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Knee Kick

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Knee Kick.png Knee Kick

No Video
Active Skill

Male Fighter

Command: Rightkey.png(hold) Z.png
Prerequisite Level: 5
Prerequisite Skills: None
Alternate Names: Korean: 무릎 찍기


Grabs an enemy and knees him.

[ Adv. Feature for Grappler ]
Increases attack count and changes the last attack when a direction key is pressed.

  • Upkey.png : Launches the enemy in the air and follows him.
  • Downkey.png : Throws the enemy at the ground, causing a shock wave that attacks surrounding enemies.

[Special Function]
[For Grapplers]
- Increases attack count. Uses the direction keys to change the last attack.
- Up: Launch enemies in the air as you leap.
- Down: Throw your target onto the ground, sending forth a shock wave that damages surrounding enemies.


  • SP per level: 15
  • Master Level: 50
  • Max Level: 60
  • Casting Time: Instant Cast
  • Cooldown: 5 sec.
  • Basic Attack Cancelable Skill


  • Can be improved with Knee Kick Upgrade.png Knee Kick Upgrade.
  • Invincibility frames are active during the drop and after the final hit.
  • Can grab enemies with Super Armor or that are guarding, but not those that are grab-immune.
  • Grapplers can grab grab-immune enemies, gain an extra knee strike, and can alter the attack during the kneeing strike through use of the arrow keys.

Skill Growth

Note: This table has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations.


Level Lv Req MP Knee Kick Atk. Final Knee Kick Atk. Grappler's Low Throw
Shock Wave Atk.
1 5 20 250% 1408% 1266%
2 7 22 275% 1551% 1395%
3 9 24 301% 1694% 1523%
4 11 26 326% 1837% 1652%
5 13 29 351% 1980% 1781%
6 15 31 377% 2123% 1909%
7 17 33 402% 2266% 2038%
8 19 35 428% 2408% 2166%
9 21 37 453% 2551% 2295%
10 23 39 478% 2694% 2423%
11 25 41 504% 2837% 2552%
12 27 43 529% 2980% 2680%
13 29 46 554% 3123% 2809%
14 31 48 580% 3266% 2938%
15 33 50 605% 3409% 3066%
16 35 52 630% 3552% 3195%
17 37 54 656% 3695% 3323%
18 39 56 681% 3837% 3452%
19 41 58 707% 3980% 3580%
20 43 61 732% 4123% 3709%
21 45 63 757% 4266% 3837%
22 47 65 783% 4409% 3966%
23 49 67 808% 4552% 4094%
24 51 69 833% 4695% 4223%
25 53 71 859% 4838% 4352%
26 55 73 884% 4981% 4480%
27 57 76 909% 5123% 4609%
28 59 78 935% 5266% 4737%
29 61 80 960% 5409% 4866%
30 63 82 986% 5552% 4994%
31 65 84 1011% 5695% 5123%
32 67 86 1036% 5838% 5251%
33 69 88 1062% 5981% 5380%
34 71 90 1087% 6124% 5509%
35 73 93 1112% 6267% 5637%
36 75 95 1138% 6410% 5766%
37 77 97 1163% 6552% 5894%
38 79 99 1188% 6695% 6023%
39 81 101 1214% 6838% 6151%
40 83 103 1239% 6981% 6280%
41 85 105 1264% 7124% 6408%
42 87 108 1290% 7267% 6537%
43 89 110 1315% 7410% 6666%
44 91 112 1341% 7553% 6794%
45 93 114 1366% 7696% 6923%
46 95 116 1391% 7839% 7051%
47 97 118 1417% 7981% 7180%
48 99 120 1442% 8124% 7308%
49 101 123 1467% 8267% 7437%
50 103 125 1493% 8410% 7565%
51 105 127 1518% 8553% 7694%
52 107 129 1543% 8696% 7822%
53 109 131 1569% 8839% 7951%
54 111 133 1594% 8982% 8080%
55 113 135 1620% 9125% 8208%
56 115 137 1645% 9268% 8337%
57 117 140 1670% 9410% 8465%
58 119 142 1696% 9553% 8594%
59 121 144 1721% 9696% 8722%
60 123 146 1746% 9839% 8851%

Note: This table has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations. }}

Male Fighter Skills
Active:Air Walk (Female).png Air Walk Crouch.png Crouch Doppelganger.png Doppelganger Flash Move.png Flash Move Hammer Kick (Female).png Hammer Kick High Kick.png High Kick Knee Kick.png Knee Kick Low Kick.png Low Kick Nen Shot.png Nen Shot Poison Throw.png Poison Throw Sand Splash.png Sand Splash Seismic Crash.png Seismic Crash Tiger Chain Strike (Female).png Tiger Chain Strike Tornado Kick.png Tornado Kick
Passive:Iron Physique.png Iron Physique Tiger's Roar (Female).png Tiger's Roar

General Skills
Active:Ancient Memory.png Ancient Memory Backstep.png Backstep Indomitable Spirit.png Indomitable Spirit Leap.png Leap Quick Rebound.png Quick Rebound
Passive:Armor Mastery.png Armor Mastery Backstep Upgrade.png Backstep Upgrade Basic Training.png Basic Training Conversion.png Conversion Physical Critical.png Focus: Critical Latent Power.png Latent Power Physical Rear Attack.png Rear Attack
Neo: Awakening:Clues to Awakening.png Clues to Awakening One Step Closer.png One Step Closer Subitism.png Subitism