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Template:Equipment list

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Revision as of 12:52, 25 September 2023 by Altair (talk | contribs)
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This template creates a list of equipment that satisfy the search criteria. Uses Template:Equipment list header and Template:Equipment list result format for formatting.


{{Equipment list
| name = 
| slot = 
| title = 
| weapon type = 
| armor weight class = 
| rarity = 
| class = 
| set = 
| inflict element = 
| elemental resist = 
| elemental damage = 
| abnormal damage = 
| abnormal level = 
| abnormal tolerance =
| skill bonus =  
| skill alteration = 
| dungeon = 
| availability = 
| show type = 
| show lv = 
| show base stats = 
| show skill bonus = 
| show flavor text = 
| show image = 
| html class = 


All parameters are optional unless stated otherwise.

Filter by name.
Filter by equipment slot excluding titles, quick slot equipment, creatures and artifacts. Can also be set to no weapon to search for everything but weapons; armor to search for head/shoulder, top, bottom, belt, and shoes; accessory for necklace, bracelet, and ring; and special equipment for sub equipment and magic stone.
Filter titles. If slot isn't title, set to y to search for titles as well. Defaults to n.
Filter creatures. If slot isn't creature, set to y to search for creatures as well. Defaults to n.
weapon type 
Filter by weapon type.
armor weight class 
Filter by armor weight class.
Filter by rarity.
Filter by required class.
Filter by set name.
inflict element 
Filter by inflict element (fire, water, light, shadow).
elemental resist 
Filter by elemental resist bonus (fire, water, light, shadow, all).
elemental damage 
Filter by elemental damage bonus (fire, water, light, shadow, all).
abnormal damage 
Filter by abnormal status damage bonus (poison, burn, bleeding, electrocution).
abnormal level 
Filter by abnormal status level bonus (poison, burn, bleeding, electrocution, blind, frozen, slow down, immobility, stone curse, stun, confuse, curse).
abnormal tolerance 
Filter by abnormal status tolerance bonus (poison, burn, bleeding, electrocution, blind, frozen, slow down, immobility, stone curse, stun, confuse, curse, all).
abnormal duration 
Filter by abnormal status duration bonus (slow down).
skill bonus 
Filter by skill bonus. Expected format is class(gender), followed by a comma, followed by the skill name. Gender is required even for classes without gender variant. For common skills, use Common in place of class(gender). You may use ? as a wildcard.
skill alteration 
Filter by skill alterations. Expected format is class(gender), followed by a comma, followed by the skill name. Gender is required even for classes without gender variant. For common skills, use Common in place of class(gender). You may use ? as a wildcard.
Filter by the wiki page of the dungeon in which the item can be obtained from a monster.
Filter by availability status. Defaults to available.
show type 
Set to y to show type, n to hide. Defaults to y.
show lv 
Set to y to show level requirement, n to hide. Defaults to y.
show base stats 
Set to y to show base stats in a separate column, n to hide, other to display them in the Other column. Defaults to y.
show skill bonus
Set to y to show base stats in a separate column, n to hide, other to display them in the Other column. Defaults to other.
show flavor text 
Set to y to show flavor text, n to omit. Defaults to y.
show image 
Set to y to show the associated image, n to omit. Defaults to n.
html class 
Class that should be assigned to the list to apply a style.


{{Equipment list
| slot = weapon
| weapon type = scythe
| rarity = Epic
| show type = n
Icon Name Lv Base Stats Other Options
Water Torture Scythe.png Water Torture Scythe 60 P. Atk. +728
M. Atk. +767
I. Atk. +460
STR +54
INT +54
Inflict Water Damage
Water Damage +24
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Spinning Cross Skill Lvl + 3
Atomic Smash Skill Lvl + 3
Thorn of Protection Skill Lvl + 3
Dark Authority Skill Lvl + 3
Scythe Mastery Skill Lvl + 2
Rolling Rush Skill Lvl + 3
Lars the Scudding Demon Skill Lvl + 3
Sin Carrier's Scythe Mastery Skill Lvl + 2
Heart Slayer.png Heart Slayer 70 P. Atk. +838
M. Atk. +882
I. Atk. +536
STR +61
INT +61
Shadow Damage +24
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -2 %
Scythe Mastery Skill Lvl + 3
Echoes of Nothing Skill Lvl + 2
Devil Strike Skill Lvl + 5
Sin Carrier's Scythe Mastery Skill Lvl + 3
Sin-burdened Body Skill Lvl + 5
Impure Touch.png Impure Touch 75 P. Atk. +893
M. Atk. +941
I. Atk. +572
STR +64
INT +64
Inflict Shadow Damage
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
The servants of God must be wary of extremism, even if it's to subjugate the imposters. - Grot
Frozen Resonance Sickle.png Frozen Resonance Sickle 80 P. Atk. +948
M. Atk. +998
I. Atk. +611
STR +68
INT +68
Inflict Water Damage
Inflict Shadow Damage
Water Damage +17
Shadow Damage +17
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
Dark Authority Skill Lvl + 3
Echoes of Nothing Skill Lvl + 3
Scythe Massacre Skill Lvl + 3
Sin-burdened Body Skill Lvl + 3
Garroter Sickle.png Garroter Sickle 80 P. Atk. +948
M. Atk. +998
I. Atk. +611
STR +68
INT +68
Inflict Shadow Damage
Physical Critical Chance +20 %
Magic Critical Chance +20 %
Hit Rate -2 %
Critical Damage +22%
Angra Mainiuu.png Angra Mainiuu 85 P. Atk. +1003
M. Atk. +1056
I. Atk. +648
STR +72
INT +72
EXO +794
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
Demonize Skill Lvl + 2
Echoes of Nothing Skill Lvl + 2
Falling Soul Skill Lvl + 3
Seven Sins of Corruption Skill Lvl + 2
Sin-burdened Body Skill Lvl + 2
Seven Deadly Sins Skill Lvl + 2
If I have no choice but to become a demon, then I'll become the incarnate of evil and rain down terror upon my enemies. - Unsung Avenger
Savior's Glory - Scythe.png Savior's Glory - Scythe 85 P. Atk. +1003
M. Atk. +1056
I. Atk. +648
STR +72
INT +72
EXO +794
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
Let all the energy in the world strengthen you.

