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Guardian Riding

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Guardian Riding.png Guardian Riding

Active Skill

Elven Knight

Command: Downkey.pngDownkey.pngSpacebar.png
Prerequisite Level: 15
Prerequisite Skills: None


Temporarily rides Guardian Pony and slaughters enemies.
Riding the Guardian casts Super Armor (Status).png Super Armor (Status), and the Elven Guardian is dismounted when the Guardian's HP reaches 0.

[Mount Skills]

  • Jump
  • Horse Maneuver
  • Charge: dash X; dash forwards while pointing the spear outwards.
  • Spiral Spear: A 3-hit X-string; the Elven Knight stabs forwards with her lance.
  • Dismount
  • Stab: Z; a powerful strike with the lance. Cooldown: see growth chart
  • GuardianFace.png Stomp: Stomps the ground with forelegs, creating Shockwave on the area. Cooldown: 3 sec
  • GuardianJump.png Forward Jump: Quickly jumps forward. Generates a shockwave upon landing, inflicting damage on enemies. Cooldown: 8 sec
  • GuardianRearKick.png Bulk: Pony bulks at rear enemies, inflicting damage. The enemies are knocked backwards. Cooldown: 7 sec
  • GuardianGallop.png Run: Quickly charges forward. Enemies in the Elven Knight's way receive damage and are knocked backwards. Cooldown: 7 sec
    • Can only be used while dashing.
  • GuardianWhirlWindSting.png Spiral Spear: Calls forth a powerful twister. Enemies can receive multi-hit damage when coming in contact with the twister. Cooldown: 15 sec
    • Can cause a vacuum and pull in enemies.


Guardian Riding (Elven Knight).gif
Guardian Riding (Peacemaker).gif
  • SP per level: 15
  • Master Level: 30
  • Max Level: 40
  • Cooldown: 220 seconds
  • Duration: 30 sec (see growth chart in Arena )
  • Stomp Shock Wave Size: 100%
  • Fan Stab Multi-hit Count: 10
  • This skill consumes 3 Clear Cube Fragment.png Clear Cube Fragments.
  • The Elven Knight gains access to a new set of skills while mounting the Guardian Pony.
    • The skills will consume the MP of the Elven Knight.
  • Upon casting, the Elven Knight will gain Invincibility (Status).png Invincibility (Status) until she mounts the Guardian.
  • All skills scale with Guardian Riding's skill level.
  • During Guardian Riding's duration, the Elven Knight will not suffer damage. Instead, the Guardian will take the damage and has its own HP.
  • The Elven Knight will be in Super Armor (Status).png Super Armor (Status) while riding the Guardian.
  • The Basic X combo consists of multi-hit stabbing attacks with the Elven Knight's lance, which can hit off the ground.
  • Upon awakening into a Peacemaker, the Elven Knight's Guardian will change from Silver to Gold, becoming adorned with gold ornaments.

Skill Growth

Note: This table has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations.



Level Lv Req Casting MP HP 1st Attack 2nd Attack 3rd Attack Dash Atk.
1 15 180 4460 105% 126% 213% 256%
2 20 208 6721 165% 198% 335% 403%
3 25 235 8983 226% 271% 458% 550%
4 30 263 11244 286% 343% 580% 696%
5 35 291 13505 347% 416% 703% 843%
6 40 318 15766 407% 488% 825% 990%
7 45 346 18028 467% 560% 947% 1137%
8 50 373 20289 528% 633% 1070% 1284%
9 55 401 22550 588% 705% 1192% 1431%
10 60 429 24811 648% 777% 1314% 1577%
11 65 456 27073 709% 850% 1437% 1724%
12 70 484 29334 769% 922% 1559% 1871%
13 75 512 31595 830% 995% 1682% 2018%
14 80 539 33856 890% 1067% 1804% 2165%
15 85 567 36118 950% 1139% 1926% 2311%
16 90 594 38379 1011% 1212% 2049% 2458%
17 95 622 40640 1071% 1284% 2171% 2605%
18 100 650 42901 1131% 1356% 2293% 2752%
19 105 677 45163 1192% 1429% 2416% 2899%
20 110 705 47424 1252% 1501% 2538% 3045%


  • Note: The table above has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations.

