Male Priest
Class Adv: Crusader
Level |
15 |
Quest Giver |
Blue Guardian Vetala |
Briefing |
Vetala: "Crusaders walks a path that is closet to the definition of priest. Having devoted both their minds and bodies to gods, Crusaders use their incorruptible faith to save others and eradicate evil. There is nothing noble in this world than Crusader's willingness to sacrifice themselves for others. If you're really ready to go on a pilgrimage that won't end until you reach the gods, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis." |
Objectives |
Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
Upon Completion |
Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Crusader. From now on, Crosses and Plate Armor will suit you best." |
Rewards |
693 Exp
Awakening: Paladin
Paladin Awakens 1
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Blessed adventurer, I must inform you of a message I have received from the divine voice of heaven. The time He has awaited has come. He has proclaimed that no one surpasses your purifying abilities. You hold the Light of Beginning within your grasp. It is time. Do you accept the destiny that Heaven has chosen for you? |
Objectives |
Collect 1000 White Cube Fragments, 1000 Red Cube Fragments, 100 Superior Hardeners, and 100 Superior Irons.
Upon Completion |
I did not need to speak so fervently to one who must have already chosen to walk this path. I apologize for my lack of faith. Come, this way. |
Rewards |
Paladin Awakens 2
Paladin Awakens 3
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
The sacred responsibility entrusted to you is to help other adventurers fight the evil in this world. But you must always remember that only your prowess can protect your will. What the human heart desires is often more frightening and powerful than any monster in this world. Confront those living in the darkness, and you'll find enlightenment. |
Objectives |
Obtain 10 Formidable Essences from APCs in Tower of the Dead or Tower of Illusion.
Upon Completion |
Good job. |
Rewards |
189,168 Exp
6,696 Gold
Paladin Awakens 4
Second Awakening: Saint
Saint Awakens 1
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Brother. I know why you came such a long way here.
You are probably curious as to why our trusted leader Mikaela, I mean the traitor Mikaela joined the ranks of the patron saints.
Of course, the fact that he deceived us makes his expulsion totally reasonable. However, there are still many followers who rely on him and see god through him.
Remedia Kader knew it was wrong but he did it for the poor followers who were living in chaotic times... Yes... I am aware that many priests who found out were disappointed and left the Order.
Paladin, the faithful follower of god, what will you do? Will you leave? Or become a 'Saint' to protect those who still follow us?
The choice is yours. However, drop me a word when you make up your mind. |
Objectives |
Report to Grandis when you are ready to become a Saint, the 2nd Awakening class of the Crusader. |
Upon Completion |
I thank you on behalf of the Order |
Rewards |
12,096 Gold
Saint Awakens 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
The situation at the Order is not looking so good. Many priests have left the order and those who remain are in great chaos.
Now is the perfect time for you, the faithful follower, to guide the others and stabilize the Order. But before that, you must first remove any doubts you may have.
Join the Black Dragon Tournament and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Energies from the strong warriors will help you remember your oath as a follower.
Careful though. You better know that the contenders of the Black Dragon Tournament are also members of the Tower of Despair, and they are not to be underestimated. |
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Grandis.
Upon Completion |
You have collected them all. Excellent. I will use this to help you remember your first oath as a follower. |
Rewards |
Class Adv: Monk
Level |
15 |
Quest Giver |
Blue Guardian Vetala |
Briefing |
Vetala: "You want to be the holy fighter Monk. Monks are capable of delivering a succession of attacks with lightning speed and countering enemy attacks at the perfect timing, but what makes them special is the Divinity Attack, the anti-Imposter skill. The pioneer of the Divinity Attack is a saint called Micheal of the Holy Eye. <Player>, if you're really determined to eradicate the Imposters that plague everywhere in the world, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis." |
Objectives |
Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
Upon Completion |
Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Monk. From now on, Totems and Light Armor will suit you best." |
Rewards |
693 Exp
Awakening: Templar
Templar Awakens 1
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
You who executes the will of God, who wields the strength of an iron mace within their hands against the Imposters, come! Receive your message from God! |
Objectives |
Collect 1000 White Cube Fragments, 1000 Red Cube Fragments, 100 Superior Hardeners, and 100 Superior Irons.