Let your enemies feed you with their life force.

You will acquire the true power of an Apostle.

And when the power has done its work, it will shake heaven and earth.
Sentence- Reaper's Scythe.png Sentence: Reaper's Scythe 85 P. Atk. +1003
M. Atk. +1056
I. Atk. +648
STR +72
INT +72
Inflict Shadow Damage
Shadow Damage +40
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -2 %
Blood to blood. Evil to evil.
Essence War God Energy Scythe.png Essence War God Energy Scythe 90 P. Atk. +1058
M. Atk. +1113
I. Atk. +686
STR +75
INT +75
EXO +826
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Priest Level 1-85 All Skill Lv +1 (Special Skills excluded)
The skill level increases based on the initial skill level. There are no increases for skills that are mastered at Level 1.
Redeath- Scythe of the Grim Reaper.png Redeath: Scythe of the Grim Reaper 90 P. Atk. +1058
M. Atk. +1113
I. Atk. +686
STR +75
INT +75
EXO +826
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
All Level 1- 85 All Skill Lv + 1 (Special Skills excluded)
The skill level increases based on the initial skill level. There are no increases for skills that are mastered at Level 1.
It's time.
Savior's Triumph- Scythe.png Savior's Triumph: Scythe 90 P. Atk. +1058
M. Atk. +1113
I. Atk. +686
STR +75
INT +75
EXO +826
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
Let all the energy in the world strengthen you.

Let your enemies feed you with their life force.

You will acquire the true power of an Apostle.

And when the power has done its work, it will shake heaven and earth.
Soul Devourer.png Soul Devourer 90 P. Atk. +1058
M. Atk. +1113
I. Atk. +686
STR +75
INT +75
EXO +826
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
Your soul... I'll take it.
Black Sky's Master - Scythe.png Black Sky's Master - Scythe 95 P. Atk. +1112
M. Atk. +1172
I. Atk. +723
P. Def. +0
STR +78
INT +78
EXO +858
Attack Speed +0 %
Casting Speed +0 %
Evasion Rate +0 %
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
Skill Atk. +55%
All Atk. +32%
When the highest one's power is concentrated in one place, a new power will be born.
Doom Conversion.png Doom Conversion 95 P. Atk. +1112
M. Atk. +1172
I. Atk. +723
STR +78
INT +78
EXO +858
Physical Critical Chance +10 %
Magic Critical Chance +10 %
Hit Rate -1 %
Additional Critical Damage +43%
Bonus Damage +28%
Bloodshed only leads to even more bloodshed.
Manifestation- Black Sky's Master - Scythe.png Manifestation: Black Sky's Master - Scythe 95 M. Atk. +1172
I. Atk. +723
P. Def. +0
STR +78
INT +78
EXO +858
Attack Speed +0 %
Casting Speed +0 %
Evasion Rate +0 %
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
Skill Atk. +55%; All Atk. +32%
When the highest one's power is concentrated in one place, a new power will be born.
Skys Legacy - Scythe.png Sky's Legacy - Scythe 95 P. Atk. +1112
M. Atk. +1172
I. Atk. +723
STR +78
INT +78
EXO +858
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
Brave warrior, now we can trust you.

This item can be upgraded.
Cult Leader's Judgment.png Cult Leader's Judgment 100 Fame +464
P. Atk. +1167
M. Atk. +1229
I. Atk. +770
STR +81
INT +81
Inflict Shadow Damage
Attack Speed +8 %
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
Bonus Damage +28%
Skill Atk. +40%
Additional Attack Damage +22% (conditional)

<Target Option>
Additional Critical Damage +14%
Dear follower, trust me when I say, don't believe anything that demon says!
Loose Reasoning.png Loose Reasoning 100 Fame +464
P. Atk. +1167
M. Atk. +1229
I. Atk. +770
STR +81
INT +81
Attack Speed +8 %
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
Physical/Magical/Independent Atk. +23-31% (see description)
Bonus Damage +17-25% (see description)
Skill Atk. +38%

