Hunter Von
Hunter; Tracker; Cinematic Viewer; Merchant
Zelva: Adventurer's Guild
Foreign Name(s)
Von is a Rocca Hunter hailing from Pandemonium, and can be found in the Adventurer's Guild in Zelva.
Von hails from Pandemonium. He’s a seasoned hunter who accidentally came to Arad through a small Metastasis incident that occurred while he was hunting. He met Dana Donatel during his travels in Arad and became part of the Adventurer’s Guild.
He is a curious and out-going person. He easily befriends any adventurers he meets.
His hunting skills in Pandemonium has also gained him quite a good reputation among adventurers. His veteran experience has allowed him to obtain special materials from the monsters he hunts without damaging it.
Von is also nicknamed the “Proverb Hunter” since he loves collecting proverbs from every country he visits and writes it down on his journal.
- Sells Boss Unique items dropped by Castle of the Dead bosses, in return for
Oblivion Meteors.
- Sells Unique Monster Cards based on enemies within Castle of the Dead, in return for
Data Chips.
- Sells Level 90 Uncommon equipment.
Rusty Xedite Short Sword |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Red Moon Sword |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Discolored Heat Wave Lightsabre |
76,500 Gold
Damaged Metal Spike |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Hyperix |
85 |
68,000 Gold
Xedite Short Sword |
85 |
85,000 Gold
Red Moon Sword |
85,000 Gold
Heat Wave Lightsabre |
102,000 Gold
Metal Spike |
85,000 Gold
Hyperix |
85 |
102,000 Gold
Old Strong Knuckle |
42,000 Gold
Makeshift Kevlar Gauntlets |
48,000 Gold
Used Wild Talon |
60 |
42,000 Gold
Old Cran Tonfa |
42,000 Gold
Used Combat Gloves |
54,000 Gold
Old Modular Knuckle |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Hygia Gauntlets |
68,000 Gold
Damaged Derlia Claw |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Old Squall Tonfa |
59,500 Gold
Old Storm Punch |
76,500 Gold
Modular Knuckle |
85,000 Gold
Hygia Gauntlets |
102,000 Gold
Derlia Claw |
85 |
85,000 Gold
Squall Tonfa |
85,000 Gold
Storm Punch |
102,000 Gold
Battered Red Eye |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Forde 17 |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Okaron Musket |
68,000 Gold
Rusty Photon Cannon |
68,000 Gold
Damaged Ganymede Bowgun |
59,500 Gold
Red Eye |
85 |
85,000 Gold
Forde 17 |
85,000 Gold
Ganymede Bowgun |
85,000 Gold
Okaron Musket |
102,000 Gold
Photon Cannon |
102,000 Gold
Rusty Patiska |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Battered Sephric Pole |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Old Lefrid |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Worn Nymph Feather Staff |
59,500 Gold
Shabby Self-cleaning Broomstick |
76,500 Gold
Patiska |
85,000 Gold
Sephric Pole |
85 |
85,000 Gold
Lefrid |
85 |
85,000 Gold
Nymph Feather Staff |
85,000 Gold
Self-cleaning Broomstick |
102,000 Gold
Damaged Life Cross |
59,500 Gold
Worn Lebla |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Devilian Scythe |
85 |
76,500 Gold
Rusty Devil Eye |
85 |
68,000 Gold
Old Plasma Totem |
85 |
Sealed |
59,500 Gold
Life Cross |
85,000 Gold
Lebla |
85,000 Gold
Devilian Scythe |
85 |
102,000 Gold
Devil Eye |
85 |
102,000 Gold
Plasma Totem |
85 |
Sealed |
85,000 Gold
Torn Lakion Cloth Coat |
85 |
34,000 Gold
Torn Lakion Cloth Pants |
85 |
25,500 Gold
Torn Lakion Shoulder |
17,000 Gold
Torn Lakion Cloth Belt |
85 |
12,750 Gold
Torn Lakion Cloth Shoes |
85 |
12,750 Gold
Lakion Cloth Coat |
85 |
51,000 Gold
Lakion Cloth Pants |
85 |
42,500 Gold
Lakion Shoulder |
34,000 Gold
Lakion Cloth Belt |
85 |
25,500 Gold
Lakion Cloth Shoes |
85 |
25,500 Gold
Shabby Krink Leather Tunic |
42,500 Gold
Shabby Krink Leather Trousers |
85 |
34,000 Gold
Shabby Krink Leather Shoulder Pads |
25,500 Gold
Shabby Krink Leather Sash |
85 |
17,000 Gold
Shabby Krink Leather Boots |
85 |
17,000 Gold
Krink Leather Tunic |
59,500 Gold
Krink Leather Trousers |
85 |
51,000 Gold
Krink Leather Shoulder Pads |
42,500 Gold
Krink Leather Sash |
85 |
34,000 Gold
Krink Leather Boots |
85 |
34,000 Gold
Cracked Granite Segmentatae Armor |
51,000 Gold
Cracked Granite Segmentatae Leggings |
85 |
42,500 Gold
Cracked Granite Segmentatae Mantle |
34,000 Gold
Cracked Granite Segmentatae Belt |
85 |
25,500 Gold
Cracked Granite Segmentatae Boots |
85 |
25,500 Gold
Granite Segmentatae Armor |
68,000 Gold
Granite Segmentatae Leggings |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Granite Segmentatae Mantle |
51,000 Gold
Granite Segmentatae Belt |
85 |
42,500 Gold
Granite Segmentatae Boots |
85 |
42,500 Gold
Rusty Libit Breastplate |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Libit Gaiters |
85 |
51,000 Gold
Rusty Libit Spaulders |
42,500 Gold
Rusty Libit Coil |
85 |
34,000 Gold
Rusty Libit Sabatons |
85 |
34,000 Gold
Libit Breastplate |
76,500 Gold
Libit Gaiters |
85 |
68,000 Gold
Libit Spaulders |
59,500 Gold
Libit Coil |
85 |
51,000 Gold
Libit Sabatons |
85 |
51,000 Gold
Rusty Hexagon Mail |
68,000 Gold
Rusty Hexagon Greaves |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Hexagon Pauldrons |
51,000 Gold
Rusty Hexagon Girdle |
85 |
42,500 Gold
Rusty Hexagon Sabatons |
85 |
42,500 Gold
Hexagon Mail |
85,000 Gold
Hexagon Greaves |
85 |
76,500 Gold
Hexagon Pauldrons |
68,000 Gold
Hexagon Girdle |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Hexagon Sabatons |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Request Chat (Zelva)
- An Empyrean adage goes, "Throw a pebble into the sea, and the sea becomes taller." It means every action has a meaning.
- A Bantu adage goes, "The first person who sets food in the snowfield is not the owner of Mount Thunderime." I think it means accept Nature instead of fighting her.
Request Chat (Pandemonium Outpost)
- It's always windy and gritty here, but it's my home. I'm used to it.
- I thought about smoking, so you could find your way to us, but I was told it could also attract thieves and monsters. *Whines*
- If you get lost, shout my name. I'll keep an ear out for you.
- Sigh, how do you think the people in Zelva are by now? I hope they're okay. Sigh, who knew Luke had such grisly plans for Arad and Empyrean? I'm still shocked.
- ...Do you think there's no chance for Luke to ever change his mind?
Conversation start
Conversation end