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Template:DataMonster Tau King Shauta

From DFO World Wiki
Revision as of 13:43, 30 December 2010 by Uberdarkneko (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{{{{Format|FormatMonster Data}}} |Name=Tau King Shauta |IsBoss=Yes |Type=Beast |Family=Tau |Sprite=SpriteTau_King_Shauta.png |Portrait=PortraitTau King Shauta.png |Icon=IconT...")
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Parameter Value
Name Tau King Shauta
IsBoss Yes
IsSpecial No
IsSummon No
Type TypeBeast.png
Type2 (Type2 empty)
Type3 (Type3 empty)
Family Tau family
Family2 (Family2 empty)
Class (Class empty)
Sprite Tau King Shauta.png
SpriteSize (SpriteSize empty)
Portrait File:PortraitTau King Shauta.png
Icon Icon-Tau King Shauta.png
Card (Card empty)
Level 16
Dungeons Grakqarak
Drops (Drops empty)
Desc The strongest Tau in all of Grand Flores. Has the normal attacks of all Taus along with super armor. His running attack where he charges with his horns has deceptive range, even hitting slightly behind him. He may start to grab his axe and charge it. Once the charge is complete, he will smash the ground and cause massive damage to players around the blast. This blast has a long forward range; it's best to be behind the boss when it sets it off or jump at the right time to avoid it.
MoveList (MoveList empty)
Strategy Try to attack him from behind, he charges a lot and if you stay behind him he will miss his charge.

Also when you see him charge, just dodge it by moving up or down. He is pretty simple to beat as long as you clear the mobs out first.

Notes (Notes empty)
ShortDesc (ShortDesc empty)