(Upon entering the Dungeon)
Aries Kelly |
Don't fall behind.
Oh, yes-the Kashipas might come to catch me.
You can take care of them, right? I'll be counting on you!
Okay, then let's go! |
Adventurer |
(...I'm just going to pretend following her while looking for the exit.) |
(Upon entering Room B2)
Aries Kelly |
By the way, what are you doing here?
Trying to stop disaster from happening? What? Hah hah hah.
Sorry, but that sounds so grandiose.
Me? I... I came to the star, of course.
Ever since I lost my parents and my brothers, I've only had the stars in the sky with me. They're the reason I'm living.
They wouldn't come down to see me, though. They just look down upon me from the night sky.
If I couldn't be with them, I at least wanted a name like theirs. So, I named myself Aries and named that star after me. That's how I became Aries Kelly. |
(Upon entering Room D1)
Aries Kelly |
What does Aries mean?
Actually, I don't know. Teehee!
I was looking for food, when I found this word that looked pretty. It was Aries. I don't know what it means, though.
But ever since I read the word, I was able to use magic. Magic that lets me turn anything into sheep!
The Kashipas took notice of it and offered me food. So, I joined them.
But I don't need them or food anymore. The star came down from the sky to take me away to a happy world where I don't have to feel pain or hunger! |
(Upon entering the Boss Room)
(Kelly excitedly moves ahead and turns back toward the Adventurer. Unknown to the two of them, a figure awaits them in the darkness.)
Aries Kelly |
The star is right up there. We'll see her soon! |
Adventurer |
(I didn't see any exit here... Is it up there?) |
Aries Kelly |
Come on, come on! Finally, I can see the star in person! |
(Suddenly, a blazing cross symbol appears above Kelly's head.)
Adventurer |
Kelly! |
(The symbol ignites briefly as a figure shrouded in dark smoke cuts through Kelly. Kelly's body releases a slash-like torrent of blood, and it collapses to the ground. The figure emerges from the dark smoke, revealing itself as a scythe-wielding woman.)
Villainess Greta |
Ah... The taste of your blood... So... So lovely, Kelly... |
(The Adventurer runs toward Kelly, as she struggles to get back up.)
Aries Kelly |
G-Greta... What are you doing here...? |
Villainess Greta |
I was attracted to his beautiful, irresistible power... Aah...
So beautiful... This energy... This power... Ah, Isys...! |
(Greta slowly makes her way back toward Kelly.)
Villainess Greta |
Isys said I should follow my heart's desire... Ah...
So... So, I hacked and slashed... wet my throat with their dripping blood...
Until I came here.
I'm so glad that I could finally... taste your blood... like I've always wanted to. |
(Greta continues to move closer.)
Villainess Greta |
You taste so... lovely! Kelly, may I taste you some more? Ho ho! |
Aries Kelly |
...You're out of your mind. |
(Upon defeating the Boss)
Villainess Greta |
Ah... Aah... Isys... Isys... Give me... more power... |
(Greta fumbles slightly and slowly returns to her feet.)
Villainess Greta |
Yes... blood... If I drink some more blood...!
Kelly... My lovely Kelly... Could you give me some more blood? |
(Greta slowly approaches Kelly again.)
Aries Kelly |
No... |
(Struggling to get up, Kelly readies an incantation. And in an instant, Greta transforms into a sheep as a shadowy wolf appears before her.)
Aries Kelly |
Not anymore! |
(As the sheep cries in fear, the wolf unleashes its claws, reducing the sheep into a wave of blood. The wolf disappears, and Kelly collapses.)