Upon Completion |
God desires to grant you greater strength, so that you may continue to defend justice. Since you accepted His calling, I will tell you of the difficulties you must now suffer. |
Rewards |
Templar Awakens 2
Templar Awakens 3
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Everyone has ambition. Everyone tastes failure. Since everyone has a different approach, there is something to be learned from even the lowliest soul. Encounter them, one by one. Feel as they feel. See through their eyes. Though they are not Imposters, defeating them will make you strong. Are you ready to confront even the strongest enemy? |
Objectives |
Obtain 10 Formidable Essences from APCs in Tower of the Dead or Tower of Illusion.
Upon Completion |
You survived an intense battle. |
Rewards |
189,168 Exp
6,696 Gold
Templar Awakens 4
Second Awakening: Justice
Second Awakening: Justice
Justice Awakens 1
Justice Awakens 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
As an advocate of god, the life you led of destroying the imposters was perfect.
However, you are still Human. you were probably in great doubt even when walking the path that god has showed you. But you must understand that even this ordeal was in god's plan to strengthen you.
Join the Black Dragon Tournament and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Energies from strong warriors will help you understand how profound and meticulous god's plan is.
Careful though. You better know that the contenders of the Black Dragon Tournament are also the members of the Tower of Despair, and they are not to be underestimated.
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Grandis.
Upon Completion |
You have collected them all. Excellent. I will use this to help you understand what god has in plan for you. |
Rewards |
Class Adv: Exorcist
Level |
15 |
Quest Giver |
Blue Guardian Vetala |
Briefing |
Vetala: "Exorcists are Priests that practice shamanism unique to the Suju region. They employ the power of yin and yang, and command ghost called the Shikigamis. Exorcist use shamanic skills to maximize their physical capabilities, as well as talismans to weaken their enemies. They are well-rounded fighters capable of physical and magical combat. If you're really determined to become an Exorcist, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis." |
Objectives |
Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
Upon Completion |
Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Exorcist. From now on, Battle Axe, Rosaries, and Cloth/Plate Armor will suit you best." |
Rewards |
693 Exp
Awakening: Hyperion
Hyperion Awakens 1
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Holy Warrior, you who have defeated the demons of darkness and given up everything to maintain the balance in this world... You have received a message from God. Come and receive his word. |
Objectives |
Collect 1000 White Cube Fragments, 1000 Red Cube Fragments, 100 Superior Hardeners, and 100 Superior Irons.
Upon Completion |
I know all their is to know about you and desire to teach you a few things on behalf of Michael the Holy. Do you agree to learn? It may take time and your very life may be forfeit, but if you choose it, I will light your path. |
Rewards |
Hyperion Awakens 2
Hyperion Awakens 3
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Your energy is in the shape of a dragon coming out of your lower dantian. Each time you move your arms they leave blue afterimages, indicating the absence of all evil. You energy is as pure as it can be, but can it remain pure in the face of death? Imposters are everywhere, waiting for the opportunity to taint your mind and forfeit your life. I want you to battle those who live in the darkness and learn how to fill the void in your heart and forge your mind. |
Objectives |
Obtain 10 Formidable Essences from APCs in Tower of the Dead or Tower of Illusion.
Upon Completion |
You remained calm, even in the thick of the battle. |
Rewards |
189,168 Exp
6,696 Gold
Hyperion Awakens 4
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
You are now the master of the blue dragon. Be reborn as a Hyperion, who can vanquish the demons of the world. All things were created without color and only gained color later according to their will, so what then shall we blame? Remember this. As the Blue Dragon flies through the air, the rotted fruit and body fell. As the Blue Dragon split the earth, the cry of victory was heard. I will now await the new legend you shall weave with your actions. |
Objectives |
Collect 60 Chaos Stone Debris, 80 Seal of Empress Skardi, and 120 Seal of Emperor Helm
Upon Completion |
Proceed with your journey Hyperion, share the will of our God, and enforce your own justice upon all evil residents of Arad. Nothing shall stand in your way to Heaven, and Michael shall guide you there when it is your time to join him in the eternal bliss of the holy order. |
Rewards |
154,874 Exp
Second Awakening: Draconid
Second Awakening: Draconid
Draconid Awakens 1
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Brother. It's been quite a while since you've left the Order. I am glad I met you again.
As I've said before, the Order of Priests does not hate those who have left. Even if we believe in different gods, we are brothers as we have the same goal in mind, which is to save Arad.
So don't be hesitant to ask for help. Anyway, I've heard about the Death Temple that you seek. It is a place of trial for Hyperions who wish to gain the strength of the Dragon.
