(Upon entering Room C2)
(Ahead of the party, Calling Jade stands idle, and is suddenly alerted to commotion from afar.)
Calling Jade |
You came in, just as he said.
With this power that's been strengthened by the Dark Side, maybe I can do something interesting.
I'll show you how worthless your sense of justice is. |
(Upon entering the Boss Room)
(In the distance, a small group of Inquisitors is facing off against two entities, a large frog-like creature and a small child. The frog-like creature swallows one of the Inquisitors whole.)
Playful Frigg |
Hm, you're still hungry, aren't you? Don't worry. I've got plenty to feed you!
Look, Draugr. There's food everywhere! Just pick what you want. |
(The Inquisitors are put in high alert as the large creature quickly approaches them.)
Lucille Redmayne |
Halt! |
(Lucille runs in, swinging her fiery axe upon the creature. The rest of the party follows in pursuit.)
Oberith Rosenbach |
Who's that girl next to that giant Imposter? |
Teida Beonarr |
Not a human, obviously. |
Playful Frigg |
Ooh, hot and fresh-looking food! |
(Frigg pauses for a moment and looks at Lucille.)
Playful Frigg |
Err? Err... Mm... You smell familiar. Have we met before? |
Lucille Redmayne |
I don't hang out with Imposters. And if we met, you wouldn't be standing here to talk to me right now. |
Playful Frigg |
Mm... But you're so familiar to me... |
Lucille Redmayne |
...Not to me, Imposter. |
Playful Frigg |
I remember why! I met someone with the same energy as you.
She killed Draugr and other friends of mine during the Black Crusade. Those cute little things had just become Imposters.
And she slaughtered them with her flaming ax without hesitation.
So, I get it. You and her must share the same blood, don't you? |
Oberith Rosenbach |
This woman she's talking about... |
Teida Beonarr |
Lamier Redmayne, also known as the Infernal Messenger. She slaughtered Imposters alongside the Holy Five.
Back then, there were no Priest Order or Inquisitors.
And she disappeared after butchering the Imposters. She's only recorded as the hero who sent the Imposters to Hell. |
Lucille Redmayne |
How dare you speak of my ancestor? I'll burn you into ashes today. Die, demon! |
Playful Frigg |
Teehee! Can't wait!
Draugr, it's time to avenge our friends. |
(Upon defeating the Boss)
(Draugr collapses to the ground as the party surrounds them. Frigg falls to the side of the large Imposter, repeatedly hitting Draugr in a child-like manner.)
Playful Frigg |
Come on, Draugr. Move.
You're the only one I have left. If you leave... |
Lucille Redmayne |
... |
Teida Beonarr |
Finish her, Sister Lucille. Punish the demon. |
Playful Frigg |
Heh heh.... Demon? Sure, we're the demons that have joined the God of Chaos.
But you know what? To me, you humans are eviler than Imposters. You treat your own kind as if they're disposable as soon as they don't fit within your standards. That's why I chose Chaos.
Draugr, I won't let you go alone. We'll go together, you and I. |
(The two disappear into a cloud of black ash.)
Lucille Redmayne |
... |
Oberith Rosenbach |
... You all must be thinking about what she said. |
Teida Beonarr |
Don't. This is what those demons do to confuse you. |
Calling Jade |
What's true evil? Who gets to decide who's evil and who's not? I pity you, slaves of Light, for failing to see the truth right in front of you. |
Lucille Redmayne |
Where is this coming from? |
(Suddenly, some of the Inquisitors collapse to the ground.)
Oberith Rosenbach |
Sister Lucille! Something's wrong with the other sisters! |
Inquisitor |
Aww... Awww...
This is painful... Aww... |
Calling Jade |
Now, accept the oracle and face the truth. Are you really going to swing your stick for justice at these people? |
(Suddenly, black smoke radiates from the Inquisitors, transforming them into Imposters.)
Lucille Redmayne |
What the...? |
(The Imposterized Inquisitor slashes at Lucille. As Lucille falls to the ground, frozen in shock.)
Teida Beonarr |
Sister Lucille! |
(Teida rushes forward to push back the Imposters.)
Teida Beonarr |
Snap out of it! They're Imposters now! |
Lucille Redmayne |
But they were my sisters. They were fighting alongside me just a moment ago. |
Teida Beonarr |
Stop! Did you forget the Inquisitor's Pledge? |
Lucille Redmayne |
The Inquisitor's Pledge... |
(Lucille pauses briefly, and suddenly rushes toward the Imposters, swinging with her fiery axe.)
Oberith Rosenbach |
Sister Lucille, wait! Let's not act rashly! |
Teida Beonarr |
What are you talking about? There's no time to hesitate! |
Oberith Rosenbach |
But they weren't infected by the Blood Curse; they were turned into Imposters all of a sudden. Perhaps we can save them! |
Teida Beonarr |
That's just a slim possibility. Do you really want to risk everyone else's lives for that? |
Lucille Redmayne |
...Teida is right. They wouldn't want that, either. As their leader, I should put them out of their misery. |
(As Lucille readies to swing her weapon again, black smoke engulfs the Imposters, transforming them back into Inquisitors.)
Inquisitor |
Ch-Chief Inquisitor, it's me, Million! |
Lucille Redmayne |
Million? What are you...? |