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Class Adv: Mechanic (Time Gate Version)

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Advancement Quest Icon.png Class Adv: Mechanic (Time Gate Version)
Type Advancement Quest
Quest Line(s) Class Adv: Mechanic (Time Gate Version) (Questline)
Level Req. 15
Area - Dungeon / Town Grand Flores - Full Moon Thunderland
Quest Giver Kiri
  • Clear Full Moon Thunderland to become a Mechanic. (Full Moon Thunderland can be found in the Grand Flores area and can only be entered alone.)

  • Expicon.png Unknown Exp
  • Goldicon.png Unknown Gold
Previous Quest(s)
Next Quest(s)

Class Adv: Mechanic is the first quest of the Class Adv: Mechanic and Class Adv: Mechanic Advancement Quest storyline.



Kiri-Face2.png Kiri the Lady
(Original Ver. - Unofficial Translation)

메카닉이 되고 싶니? 메카닉은 체술과 사격술 보다는 기계를 사용하여 전투를 벌이는 기계전문 거너들이야.
You want to become a Mechanic? Mechanics are gunners who specialize in machinery that fight battles using machines rather than martial arts and marksmanship.

메카닉들은 로봇들은 랜드러너, 바이퍼, 스패로우 등 다양한 특성과 계성을 가진 로봇들을 제작하여 적을 공격할 수 있지.
Mechanics are able to attack enemies by creating robots with various characteristics and uses; robots such as Land Runner, Viper, and Sparrow.

만약 네가 메카닉이 되고 싶다면 '망월의 선더랜드'를 클리어 하기만 하면 돼. 괜찮지?
If you want to become a Mechanic, all you have to do is clear Full Moon Thunderland. Got it?


Kiri-Face2.png Kiri the Lady
(Original Ver. - Unofficial Translation)

야~ 축하해. 이제 메카닉이 되었구나. 지금부터는 무기는 자동권총을 사용하고 방어구는 천을 착용하면 로봇 기술을 익히는데 도움이 될 거야.
Hey~ Congratulations. You are now a mechanic. From now on, Auto Guns and Cloth Armor will help you utilize your Robot knowledge.


  • Original KR Dialogue Source for Male Gunner.
  • Original KR Dialogue Source for Female Gunner.
Quest Line(s)
Class Adv: Mechanic (Time Gate Version) (Questline) Class Adv: Mechanic (Time Gate Version)