Those who pass the trials in the Death Temple become one with the dragon. They are known as 'Draconid.' I am sure you can guess how powerful of an exorcism they can perform with a legendary name like that.
But trials of the Golden Dragon is not something anyone can withstand as the most powerful of Hyperions have failed to return alive. But if you still wish to attempt the trials, please come to me.
Objectives |
Report to Grandis when you are ready to become a Draconid, the 2nd Awakening class of Exorcist. |
Upon Completion |
The Reapers already approve of you. Your determination was thought well by them. |
Rewards |
560,117 Exp
12,096 Gold
Draconid Awakens 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Now that you've got the approval of the Reapers, you are ready to go through the trials of the Golden Dragon.
Death Temple is even thought as a mere myth among the Hyperions too, right? That shows not many have attempted and even less have survived.
I can't directly help you with the trials but I can increase your spiritual powers required for exorcism.
Join the Black Dragon Tournament and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Energies from strong warriors will help you bring up your spiritual powers.
Careful though. You better know that the contenders of the Black Dragon Tournaments are also members of the Tower of Despair, and they are not to be underestimated. |
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Grandis.
Upon Completion |
You have collected them all. Excellent. I will use this energy to increase your spiritual powers. Good luck in surviving the trials of the Golden Dragon! |
Rewards |
560,117 Exp
Class Adv: Avenger
Level |
15 |
Quest Giver |
Blue Guardian Vetala |
Briefing |
Vetala: "Avenger... I'm afraid your undying anger towards the Imposters has nudged you to a godforsaken path. Avengers willingly accept the power of the Devil and alter their physical constitutions to crush their enemies. Their anger, however, is a double-edged sword for it could turn them into the very thing that they hate: Imposters. The only thing that keeps them from going over the line is their willpower. <Player>, prove your willpower to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis." |
Objectives |
Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
Upon Completion |
Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of Avenger. From now on, Scythes and Heavy Armor will suit you best." |
Rewards |
693 Exp
Awakening: Doom Guardian
Awakening: Doom Guardian
Doom Guardian Awakens 1
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Accursed Priest, do you wish to be purified?
...Oh, no! Your dark side has grown too big to separate from your soul.
Now... no ritual can reverse your condition. I'm sorry, but there is no hope, if you are willing to embrace your fate. |
Objectives |
Collect 1000 White Cube Fragments, 1000 Red Cube Fragments, 100 Superior Hardeners, and 100 Superior Irons.
Upon Completion |
I'm still contemplating whether or not I should teach this to you. |
Rewards |
Doom Guardian Awakens 2
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
There is only one solution, and that is to become a Doom Guardian.
In truth, Doom Guardians are Imposters, for they share the same aura and appearance.
But inside they remain faithful to the Lord. Doom Guardians are the Imposters among us. It is such an extreme measure that the Order rarely allows it.
Few can resist the call of Ozma, no matter how devout they may be... |
Objectives |
Clear the 30th floor of the Tower of the Dead. |
Upon Completion |
You have an incredibly strong mind. Maybe you can resist Ozma and become a Doom Guardian after all. |
Rewards |
112,424 Exp
6,912 Gold
Doom Guardian Awakens 3
Doom Guardian Awakens 4
Second Awakening: Immortal
Second Awakening: Immortal
Immortal Awakens 1
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Abandoned and hurt by the very person you saved; Brother, where are you headed with such a weakened body?
You, who have withstood the evil powers, is the most noble and faithful priest. Even though your appearance may have changed to an imposter by the evil powers, y our devoted service cannot be matched.
The reason why the Order is in such trouble now is because we kept away the priests who have strong faith such as yourself.
As a token of reconciliation, we would like to perform a procedure that reduces Ozma's hallucination and lighten your body.
And you shall be reborn as "Immortal" and make it official that you belong to the Order. If you are together with the Order, those who tried to supress you before won't dare try anymore.
Brother. I know you have been hurt in many ways but give us, the Order, a chance. we look forward to your return. |
Objectives |
Report to Grandis when you are ready to become a Immortal, the 2nd Awakening class of the Avenger. |
Upon Completion |
Thank you. I will let the Order know of your decision right away. |
Rewards |
12,096 Gold
Immortal Awakens 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Although you have kept a strong will, it must have been difficult to control the physical rage that followed from the demonization. It must have taken a heavy toll on your body as the evil power seeked to take over.
You've supressed it well so far but evil power will eventually affect you in some way.
