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Template:DataMonster Razor Wings

From DFO World Wiki
Revision as of 02:31, 18 March 2016 by JunEcho (talk | contribs) (Added Icon)
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Parameter Value
Name Razor Wings
IsBoss No
IsSpecial Yes
IsSummon No
Type TypeHuman.png
Type2 (Type2 empty)
Type3 (Type3 empty)
Family Bantu family
Family2 (Family2 empty)
Class (Class empty)
Sprite Rabbitbird.img.0.png
SpriteSize (SpriteSize empty)
Portrait (Portrait empty)
Icon Icon-Razor Wings.png
Card (Card empty)
Level (Level empty)
Dungeons Bwanga's Camp
Drops (Drops empty)
Desc Razor Wings is a mini-boss in Bwanga's Camp.
MoveList * Launches birds at you.
  • Casts Super Armor
Strategy * He is by far one of the more annoying monsters you'll go against. Attacking him will result in immediate retaliation by a birds, which come out of nowhere to pelt you and leave.
  • Use any shockwave or invincible attacks (grabs especially). The birds can be hit out of midair before they hit you; classes with wide ranging spammable combos (Lightsaber Blademasters) should not be afraid of spamming their attacks.
  • Don't try to lock him in some long ranging combo unless you have long invincible frames, or have skills that actively knock out the birds as well. They don't do much damage individually, but it adds up.
Notes (Notes empty)
ShortDesc (ShortDesc empty)