is he staring at me? Who is he, anyway? Am I acting strangely? Have I been caught? ...Caught doing what? By the way, where's Rebecca and Jay? Woon looked around for familiar faces again, and then realized he knew this man standing in front of him. But... who is he?

Woon: ...Ah. Second Lieutenant. What are the coordinates of this place... Where are we right now?

Lucas: Huh? The coordinates? Err, not sure. Let me go ask Doctor Naen.

After Lucas left, Woon staggered his way to the edge of his desk. He felt suffocated as if he was in the middle of a crowded market. He stared at the waves turning into white foam as they hit the hull, and then leaned over the rail. His legs, too weak to support this sudden postural change, wobbled.

Woon: Err.

Woon clutched the rail with both hands. *Crack* He heard one of his teeth crack. He was soaked in sweat by the time he straightened himself.

Lucas: Colonel, Colonel! An unidentified flying object is coming this way!

Woon saw Lucas running. His image was swaying like a mirage in the desert. Woon hurriedly pulled down his cap.

Objectives Go to see the visitor from the sky.
Dungeon Dialogue

Upon entering the Boss Room:

Luther: Hello. This might sound surprising, but we're not here to fight you. Hear me out, will you?

Tammy: Who are you? Just what are you up to?

Luther: We're a resistance army fighting for our freedom. Obviously, we don't like the Empire. I've got something to say to you, and it wouldn't hurt to hear it. Interested?

A brawny man and blond woman disembarked from the ship that suddenly appeared in the sky. They were clearly not civilians. Tammy and Lucas tensed.

Luther: I know you're protecting the Empyrean Princess. We have no intention to hurt her. In fact, we came to help. Like I said, we don't like the Empire, and we don't want it to take over Empyrean. We'll never have a chance at beating the Empire if it gets a hold of Empyrean's technology, though.

Woon: ...

Woon tried to focus on Captain Luther, but he couldn't because of the unpleasant noise. Having misunderstood his unresponsiveness as prudence, Captain Luther smiled happily.

Luther: Colonel Lyonir, right? We may be outsiders, but we know our way around here. There are two places that the Empyrean Princess can go to for help: the Lawless District and Etten. Etten is better, but the commander there is taking his sweet time. If he knows you have our support, he might change his mind. Wouldn't you agree? If you don't care to work with us, you can always go to the Lawless District. The choice is yours.

Woon: The choice...

Luther: The Saint Horn can fly. The only thing you've got is this giant chunk of iron, and she can move you from this sea to the sky. In return, we want the Princess to help us if she reclaims the throne. That is, we want her to be our secret patron. Personally, we think it'd be better if she cuts all ties with the Empire, but that'd be too selfish of us to ask.

Tammy: What do we do, Colonel?

Both Tammy and Lucas looked at Woon, who was speechless. It felt unfair that he had to be here, right at this very moment. He opened his mouth to say that he didn't know, and an uncontrollable cough exploded from his throat.

Woon: *Cough, cough! Cough, cough...*

Luther: Hey, are you all right? You don't look well at all. Hm, what's going on?

Imperial Princess Garden: Your Highness! Your Highness! No, please!

Everyone turned toward the sudden commotion. Lucas and Tammy, when they saw this newcommer, instantly stood at attention and saluted. Empyrean Princess Erje went to the coughing Woon, and then she spoke in a calm voice.

Erje: I've heard we're having guests, Colonel. Would you introduce me to them?

Luther: Oh, is this the Empyrean Princess? My name is Captain Luther, Your Highness. Deputy-commander-in-chief of the Resistance Army fighting Arad's Empire and the captain of the Saint Horn. This is my colleague and member of my crew, Rebecca. I'm sorry for coming with very little notice and about what happened to you. I came to offer you our support.

Upon Completion

Erje: ...I see. That's a welcome suggestion.

  • Expicon.png 248,904 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 8,208 Gold
Dungeon Map

Winds and Waves

Level 90
Quest Giver Imperial Princess Erje

Erje: I deeply sympathize with you in your desire to punish the Empire. Also the fact that we have a mutural friend is good enough for me to agree to this alliance. If I go back to the Palace, I promise I'll support your activities and consider resisting the Empire together. But for now, all I can give you is my words.

Luther: Your words are all we can ask for. This is a gamble that we're willing to play, anyway. Now, what are you planning, Your Highness? You can't go back to the Palace like this. You need an army.