Join the Black Dragon Tournament and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Energies from strong warriors will help you control the evil power within you.
Careful though. You better know that the contenders of the Black Dragon Tournaments are also the members of the Tower of Despair, and they are not to be underestimated. |
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Grandis.
Upon Completion |
You have collected them all. Excellent. I will now use this to perform a procedure which will help you control the evil power better. |
Rewards |
Female Priest
Class Adv: Crusader
Awakening: Evangelist
Second Awakening: Seraph
Second Awakening: Seraph
Awakening: Seraph 1
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
You look troubled. Have you not received an answer to your prayer? What did you pray for, anyway?
You think your faith isn't strong enough to save everyone. But only God can save us all, and you're arrogant for wishing something like that, but... I can't blame you.
As you know, many Priest have turned their back on the Order ever since the canonization of Apostle Michael. I understand their opposition, but their withdrawal has rocked the Order to its very foundation.
Thank you for remaining in the Order. It needs help from someone like you to regroup its members. How'd you like to become a Seraph, a messenger of God in Heaven.
The more members the Order has, the more it can save those in need. You cannot save everyone by yourself, but you can do more if you have more people with you.
I know this is not an easy decision to make. You can think it over and let me know. |
Objectives |
Report to Grandis when you are ready to become a Seraph, the 2nd Awakening class of the Crusader. |
Upon Completion |
Thank you for deciding to accept such a heavy responsibility. |
Rewards |
12,096 Gold
Awakening: Seraph 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
[[File:To receive the title of Seraph, you need acknowledgement from the Order, as well as a blessing from the Three Angels.
But it takes a miracle to receive a blessing from the Angels. You have to thoroughly impress them with your prayer.
The Black Dragon Tournament is being held in the Shonan Arena. Join the tournament and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies.
I'll use them to create a sacred area around you, so you can pray without interference from evil forces.
But remember, the contenders of the Black Dragon Tournament are powerful warriors from the Tower of Despair. Be careful not to hurt yourself. You have an important ceremony to perform after this..png|x150px]] |
Title |
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Grandis.
Upon Completion |
Welcome back. The prayer room is ready. Good luck getting an answer to your prayer. |
Rewards |
File:Seraph Awakening.png
Class Adv: Inquisitor
Awakening: Hellkite
Second Awakening: Inferno
Second Awakening: Inferno
Awakening: Inferno 1
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Welcome, I've been expecting you. Please calm down and hear me out.
It was the Order's decision to canonize Michael despite his true identity as an Apostle. There was no external pressure in making that decision.
Surprised? I can understand. The Order is not supposed to tolerate heresy, and yet it canonized Apostle Michael as a saint.
The decision had to be made to protect our followers. As you know, Michael has a big, long-standing following, and his followers will refuse to accept the truth, no matter how hard we try.
Everything we do, we do it for God and His followers. You understand that, don't you? Then please support the Order's decision.
Besides, you have a more important thing to do: punish the cultists that sprout one after another, plaguing this land.
The Order knew you'd come, so it ordered me to check if you're qualified to become an Inferno. What do you say? Are you ready to take your holy mission to punish heretics to the next level? |
Objectives |
Report to Grandis when you are ready to become an Inferno, the 2nd Awakening class of the Inquisitor. |
Upon Completion |
I hoped you'd make the rational decision. |
Rewards |
12,096 Gold
Awakening: Inferno 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
[[File:You're strong in faith, so God has trusted you with punishing heretics. You've delighted Him with your diligence, so He's giving you an opportunity to take on more responsibility. Be thankful for His generosity and do your best to pass this test.
The Black Dragon Tournament is being held in the Shonan Arena. Join the tournament and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies.
This is a necessary step to strengthen the purging fire that God bestowed upon you.
Wait, one more thing: the contenders of the Black Dragon Tournament are formidable warriors from the Tower of Despair. Make a mistake in combat, and you'll pay for it dearly..png|x150px]] |
Title |
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Grandis.
Upon Completion |
You've passed the test. I'll submit the results to the Order. You can go back and wait for a response.
I hope God will watch over you and keep you from shedding the blood of the innocent. |
Rewards |
File:Inferno Awakening.png
Class Adv: Shaman
Awakening: Oracle
Second Awakening: Divineress
Second Awakening: Divineress
Awakening: Divineress 1
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Welcome. You must be tired from your long journey. Why don't you take a seat here and let me talk to you for a while?