<Target Option>
All Atk. +14%
Stay sharp--the moment you lose yourself, you'll lose it forever!
No icon available Berserk Tenacity Scythe 105 Fame +2725
P. Atk. +1222
M. Atk. +1287
I. Atk. +818
STR +85
INT +85
Attack Speed +8 %
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Overall Damage +55%
No icon available Dying Trust Scythe 105 Fame +2725
P. Atk. +1222
M. Atk. +1287
I. Atk. +818
STR +85
INT +85
Attack Speed +8 %
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Overall Damage +55%
No icon available Frozen Resistance Scythe 105 Fame +2725
P. Atk. +1222
M. Atk. +1287
I. Atk. +818
STR +85
INT +85
Attack Speed +8 %
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Overall Damage +55%
{{Equipment list
| skill bonus = Priest(M), Echoes of Nothing
| show skill bonus = y
Icon Name Type Lv Base Stats Skill Bonus Other Options
Priest's Judgment.png Priest's Judgment Cross 60 P. Atk. +664
M. Atk. +631
I. Atk. +396
P. Def. +704
M. Def. +704
INT +47
VIT +59
SPR +59
EXO +480
Divine Invocation Skill Lvl + 3
Echoes of Nothing Skill Lvl + 2
Valor Blessing Skill Lvl + 2
Casting Speed +2 %
Heart Slayer.png Heart Slayer Scythe 70 P. Atk. +838
M. Atk. +882
I. Atk. +536
STR +61
INT +61
Scythe Mastery Skill Lvl + 3
Echoes of Nothing Skill Lvl + 2
Devil Strike Skill Lvl + 5
Sin Carrier's Scythe Mastery Skill Lvl + 3
Sin-burdened Body Skill Lvl + 5
Shadow Damage +24
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -2 %
Frozen Resonance Sickle.png Frozen Resonance Sickle Scythe 80 P. Atk. +948
M. Atk. +998
I. Atk. +611
STR +68
INT +68
Dark Authority Skill Lvl + 3
Echoes of Nothing Skill Lvl + 3
Scythe Massacre Skill Lvl + 3
Sin-burdened Body Skill Lvl + 3
Inflict Water Damage
Inflict Shadow Damage
Water Damage +17
Shadow Damage +17
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
Angra Mainiuu.png Angra Mainiuu Scythe 85 P. Atk. +1003
M. Atk. +1056
I. Atk. +648
STR +72
INT +72
EXO +794
Demonize Skill Lvl + 2
Echoes of Nothing Skill Lvl + 2
Falling Soul Skill Lvl + 3
Seven Sins of Corruption Skill Lvl + 2
Sin-burdened Body Skill Lvl + 2
Seven Deadly Sins Skill Lvl + 2
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
If I have no choice but to become a demon, then I'll become the incarnate of evil and rain down terror upon my enemies. - Unsung Avenger
Dirty Soul Hook.png Dirty Soul Hook Scythe 85 P. Atk. +952
M. Atk. +1002
I. Atk. +607
STR +68
INT +68
Echoes of Nothing Skill Lvl +3
Devil Strike Skill Lvl +3
Nightmare Skill Lvl +2
Shadow Damage +22
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Its vile energy is infectious.
Fallen Heart Cross.png Fallen Heart Cross Cross 85 P. Atk. +1002
M. Atk. +952
I. Atk. +607
P. Def. +990
M. Def. +990
INT +68
VIT +83
SPR +83
EXO +736
Echoes of Nothing Skill Lvl + 3
Falling Soul Skill Lvl + 3
Sin-burdened Body Skill Lvl + 3
Seven Deadly Sins Skill Lvl + 3
Casting Speed +2 %
Shadow Damage +22
Some Priests have succumbed to the harsh reality. - Grandis Gracia
Soul Gathering.png Soul Gathering Scythe 85 P. Atk. +892
M. Atk. +939
I. Atk. +561
STR +64
INT +64
Devil Strike Skill Lvl +2
Echoes of Nothing Skill Lvl +1
Shadow Damage +18
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Hit Rate -1 %
{{Equipment list
| set = Okeanos's Blessing Set
Icon Name Type Lv Base Stats Other Options
Crocodile Tooth Bottom.png Crocodile Tooth Bottom Leather Bottom 75 P. Def. +2024
STR +39
INT +39
SPR +42
EXO +274
Water Damage +14
Is that real crocodile skin? - Kurt
Sea Bass Shoulder.png Sea Bass Shoulder Leather Head/Shoulder 75 STR +31
INT +31
SPR +34
Attack Speed +5 %
Casting Speed +5 %
Water Resist +35
Water Damage +24
It's an interesting way of making use of sea basses. - Lua
Halliburt Shoes.png Halliburt Shoes Leather Shoes 75 P. Def. +1214
STR +23
INT +23
SPR +25
EXO +274
Movement Speed +6 %
Water Resist +35
Water Damage +12
I hate fish. - Shuram
Sharkskin Top.png Sharkskin Top Leather Top 75 STR +39
INT +39
SPR +42
Water Critical Damage +10%
You'll look just like the real thing in its underwater. - Rebecca

See also