Erje: "You're right. But it's difficult to even move since there's a possibility that other areas have been persuaded by the leaders of the Rebel Army as well.

Luther: If you need more guards, we can provide them. If worse comes to worst, we'll also help you escape. That'll be helpful, won't it? But there aren't many of us. There are only so many guards we can provide you with, and they're not enough to make up an army. I also regret to say that, depending on the situation, we may not be able to continue to support you.

Erje: I understand. You have your situation, and I have mine.

Luther: Thank you for your understanding. Then, as a sign of our alliance, I'll stay here and have the Saint Horn follow your ship.

Lucas: Err... Ah... No, you can't.

Erje: ...?

Beside Lucas himself, Tammy was the most surprised of all.

Tammy: Wh-what are you talking about? Why did you even intervene?

Lucas: Ack, I-I... I want to... Erm, those horns of yours... Are they accessories?

Luther: My horns? They're part of me. What are you trying to say?

Lucas: Th-they were real... I knew it. Your Highness, no. The evil Bakal in the old days used to have horns on his head. There were others like him, too. They were called Dragons or something. I've read about it from a book...

Luther: Young fellow, what are you getting at? Are you trying to say I'm your enemy?

Lucas: No. I'm trying to say it will be problematic for Her Highness to be seen with a man who resembles Bakal.

Luther stared at Lucas, looking unhappy. The Princess looked back and forth at them, her eyes wide open in surprise.

Rebecca: We came to help, and you want to quibble about everything. Beggars can't be choosers.

Rebecca hadn't looked happy since she set foot on the Noblesky. She definitely looked like an Empyrean, but she didn't seem nervous or try to be courteous in front of her princess.

Luther: Take it easy. They're only worried about Her Highness's situation, like you're worried about mine, Rebecca. Right?

Rebecca: I'm not worried about your situation, Captain. I just don't like that we just met and they already started nitpicking on us.

Luther: But governing a country is all about saving one's face. I understand soldier. You just don't want me to become the center of attention, right? Alright then, Miss Rebecca. You'll have to be our representative. You're from Empyrean, anyway, so it'll be easier for you to represent us.

Rebecca: Seriously, I told you I really didn't want to do this- *Sigh* Alright, I'll stay here and support them. If something happens, I'll contact you, alright? I'll expect your support to be prompt.

Luther: Yes. I'll be counting on you.

Luther's flexible attitude relieved Erje's anxiety. She was not going to reject someone who came to offer help, but now she felt that she could rely on these strangers to an extent.

Erje: Thank you for your understanding.

Luther: You're welcome. Then, Your Highness, I should go. If you need to talk to me, please let her know. We'll work with you, for the sake of our victory.

Objectives Go listen to Empyrean Princess Erje.
  • Meet Imperial Princess Erje: 0/1
Upon Completion

Erje: You look like you're an Empyrean. How did you end up in Underworld, with these people who fight the Empire?

Rebecca: Who I am is not important. What's important is that what you're going to do from now on, Your Highness. We want to help, but we can't be much help in the upcoming war. All we can do is to make a small change in the course of things, showing others that you have support.

Erje: That small change is what I've been waiting for-a turn of events. No matter how small it is, it's something I couldn't make happen on my own. I need to spark a counterattack. I can't do what I want to do on my own. I need many people to walk this thorny path with me, like Commander Jakter once told me. ...Colonel Lyonir, what's wrong? You look pale. If you don't feel well, you may go rest.

Having noticed that Woon hadn't moved at all, Erje examined his face. Woon quickly pulled down his cap to hide his face and said he was okay. Lucas just started to ask his question for Rebecca about the Dragons when Tammy stopped him and spoke to her in a careful-if not slightly stiff-manner.

Tammy: Rebecca, I'm sorry, but I have to check if you're armed. Would you follow me this way?

Rebecca: *Sigh* You guys are way too paranoid. Alright, I'll do as you say while I'm here.

After Rebecca left with Tammy, Princess Erje asked everyone to leave her and Woon alone. A fresh breeze blew, teasing Erje's long sleeves.

Erje: Colonel.

Woon: Yes, Your Highness.

Erje: The time we were waiting for has come. The wind started blowing. Now we have to turn this wind into a storm and send it Ghent's way.

