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Lemidia Chrysos: The Golden Altar

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Lemidia Chrysos: The Golden Altar is a system included in the Black Purgatory Update which allows players to further enhance their Level 100 Equipment with the introduction of Option Modifiers. This can be accessed through NPC Judy Ringwood in either Destroyed Chest Town or the exclusive Black Purgatory channel.

Option Change System

A player's Sub Equipment with a maxed Option value.


  • By gathering Ore of Despair.png Ores of Despair through either the Weekly or Daily versions, players can speak with Judy and select the Equipment Option Change which goes to a menu where she can change the types and values for the corresponding Level 100 Legendary or Guide of Wisdom Epic Equipment:
    • Weapons
    • Pants
    • Rings
    • Sub Equipment
    • 165 Ore of Despair.png Ores of Despair & 20,000 Goldicon.png Gold per re-roll.
    • During the process, you'll also be informed of estimated change rates of Attack and Buff power through either shown with one or more Green (▲▲▲) or Red Triangles (▼▼▼) next to your skills that either increase or decrease those rates respectively.
    • If you're not satisfied with the New Option rates during re-rolls, you can always keep your current one.
    • Finalizing the Option change also adds a special effect to the item icon and equipped image similar to Fused Equipment from Sirocco Raid.
    • If the Option values number is colored like Uncommon-graded equipment this for example: STR/INT 29% (29 - 35%), it's the lowest value, mid-leveled 33%, or the highest-leveled being 35%.


  • Characters must be fully eqiupped in a Level 100 Legendary/Epic Set with the Weapon included as lower-lowered gear is ineligable to use Target Options.
  • Unequipped set pieces cannot be used individually.

List of Options

  • Additional Attack Damage
  • Additional Critical Damage
  • Bonus Damage
  • All Attack Bonus
  • Strength/Intelligence Bonus
  • Physical/Magical/Independent Atk. Bonus
  • All classes' Lv. 50/85/100 skills +2/Damage Bonus (Weapons only)
  • The Damage Bonus options include Buffer-only options.

Max Value Change

  • For 13 Fearsome Eye.png Fearsome Eyes & 300,000 Goldicon.png Gold, you can maximize your current Changeable Damage option value as long as that same Equipment's value was changed at least once.

Product Upgrade

  • For 317 No Icon.png Destructive Energies & 1,500,000 Goldicon.png Gold, both Products of Wisdom & Corruption are eligible for upgrades that gives them access to Changeable Option values.
  • The Modification/Enchantment levels are carried over and it'll cost 10 No Icon.png Destructive Energies & 20,000 Goldicon.png Gold to re-roll Options once upgraded.

Option Transfer

  • Included during the Watcher in the Rift update, players can now transfer over the corresponding Level 100 Legendary/Epic Weapon/Pants/Sub-Equipment/Ring Equipment that has had their options changed onto another set piece, functioning very similarly to Loton's Engrave/Inherit system.


  • 100,000 Goldicon.png Gold per transfer.
  • Products of Wisdom/Corruption cannot be used.
  • Aeterna options can only be transferred to Aeterna Equipment.
  • The set piece that was used for transferring will be reset.

Option Convert

  • Also included within the same update and by spending 100,000 Goldicon.png Gold & 2 Fearsome Eye.png Fearsome Eyes, Equipment options can be changed to another one of the player's own choosing, as this will not affect it's grade entirely.

Lemidia Chrysos: The Master's Forge

  • Known as the Product of Corruption Converter, this system allows players to receive a random Product of Corruption which are essentially tradable and modifiable Guide of Wisdom Epic Equipment that can only be found by running Black Purgatory.
  • Four Products of Corruption are required, as this will increase the Corrupt Energy gauge below by registering one of each. Once the gauge is 100% or even exceeds that amount, you may proceed with the conversion.
  • If a Product of Corruption has high-leveled modifications, this gives off more Corrupt Energy.
  • <!> Modification/Enchantment/Upgrade from previous Products will not be carried over to the resulting Equipment. <!>