This place looks empty, you say? Yes it is empty. Since the Order canonized Apostle Michael as a saint, a great many Priests and Priestesses have left.
Speaking of which, you haven't said anything about it. What do you think? Are you... planning to leave as well?
You're hesitant to answer me. I understand. Even I had a hard time accepting his canonization, but our followers are happy and that's what matters.
I'm not trying to force my opinion on you. I just want you to stay with the Order and spread its will of harmony and reconciliation across Arad. We can't afford to lose more Priests and Priestesses. Our followers need them.
Thank you. Then let me show you the secret textbook of the Divineress. Please follow me. |
Objectives |
Report to Grandis when you are ready to become a Divineress, the 2nd Awakening class of the Shaman. |
Upon Completion |
A very powerful deity has trusted the order with this textbook, so we could show it to someone who is worthy. I think that person is you. |
Rewards |
12,096 Gold
Awakening: Divineress 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
[[File:Your follow your oracles and battle with the Sacred Dragon. You're as experienced as an adventurer as you are a Shaman. You have been to places no other Priests and Priestesses have gone to spread the teachings of Heaven.
If you are not worthy of the power of the Divineress, then no one else is.
Reach the level of the Divineress, and you'll no longer be a simple communicator of God. You'll be able to become one with the Sacred Dragon and follow your oracles farther, reaching more places to spread the teachings of Heaven.
But as you may have guessed, reaching that level is more dangerous than anything you've done before. Summoning the Sacred Dragon is tough enough. Becoming one with it is... You could lose your soul to it forever.
Have you heard of the Black Dragon Tournament that takes place in the Shonan Arena? Join the Tournament and gather 30 Black Dragon Energies.
I want to use them to create a shield for your soul.
But be careful: contenders of the Black Dragon Tournament are formidable warriors from the Tower of Despair. You'd better arm yourself to the teeth..png|x150px]] |
Title |
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Grandis.
Upon Completion |
You've brought them. Now go clean yourself and meet the Sacred Dragon. Don't let your guard down until its will becomes one with yours. |
Rewards |
File:Divineress Awakening.png
Class Adv: Mistress
Awakening: Sinsayer
Second Awakening: Reedemer
Second Awakening: Redeemer
Awakening: Redeemer 1
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Oh no, are you okay? The sins you are carrying are burdening your heart. How did you let things get this bad?
You must have punished a great many sinners and harvested just as many sins. But right now, you're so weak, even your stigmata won't be able to keep you going for much longer.
Maybe you should consider retiring from your Mistress duty-
...You refuse to quit? I have to agree that the Order can't afford to lose great members like you, now that Michael has fallen and joined the evil Apostles.
And Sister, maybe this isn't the end of your career. This can just be another ordeal you have to overcome. Maybe... you're being tested for your qualification to become a Redeemer.
When you become a Redeemer, your sickness will be cured, but you'll be exposed to the source of the original sin and end up losing your humanity.
Becoming a Redeemer is incredibly dangerous and terrifying. Do you still want to try it? |
Objectives |
Report to Grandis when you are ready to become a Redeemer, the 2nd Awakening class of the Mistress. |
Upon Completion |
I admire your devotion to God and your duty. |
Rewards |
12,096 Gold
Awakening: Redeemer 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
[[File:You can now accept original sin and use it to eradicate demons, but along with them comes their sins, which you'll also have to carry.
You've punished so many sinners that you have no more room in you to contain more sins. Now you have to learn how to release and shape them in a way that you can use them to represent God.
Everyone has their own way of looking at things, so I cannot tell you how to do that. However, that skill will be necessary to stop the sins from spreading too quickly before you could get ahold of them.
Have you heard of the Black Dragon Tournament that takes place in the Shonan Arena? Join the Tournament and gather 30 Black Dragon Energies.
I'll use them to create a ward around you. Even if you fail to control the sins you released and end up being devoured by them, the ward will make sure they can't reach anyone else.
Contenders in the Black Dragon Tournament are formidable warriors from the Tower of Despair. You'll be fighting them while fighting the sins inside you. It's going to be tough..png|x150px]] |
Title |
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Grandis.
Upon Completion |
You made it! Excellent! Now, let me cast a ward around you. In the meantime, you can pray to God.
God has created sins, you're to devote yourself to Him and them. Worship Him and learn about His plan for you. |
Rewards |
File:Redeener Awakening.png