Erje's voice was unusually strong. She didn't have complete faith in this mysterious group that fought the Empire, but having it and its airship on her side did make a difference in her confidence.

Erje: We didn't waste our time. A strong storm can even force a mountain to collapse. We've been waiting for the enemy to calm down. It's been tough and seemingly hopeless, but everyone has been patient. Now it's time we strike back. The only thing that upsets me now is that Etten is still just acting as an observer. The Noimans have produced many loyal archpriests, and now Petra is bringing disgrace on her family's name. It's a shame! Colonel, what do you think? Shouldn't we go to Wespeace HQ? I know a majority of its members miss Commander Jakter. They wouldn't just watch like the people in Etten. Besides, you're...

Woon was quietly listening to Erje talking about their future plans. No, actually he wasn't listening. He was just too tired. He didn't want to know about the Resistance, this group that showed out of nowhere. It didn't matter that it came with someone with the same name as a friend from some fading memories. Rebecca was not a unique name. He'd seen it in the list of the deceased hundreds of times before. His heart skipped a beat every time. But now... he didn't feel a thing. Why not? Because...

Woon: Everyone's dead, anyway.

Erje: Huh? What do you mean?

The Princess asked. Slowly Woon realized that he spoke his mind without thinking. Every last ounce of color drained from his already ghostly pale face. I've been caught. I should've acted normally until the end. I failed. I should've hidden it, but failed. Failed. What am I supposed to do when I fail?

Erje: Colonel!

Erje quickly stretched out her hand, but missed his uniform. Woon's eyes were fixed at the blue sea beyond the deck. The sounds of waves hitting the hul, mixed with the sounds of his heartbeats, shook his body. His vision was filled with nothing but the bright blue of the sea.

Rebecca: Woon! Woon Lyonir!

It wasn't the Princess's call or the shouts of his soldiers from afar that stopped him from moving. It was a strange female voice. He reflexively turned his gaze and saw a head of bright golden hair. Woon blinked. Suddenly he didn't feel as if he was looking at things through broken glass anymore.

Woon: Err? Rebecca...

Before he fell off the ship, someone grabbed his hand. It was Erje. And then others came, helping her pull him back over onto the deck.

  • Expicon.png 248,904 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 8,208 Gold

Beginning of a Long Day

Ghent's Coast Guard

Level 90
Quest Giver Imperial Princess Erje
Objectives Go listen to Zeldine Schneider.
  • Meet Zeldine: 0/1
Upon Completion

The Coasts Guards arrived at the scene in a hurry, only to see Zeldine and the other members of the Ghent Garrison standing in front of a food stall, eating. The passerby stared at them, wide-eyed.

Hulk: What is it? What happened?

Zeldine: I want to ask you: why did you come running like that?

Cohen: Hello. We were told a group of armed men were causing trouble in the middle of the market.

Zeldine: A group of armed men? As far as I can tell, we're the only ones here who are armed.

The brawny Ghent Garrison soldiers looked at the Coast Guards askew, chewing on their rice cake. Cohen waved his hands frantically. Hulk scratched his head angrily.

Hulk: No, no. We didn't come for you Garrison soldiers, of course not. We thought the thieves that have been spreading the ludicrous leaflets were here.

Zeldine: Well, if they were, we wouldn't be standing here snacking, would we?

Hulk: Right, right. It must have been a false report. Sorry we bothered you during your break time.

Hulk and Cohen returned empty-handed. Hiram sighed.

Hiram: I told you they weren't there.

Hulk: But what can we do? We can't just sit here and do nothing. I can't believe how uncooperative the Ghent Garrison is. Sometimes, I think it's even encouraging them.

After the Princess left Ghent, the so-called Vigilance Committee appeared everywhere in the capital city, causing trouble. It posted scandalous posters here and there. It demanded the return of Princess Erje and Jakter the Eagle Eye and the punishment of the insurgents. It didn't have many members, but all of them were so fast that the Coast Guard hadn't been able to catch them.

Hulk: I'm telling you, the Ghent Garrison is interfering with us. It's not just being uncooperative-I have a feeling it's connected to them.

Hiram: Leave it. It can't do anything, anyway.

Mue: They're agitating the citizens.

Mue was worried, but Hiram wasn't.

Hiram: That's not something we should be worried about. Public disorder is the Ghent Garrison's problem, and it actually gives us an excuse to blame Zeldine. As I told you several times before, this is not the right time for us to step in and show our true intentions. We're a tool, remember?

