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Revision as of 06:39, 7 July 2016 by Altair (talk | contribs) (File:Common Insignia.png Common)
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Insignia are type of accessory that are equipped in its own separate tab in the inventory.


  • All insignias have a level requirement of 50 and are untradeable.
  • An insignias can provide anywhere from negligible to moderate boosts to Strength, Intelligence, Vitality, Spirit, Weapon Physical/Magical Attack, and Independent Attack.
    • Always provides a boost to a combination of at least two of the aforementioned stats.
  • An insignia can hold up to four gems.
    • Once a gem is attached to an insignia, they cannot be retrieved.
    • Switching out a gem for another will cause the gems attached to permanently disappear.
  • Only one insignia may be equipped at a time.
  • Rarity can vary from common to legendary. Higher rarity insignias will provide stronger boosts.
  • Possible drop from bosses in the Guild Dungeon.
  • Legendary and Unique Insignia can be purchased from Courtier Regin, in return for Guild Contribution Certificate.png Guild Contribution Certificates.
  • Insignias of up to rare rarity can be found inside No Icon.png Guild Dungeon Bonus Boxes

List of Insignia

Common Insignia.png Common

Icon Name Lv Base Stats Other Options
Common Insignia.png Abraded Insignia 50 VIT +5
SPR +6
Common Insignia.png Cracked Insignia 50 INT +5
VIT +6
Common Insignia.png Faded Insignia 50 STR +5
INT +5
Common Insignia.png Old Insignia 50 STR +6
VIT +5
Common Insignia.png Worn Insignia 50 INT +6
SPR +5

Uncommon Insignia.png Uncommon

Name Effect Notes

Rare Insignia.png Rare

Name Effect Notes


Icon Name Lv Base Stats Other Options
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Awakening 50 P. Atk. +10
I. Atk. +15
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Beast 50 STR +24
VIT +22
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Blessing 50 M. Atk. +10
INT +24
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Combat 50 STR +23
INT +23
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Concentration 50 VIT +22
SPR +24
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Cooperation 50 STR +24
INT +24
VIT +28
SPR +28
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Patience 50 M. Atk. +10
I. Atk. +15
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Protection 50 P. Atk. +10
STR +24
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Punishment 50 I. Atk. +15
STR +24
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Quickness 50 INT +24
SPR +22
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Regeneration 50 STR +28
INT +28
VIT +24
SPR +24
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Slowness 50 INT +22
VIT +24
Unique Insignia.png Insignia of Spirit 50 I. Atk. +15
INT +24

Legendary Insignia.png Legendary

Name Effect Notes
Perfect Insignia of Beast Strength +48
Vitality +44
Can be purchased from Courtier Regin
Perfect Insignia of Quickness Intelligence +48
Spirit +44
Perfect Insignia of Combat Strength +46
Intelligence +46
Perfect Insignia of Concentration Vitality +44
Spirit +48
Perfect Insignia of Slowness Intelligence +44
Vitalty +48
Perfect Insignia of Cooperation Strength +48
Intelligence +24
Vitality +28
Spirit +28
Perfect Insignia of Regeneration Strength +28
Intelligence +28
Vitality +24
Spirit +24
Perfect Insignia of Protection Weapon Physical Atk. +20
Strength +48
Perfect Insignia of Blessing Weapon Magical Atk. +20
Intelligence +48
Perfect Insignia of Punishment Independent Atk. +30
Strength +48
Perfect Insignia of Spirit Independent Atk. +30
Intelligence +48
Perfect Insignia of Awakening Weapon Physical Atk. +20
Independent Atk. +30
Perfect Insignia of Patience Weapon Magical Atk. +20
Independent Atk. +30

Epic Insignia.png Epic

Name Effect Notes