Guardian's Skills


Level Lv Req Stabbing Atk. Stomp MP Hoof-stomping Shock Wave Atk. Forward Jump MP Forward Jump Atk. Forward Jump Shock Wave Atk. Buck MP Bucking Atk. Run MP Galloping Atk. Fan Stab MP Fan Stab Atk.
1 15 213% 7 796% 15 1131% 1696% 15 1797% 5 589% 40 697%
2 20 335% 12 981% 21 1393% 2089% 24 2214% 14 726% 61 859%
3 25 458% 17 1165% 27 1656% 2483% 32 2630% 23 862% 82 1020%
4 30 580% 22 1350% 33 1918% 2876% 41 3047% 31 999% 102 1182%
5 35 703% 27 1534% 39 2180% 3269% 49 3464% 40 1135% 123 1343%
6 40 825% 32 1719% 45 2442% 3662% 58 3880% 49 1272% 144 1505%
7 45 947% 37 1903% 51 2705% 4056% 66 4297% 58 1408% 165 1666%
8 50 1070% 42 2088% 57 2967% 4449% 75 4714% 67 1545% 185 1828%
9 55 1192% 47 2273% 63 3229% 4842% 84 5131% 76 1682% 206 1989%
10 60 1314% 51 2457% 69 3491% 5235% 92 5547% 84 1818% 227 2151%
11 65 1437% 56 2642% 75 3754% 5629% 101 5964% 93 1955% 248 2312%
12 70 1559% 61 2826% 81 4016% 6022% 109 6381% 102 2091% 268 2474%
13 75 1682% 66 3011% 87 4278% 6415% 118 6797% 111 2228% 289 2635%
14 80 1804% 71 3195% 93 4540% 6808% 126 7214% 120 2364% 310 2797%
15 85 1926% 76 3380% 99 4803% 7202% 135 7631% 128 2501% 331 2958%
16 90 2049% 81 3564% 105 5065% 7595% 143 8047% 137 2637% 351 3120%
17 95 2171% 86 3749% 111 5327% 7988% 152 8464% 146 2774% 372 3281%
18 100 2293% 91 3934% 117 5589% 8381% 161 8881% 155 2911% 393 3443%
19 105 2416% 96 4118% 123 5852% 8775% 169 9297% 164 3047% 414 3604%
20 110 2538% 101 4303% 129 6114% 9168% 178 9714% 172 3184% 434 3766%


  • Note: The table above has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations.

[hide] Elven Knight Skills
Active:Ancient Boar.png Ancient Boar Ancient Deer.png Ancient Deer Chain Rush.png Chain Rush Change Shield.png Change Shield Elvish Jump.png Elvish Jump Great Will.png Great Will Guardian Riding.png Guardian Riding Impregnable Defense.png Impregnable Defense Lunge Evolution.png Lunge Evolution Natural Restraint.png Natural Restraint Nature’s Protection.png Nature’s Protection Overwhelm.png Overwhelm Pulverize.png Pulverize Rose Armor.png Rose Armor Sentence.png Sentence Vanguard Strash.png Vanguard Strash Verdant Sword.png Verdant Sword War Cry.png War Cry
Passive:Dimension Molter.png Dimension Molter Unswayable Conviction.png Unswayable Conviction
Awakening:Blessing of Mother Nature.png Blessing of Mother Nature Faithful Breakthrough.png Faithful Breakthrough Harbinger of Life.png Harbinger of Life Pegasus Assault.png Pegasus Assault
2nd Awakening:Chain Strike.png Chain Strike Nature's Fury.png Nature's Fury Shield of Courage.png Shield of Courage Twilight Unicorn.png Twilight Unicorn
Neo: Awakening:Eudia's Fortress.png Eudia's Fortress Fantasy of Nature.png Fantasy of Nature Grace of Life.png Grace of Life

[hide]Knight Skills
Active:Disarm.png Disarm Finish!.png Finish! Intercept.png Intercept Lethal Punto.png Lethal Punto Lion Kick.png Lion Kick Quick Summon- Voras.png Quick Summon: Voras Shield Defense.png Shield Defense Shield Uppercut.png Shield Uppercut Stark Shield.png Stark Shield Tech Tree- Demon Soldier.png Tech Tree: Demon Soldier Wheel of Fate.png Wheel of Fate
Passive:Defense Stance.png Defense Stance Defensive Instinct.png Defensive Instinct

[hide]General Skills
Active:Backstep.png Backstep Leap.png Leap Quick Rebound.png Quick Rebound
Passive:Armor Mastery.png Armor Mastery Backstep Upgrade.png Backstep Upgrade Basic Training.png Basic Training Conversion.png Conversion Physical Critical.png Focus: Critical Latent Power.png Latent Power
Neo: Awakening:Clues to Awakening.png Clues to Awakening One Step Closer.png One Step Closer Subitism.png Subitism