Hulk: Hearing that makes me angry every time.

Hiram: Can't help it. We have to be tools to avoid getting hurt.

Hiram patted the grumbling Hulk on the shoulder.

Hiram: Of course, hiding like this wouldn't exonerate us from the treason we committed. So while everyone else's eyes are on the Nobility, we have to come up with an idea to try bury everyone in the Lawless District.

Cohen: Just because they're in the Lawless District, not all of them are bad. Do we really have to do that?

Hiram: We let a couple of them go and they created Kartel. I told you. Thinking like you got my teacher stabbed in the back. Every one of us here got betrayed by the people we thought were our friends at one time or another.

Cohen: Yes... Sorry.

Hiram: So long as you get it. And remember. The Lawless District isn't our only enemy. So is the Nobility. It thinks we're disposable. You saw what it did to The Company after using it like its own private army.

Mue: It got rid of it because it was a threat. Now that the war with the Kartels is over and the Apostle is dead, the next target must be us.

Hulk: Jurgen said he trusted you, and then turned around and insisted the Army must be disbanded. Bah, can you believe him? He thinks he can build an army by using instant soldiers.

Their anger sparked, the other members also started complaining about what was on their minds. Just like Jakter after the reduction of armaments, Hiram was going through a tough time. The difference between them was that Jakter responded by building a policy, and Hiram built up his anger toward the Nobility, just like his men. Watching his admirable captain and comrades unite for the same cause, Cohen tightened his lips in worry.

  • Expicon.png 248,904 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 8,208 Gold

Marianne's Plan

Level 90
Quest Giver Imperial Princess Erje
Objectives Go listen to Hiram Klauf.
  • Meet Hiram: 0/1
Upon Completion

Hiram was summoned by Marianne Jurgen. He entered the meeting room where he was told she was waiting, and met with a scowling Marianne.

Hiram: It's a beautiful day today. What do you want to talk to me about?

Marianne: When are you going to do your job? We don't need you here to restore order.

His job was to go capture Erje. Hiram shrugged. Marianne glared at him. She quickly urged him again. He stared at her quietly. She was bold enough to depose the Princess, but right now she was anxious. The people's minds cracked as they went through one war after another. Morality and reason lost meaning in the face of hunger, pain, and hatred that were their reality. Marianne's revolution succeeded because it filled the void in people's minds. It gave them a target, namely the Princess and Jakter, to blame for their unhappiness and misery from social unrest and inequality. It was the same strategy that Marianne used. It was easy to instigate the people who lost more things than they could afford.

"Let's go back to the good old days."

It struck the chord with a lot of people. They agreed that the Princess was so weak that she couldn't stop the Kartels.

But not everything went as Marianne planned. She knew there would be obstacles, but she never thought her father, Nevillo Jurgen, would be one of them. He commanded the private soldiers of the Nobility that Marianne amassed to rebuild Ghent, and contacted and showed the Empire that it was he who made their alliance possible. It was also he who decided to use Ghent's food supply to Etten to prevent any threat of cutting off its electricity supply. He did all this before Marianne was told about them, and that drove her crazy. Her anger toward her father ate at her every day. She needed to do something to regain the upper hand.

Marianne: It's either the Princess or us. We must discard the old and create a new sky as soon as possible. The day she is executed is the day a new sky opens.

Hiram: There's someone else we need to take care of first.

Marianne: You mean Jakter the Eagle Eye? We can execute them together.

Hiram: That's too late. Why together? The Princess is being stubborn because she thinks she can make everything go back to what it used to if she can save him.

Marianne could see his point, but the fact that he talked back to her upset her. Soldiers are supposed to follow orders without question.

Marianne: You're a soldier-what do you know about politics? I'm keeping him alive because I've got a use for him. He will be taken care of, in due time. Just go bring the Princess to me.

Hiram looked like he still had things to say, but Marianne left the room. She wanted to throw the inkstone at that stupid man. He's only a soldier. How dare he talk back to a member of the Nobility, a high noble at that?! Marianne knew Hiram wasn't a useful pawn. She only wanted him because he was important to her father. If she knew he was such a pain in the neck, she'd never invested so much in him.

