Set of
Fragments of Giant Weapon
Counterattack chance
Spirit Salvation
Ideal of Restraint
3 Items
- Gale smash
- Pheonix hammer
- Star in the sky
- Charge time reduced
- Launch strength reduced
- Number of presses to max charge reduced
- Floor Smasher
- +10% Attack Strength
- -1 Second cooldown
- Crucifix Wind
- Chaos hammer
- Holy amulet
- +15% Attack Strength
- +1 Hit count
- -30% MP cost
- Whtie Tiger
- +15% Attack strength
- -20% Cooldown
- Suppression Amulet
- Rising Emblem
- +20% Attack strength
- -40% Launch strength
- Pheonix Amulet
- +20% Attack strength
- -10% Cooldown
6 Items
- Gale smash
- Star in the sky
- -20% Cooldown
- Launch strength reduced
- Chaos hammer
- Atomic Smash
- -30% Cooldown
- +10% Gather area
- Passion Chakra
- +20% Strength
- +2% Hit Rate
- Chaos Hammer
- +15% Attack strength
- -4 Second Cooldown
- Spinning Cross
- Holy Amulet
- +10% Attack strength
- -0.3 Second cooldown
- -20% Delay
- Piercing the darkness
- +30% Attack strength
- -40% Max charge time
- Black tortoise
- EX Black tortoise
- -10% Cooldown
- +200% Hold duration (Champion, named, and hell monster only)
- Luminous Chakra
- +24% Intelligence
- +5% Cast Speed
- Suppression Amulet
- -10% Time for immoblization(Champion, named, and hell monster only)
- Rising emblem
- +20% Attack strength
- +20% Range
- Legion of Shikigami
- -30% Cooldown
- +40% Small bird casting duration
9 Items
- Oblivion Hammer
- +30% Attack Strength
- -50% Cooldown
- -50% MP Cost
- Atomic Smash
- -1 Clear Cube
- -70% Cooldown
- -50% Mp Cost
- +30% Gather area
- +30% Damage Range
- White Tiger
- +60% Damage
- -4 second duration
- -1 Second cooldown
- +40% HP
- Decreased multiple white tiger creation time
- Supression amulet
- Lightning amulet
- -35% Cooldown
- +10% Range
- +1 Lightning strike
- -40% MP Cost