The Transcended is the ninth quest of the Dark Side Act Quest storyline.
Shinjang |
He doesn't think we're threatening. I feel so appreciated. |
Lucille Redmayne |
Let's make him regret thinking that. |
Teida Beonarr |
Let's do that. We'll repay him in kind. |
Allen Grant |
Please don't let your guard down. Astaros is still alive, and she can be near Ozma. |
Grandis Gracia |
Brother Allen is right. Let's be careful. Moreover, we must find the Crown Prince who's ahead of us. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
He can't have headed for Ozma, can he? |
Teida Beonarr |
If he's so reckless, having him with us will only get us in trouble. |
Grandis Gracia |
Let's get in first. The highest floor of the tower has been revealed after the ward broke. Ozma must be there. |
Judy Ringwood |
The highest floor of the tower... Let's go. |
(Upon entering Room C1)
(As the party advances, Judy pauses for a moment and turns around.)
Judy Ringwood |
Is it just me, or has the scenery really changed? |
Allen Grant |
Record says there's a garden around here inside Elerinon Castle. Perhaps the castle's structure changed when Ozma took over it. |
Lucille Redmayne |
This doesn't make sense. The Archpriests were with us a moment ago. Now, they are not. |
Adras |
Ozma's power must have pulled us apart. For now, we'll just have to move forward. |
(Upon entering Room D1)
(An unfamiliar Imposter obstructs the party's path.)
Judy Ringwood |
Is that an Imposter, too? |
Lucille Redmayne |
I've never seen one like it before. And it looks ominous... |
Allen Grant |
Midnight's Darkness...? |
Judy Ringwood |
That's Midnight's Darkness? |
Allen Grant |
He must have gotten stronger since he absorbed Despero. |
Adras |
He absorbed another Pureblood? |
Allen Grant |
He didn't look like that at that time. Ozma's resurrection must have intensified his power. |
Lucille Redmayne |
We'd better watch out. He no longer feels like a human. |
Chaos-coveting Midnight's Darkness |
Your observation is correct. I'm no longer bound by human limits or the tiny vessel called an Imposter.
What you're seeing now is the transcendent form of someone freed from all worries and pain. There's one more thing to do to fit in the last piece of the puzzle, however. |
Judy Ringwood |
One more thing? |
Chaos-coveting Midnight's Darkness |
I don't have to share my noble cause with those who are beneath me,
but the voice who guided me to enlightenment said Chaos is a mere scapegoat used to usher in the world of redemption.
Through this voice, I've found enlightenment, power.
It said that only I am worthy of being the god of chaos, who will bring about true chaos. |
Lucille Redmayne |
Wake up. You're not even a human anymore—you're just a monster! How dare you speak blasphemy like that? |
Chaos-coveting Midnight's Darkness |
A monster... Perhaps I am, to jealous people like you. But I'm generous, enough to share what I've learned with you. |
(Midnight's Darkness places his hands in a prayer-like position. The light and darkness around him twist to form a symbol of yin and yang, and transform into three pairs of arms.)
(Upon defeating the Boss)
Chaos-coveting Midnight's Darkness |
Resistance is pointless. Just accept your reality. |
(For a brief moment, the black and white surroundings change to purplish hue.)
Chaos-coveting Midnight's Darkness |
...Uh-oh, he's on the move.
I'm sorry, but you're on your own on this one. I've got to go.
Good luck surviving until the moment of redemption. |
(Midnight's Darkness disappears.)
Lucille Redmayne |
Where did he go? |
Adras |
I don't know, but the air around us has changed. |
(In the distance, an archway emerges from the surroundings.)
Allen Grant |
Now the exit is visible. The Archpriests that we lost are over there! |
(Upon entering the Boss Room)
(As the party arrives to the scene, the Archpriests lay in the distance exhausted, fighting a familiar Imposter.)
Lucille Redmayne |
That's... Astaros? |
Grandis Gracia |
How...? |
Shinjang |
That Imposter... His face... |
Oberith Rosenbach |
He's the former Archpriest, Nilvas Gracia! |
Teida Beonarr |
Nilvas... |
Lucille Redmayne |
Sister Oberith! |
Oberith Rosenbach |
Ah...! Sister, you're here. I'm glad all of you are safe. |
Lucille Redmayne |
By the way, that Imposter who defeated Astaros... |
Oberith Rosenbach |
... |
Teida Beonarr |
Nilvas Gracia, one of the former Archpriests. |
Shinjang |
This solves the mystery about the Imposter who's been helping us. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
But why didn't he tell us the truth? Grandis has been looking for him for a long time. |
Lucille Redmayne |
I think I know why. I heard he was a righteous and strong-willed man.
There was no way he could reveal himself to the Order after he became an Imposter. He wouldn't have wanted to hurt his sister or Lemidia Basilica.
I have to say I'm impressed. I would have gone insane if I became an Imposter, the very thing I've hated all my life. |
Adras |
There has to be something that kept him going. |
Teida Beonarr |
Revenge on Astaros. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
I think he wanted to protect Grandis more than anything.
Brother Nilvas kept Astaros busy, so we could get rid of her, but he hurt himself in the process. |
Shinjang |
Grandis, shouldn't we look for your brother first? |
Grandis Gracia |
No... Now's not the time. |