Father-Father! She couldn't suppress her anger whenever she thought of her father. She stole his right-hand man, Hiram, and thwarted his schemes, but that didn't seem to affect him at all. He even agreed to meet with the Princess's followers without telling her and listened to their tearful appeal for her. He didn't even try to hide that he did. He really must want to fight her-his own daughter!

Marianne: (*Snort* He may be my father, but if he doesn't act for the benefit of this country, I'll make him pay.)

Standing in front of the small meeting room inside the Palace, Marianne took a deep breath. Her eyes blazed with determination again.

Marianne: (You'll see. Things will not be going the way you want them to!)

Marianne opened the door carefully. A middle-aged woman was waiting inside the room.

Marianne: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Lady Wane.

  • Expicon.png 248,904 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 8,208 Gold

Isabella's Plan

Level 90
Quest Giver Imperial Princess Erje
Objectives Go listen to Imperial Princess Isabella.
  • Meet Isabella: 0/1
Upon Completion

Isabella: Argh, I'm so angry!

She finally entered her guest room in the Ghent Palace. The Imperial Princess, as soon as she entered her assigned room and closed the door, expressed her feelings honestly.

Cyrus: I can tell. Is this about that fool again?

Isabella: Yes. He's really good at making people angry.

The Princess kept complaining. Cyrus chimed in as best as she could. Isabella hadn't been in a good mood since she arrived in Ghent.

Cyrus: Your Highness, what is it? You've been upset since we got here. At first I thought you were upset about not being able to join the Pandemonium expedition team, but I don't think that's the only reason.

Isabella: Ah, can you tell? I can't hide anything from you, Cyrus. I can from others, though. It's... I'm upset about the fact that I made a misjudgment. At first I felt sorry that Erje was chased away like that. But I believed Sir Jurgen, that she was inexperienced and did something she shouldn't. But it doesn't make sense. Even if the emperor made a mistake, the nobility doesn't get to punish him, does it? I know Empyrean is not the Empire, but I'm still ashamed that I naively believed that its nobility wouldn't hurt Erje.

Cyrus: As you said yourself, Empyrean is not a well-developed country like the Empire. It doesn't have an emperor, either. You couldn't have thought of this earlier.

Isabella: Mm... You're right, but... *Sigh* Honestly, Empyrean is behind the Empire in many ways, and it may have to do with it being the only country on this side of the world. Even horses go out of control without a caretaker, right? If you're sympathizing with the Empyrean Princess, don't. If Sir Schuman finds out, you'll be in trouble.

After listening to Isabella's rather unclear explanation about her foul mood, Cyrus warned her, just in case. And that further irritated Isabella.

Isabella: This is what I'm talking about. I'm the Princess. Why should I be worried about that fat geezer? Gosh, what is Father thinking? Why did he send me all the way here?

Isabella looked out the window and sighed. Noticing the sadness that shaded the Princess's pretty face, Cyrus carefully worded what she'd been wanting to say.

Cyrus: This could be a test.

Isabella: A test?

Cyrus: His Majesty sent you here as his envoy, and then sent Sir Schuman without bringing you back. This is not how he usually does things. If he really wanted you to be under control of his successor...

Isabella: He's a duke.

Cyrus: And he's a Schuman.

Isabella: Hm...

The helpless expression on Isabella's face was replaced by an impish smile.

Isabella: You're right. There's no way Father would interfere with me. I feel like I want to play a prank on Sir Schuman. You'll help, Cyrus, won't you?

Cyrus: Don't go too hard on him, though. He looks like he has a bad heart.

Cyrus was really worried. But Isabella started walking around the room vigorously, thinking. She hadn't felt this good for a long time.

Isabella: Don't worry, Cyrus. I'm not going to do anything that'll get me in trouble with Father. I only want to show him what I can do. What should I do to make an impression? Ah, now that this happened, maybe I should turn Empyrean into a stable country. It's an ally of the great Empire, but it can't maintain its alliance with us if its ruler gets deposed all the time. Since Sir Walshuted is not here, so I can't mobilize the Iron Wolves that are waiting on Zelva. Father won't be happy if I use them. For now, I've only got my guards, but there are also the soldiers that came from Sir Walshuted. Yes, I think I can mobilize them. Alright, let's conquer Ghent!

Cyrus smiled at Isabella like a parent looking at her child being excited on Christmas morning, but inwardly she couldn't help but worry more so than she did when she had her demonic arm implanted in her.

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Jurgen and Jakter

The Empyrean Princess