(Upon entering Room A2)
(As the party advances, they spot Imposter corpses along the way.)
Oberith Rosenbach |
Dead Imposters. Was the Imperial Army here? |
Teida Beonarr |
It hasn't been long since they were attacked. |
Lucille Redmayne |
The Imperial troops might be still around. Hurry! |
(Upon entering Room B2)
(A towering specter wielding a large axe blocks their path.)
Teida Beonarr |
What's that suspicious being? |
Adras |
Definitely not an Imposter, but not among the living, either. |
General Karelin |
Anyone who tries to stop the Extinction will shatter into pieces! |
Lucille Redmayne |
I don't think we can talk to him. We'd better take care of him as quickly as we can. |
Adras |
I agree. |
(Upon clearing Room B2)
General Karelin |
Great General... Achieve your goal... |
(The towering specter dissipates. From behind the party, the Imperial Army arrives.)
Lucille Redmayne |
We arrived at the right time. |
Judy Ringwood |
Something's off. There aren't Imposters. What are they doing here? |
Adras |
I think I know, being here. These people have crossed the River of Death. They're from the netherworld.
And their presence here means...
Kazan is back. |
(An ominous red light engulfs the area.)
Grandis Gracia |
This energy... No...! |
Shinjang |
This visibly crackling energy is... |
Adventurer |
... Of Kazan. |
Lucille Redmayne |
This is going to be the deadliest battle ever. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
Wait, Kazan was keeping Ozma sealed away. Perhaps he'd help us get rid of Ozma. |
Teida Beonarr |
He's radiating murder. There's no way he'd cooperate with us. |
Allen Grant |
Kazan trusted humans and paid for it with his life, just like Ozma did. Being optimistic is never a bad idea, but I suggest we be prepared for a battle. |
(Upon entering the Boss Room)
(A towering figure stands before the party.)
Destructive God Kazan |
Foolish humans... You should have heeded my warnings. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
You sealed away Ozma to save humanity. Why are you stopping us now? |
Destructive God Kazan |
You're delusional. I didn't do it to save you; I did it to stop my friend from destroying himself. Now, I know it was futile.
Look what your petty justice and arrogance have caused others to do. Is this really what you mean by justice?
There's only one thing left to do to stop her plans. Break the blade she's forged. |
Adventurer |
Everyone, watch out! |
(Kazan lets out a powerful roar. Red energy engulfs his surroundings, pushing back the party.)
Teida Beonarr |
Ugh... He can do this just by shouting... |
(Adras suddenly appears behind Kazan from the shadows and readies an attack. At the same time, Lucille slams her axe toward Kazan from above. Kazan effortlessly repels both attacks.)
Lucille Redmayne |
We'll have to fight. |
Adras |
I'm not afraid of dying. |
(Kazan quickly rushes toward Adras and dodges her attack. As Lucille slashes toward Kazan, he slams his axe into the ground and unleashes a giant gore cross that pushes them back. Lucille gets back and runs toward Kazan once more.)
Lucille Redmayne |
Not a chance! |
(Lucille spins her axe and slashes toward Kazan.)
Lucille Redmayne |
The Holy Fire will punish you! |
(Lucille slams her axe into the ground as a charred wooden crucifix appears behind her. As fire engulfs her surroundings, Kazan unleashes a mighty sword swing that extinguishes the flames and causes Lucille to falter.)
Lucille Redmayne |
Ugh... |
(Kazan rushes toward Lucille and Adras, and readies his axe to deliver the finishing blow. Suddenly, the Adventurer appears, repelling the attack and pushing Kazan back.)
(If the Adventurer is not a Soul Bender)
(If the Adventurer is not a Slayer)
Destructive God Kazan |
She's chosen a good blade. |
(If the Adventurer is a Slayer)
Adventurer |
Kazan... I can't believe I'm seeing you in person. |
(If the Adventurer is a Berserker)
Adventurer |
I'll show you my power, with which I beat the pain you inflicted on me! |
Destructive God Kazan |
Come. Your death will stop my friend's destruction. |
(If the Adventurer is a Soul Bender)
Adventurer |
Kazan, it's time you're punished for escaping from Hell [sic]. |
Destructive God Kazan |
Ruler of a hundred ghosts. King of the nine ghosts.
Why do you stop me? |
Adventurer |
Because I don't like you [sic]. |
(Upon defeating the Boss)