"거대한 태양이 솟아올랐다.
그 무엇보다 붉게 타오르는 태양.
모든 것을 집어 삼키려는 듯 태양은 지지 않고 끝없이 타오른다.
바짝 타들어가는 대지에서는 곡식이 자라지 않고
열기로 인해 강도 호수도 바닥을 드러내는 구나.
목숨을 죄어오는 태양볕 아래 민중들의 눈만 촉촉히 젖어드네.
태양은 이윽고 그 눈물마저 말려버릴 것이오
아직 그대들의 몸에도 뜨거운 피가 흐르는가?
오직 들끓는 붉은 피만이 저 뜨거운 태양을 잠재울지니
붉은 깃발 아래 짓밟혀도 사그러들지 않는 이분노가
나의 피를
그대들의 피를
역류시켜 저 태양을 잠식시킬 것이다.
명예로운 제국군에게 알린다.
제국령 곳곳에서 발견되는 이 불경한 시는 노블레스라는 집단이 시민들을 선동하기 위한 수단으로 퍼트린 것으로 보인다.
제국군은 이 방을 발견하는 즉시 모두 회수하여 태워야하며 해당 시를 노래하거나 필사하는 자들도 모두 잡아들여야 할 것이다.
특히 중요한 것은 노블레스라 불리는 집단의 체포이다.
이들은 제국의 검술과 기술, 마법을 익힌 자들로 제국에 반기를 든 급진파 테러리스트들이다.
노블레스는 최대한 생포를 하여 잡아들이되 만약 반항한다면 즉결 처분해도 좋다.
노블레스를 생포한 병사에게는 2계급 특진, 즉결 처분한 병사에게는 1계급 특진의 포상을 지급할 것이다.
이상은 위대한 황제 레온 리히트리 3세 전하의 명을 받들어 제국 제1 기사단장 반이 선포하는 바이다.[1]
Official Localization (Initial Release):
"The sun rises.
The blazing red sun.
Burning forever as if it will consume everything.
The crops no longer grow in the scorching lands
and dried up rivers and lakes are showing its ground.
And only the eyes of the people moisten in tears
under the searing light of the sun.
Before long, the sun will dry even those tears.
Does thy blood still run through thy veins?
Only the wrath of the blood may put this burning sun to rest.
This wrath will regurgitate
my blood
and your blood
and cause the sun to descend forever.
Announcement to the Honourable Imperial Army
This blasphemous poem being found across the Empire, is being spread by a group called Noblesse,
to incite people into rebelling against the empire. The Imperial Army shall retrieve and burn any poems found,
and arrest all who sing or spread this poem. It is of the utmost importance that the group called Noblesse is apprehended.
These are highly skilled radical terrorists who have revolted against the Empire. Noblesse shall be captured alive if possible,
but you have the permission to execute them immediately if they show any resistance. 2 rank special promotion will be granted to soldiers
who capture Noblesses alive and 1 rank promotion will be granted to soldiers who kill them on the spot.
I, Vaughn Wahlestedt, the leader of the 1st Empire Knights declare the above on behalf of the great Emperor, Leon Heinrich III.[2]
Official Localization (DFU):
The colossal sun has risen.
Burning more brightly than anything else, this sun continues to shine upon everything with ruthless intensity.
The parched land is unable to grow.
All the rivers and lakes show their cracked bottoms.
The sun threatens the lives of people whose faces are streaked with tears of despair.
Soon, their tears will dry up as well.
does warm blood still run through your veins?
Only your boiling red blood can calm down the burning sun.
This anger that refuses to be subdued by the trampling feet of the red flag will bring forth the river of my blood and your blood and swallow that sun.
- The Noblesse
Attention, honorable soldiers of the Empire,
This poem, which has been discovered throughout the country, is suspected to be spread by an organization called the Noblesse to agitate the citizens.
You are to burn it as soon as you find it, and arrest anyone who sings or creates copies of it.
But your priority is the capture of the Noblesses.
They are radical terrorists proficient in Imperial Swordsmanship and magic, and they challenge the authority of the Empire.
Try to capture them alive, but those who put up too much resistance may be killed on sight.
Soldiers who capture them alive will be given a double promotion; those who kill them, a single promotion.
This announcement is made under the order of the great Emperor Leon Heinrich III by the Master of the First Knights of the Empire, Vaughn.[3]