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The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions

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The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions
Realm 7 - Library of Memories.png
Location Library of Memories
Min. Level 110
Level 110
Monster Level 140
End Boss Varies


Dungeon Rules & Details

Level Required Level 1 / Level 2
Adventurer Fame.png Adventurer Fame
Level 3 Adventurer Fame.png Adventurer Fame Transcendence Adventurer Fame.png Adventurer Fame Fatigue Points Entry Weekly Entry Count Weekly Reward Count Availability
110 17,854 ? ? 30 3/3 1/1/1 (For each boss) Opened all week round. (Monday–Sunday)
  • Quest Required: Complete the Act Quests [Wandering Blade] through [Back to Where We Belong], and accumulate 38,095 Adventurer Fame.png Adventurer Fame to gain access to the Archmage Channel.
  • Player Amount: Can be run optionally Solo (1 Player), or with 2 – 4 Players as long as they meet the Adventurer Fame requirements to participate.
  • Area Buff: Librarian's Advice will be added.

You can create a party by speaking with the NPC Memory Librarian, or use “Look for Party UI” to set up a Combat Lobby for Hall of Dimensions. Once everything is fully prepared, speak with Librarian again on the right side to begin the mission.

Gameplay & Progression

Introduced in May 2023's Season 7 – Act 06's patch, The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions is the second Legion Dungeon as part of a Post-Bakal Raid content. Identical to Ispins, either you or a party of 2–4 players can select any of the three Memory Cards that's shown on your screen, which is divided into separate difficulties. However, the third Transcendental Boss always receives a fourth card, which is known as Transcendence, that has its own features.

For this content, you'll be battling off against three of five Transcendental Beings comprised of; He Who Hid the Dew, The Lady of Light, Fount of Abyss, Karon the Gatekeeper and Moros the Primordial Fear that hail from different Realms in a similar boss-rush structure, alongside the randomized weekly order lineup. Each Transcendental wields their own attack patterns and various gimmicks throughout the fight, each will have at least two or three phases (If doing Transcendence Mode on the latter) that makes them far more powerful than before. Like with Ispins, clearing a Legion Dungeon rewards players with various rewards through item drops and card flips.

Transcendence Mode

The transcendent being begins to awaken, though faintly.(0%)
The transcendent being begins to awaken. (40 - 79%)
The transcendent being writhes violently. (80 - 95%)
Soon, the transcendent being will awaken. (96 - 99%)
The transcendent being has fully awakened. (100%)

When reaching the third and last boss for Hall of Dimensions during each week's rotation, you'll have the option to choose a fourth Memory Card in the form of Transcendence, that can be seen as a more challenging version of Lightning War with its own mechanics. Not only will fighting a Transcendence gives a massive increase their HP, but they also receive a variety of new patterns upon reaching that phase. Replacing the 1-Hour time limit, is now an Awakening Casting Gauge that slowly fills up by 1% throughout their boss fight. If the gauge becomes full at 100% within roughly 5 minutes, it results in an automatic failure with the boss using their Awakening attack to send everyone out of the dungeon.

Above the UI is a glowing green bar known as a Surpasser, that offers an amplified damage buff to all players by four level bars, which can be filled up as long as they don't take any damage from a Transcendence boss, otherwise the gauge reduces when getting hit.

1 Bar 2 Bars 3 Bars 4 Bars
50% 100% 150% 400%


Only exclusive to Hall of Dimensions, a distortion occurs at regular intervals during battles for 20 seconds, where the screen begins to get all fuzzy, and the Memory Librarian will try his best to restore its connection. If players are damaged by a Transcendental's attacks regardless of which phase they're in during these distortions, they'll receive a Information has been lost notice above that'll warn them of a Loss debuff which restricts a portion of their Max HP/MP Pool by 10% each per hit.

Stacks accumulated through Loss can be removed through either the following:

Memory Cards

Level 1 Memory Cards
Clear Mind Up to 2 Life Token.png Life Tokens usable.
Elemental Damage +37% on Transcendental Being.
Immortal Memory Souls don't dry up on the Adventurer's Tombstone. (Karon's fight only)
Level 2 Memory Cards Life Token.png Life Token x0
Memory Activation Elemental Damage +35 ~ 40% on Transcendental Being.
Memory Distortion Counterattack damage on Transcendental Being +35 ~ 40%.
Level 3 Memory Cards Life Token.png Life Token x0
Lightning War Defeat the Transcendental Being less than 5 minutes.
Forgetfulness Healing consumable restriction count reduced to 4.
Lethargy Max +150% on Transcendental Being's Neutralize gauge.
Blackout Transcendental Being's Attack +20%.
Level 4 Memory Card Life Token.png Life Token x0
Transcendence Encounter the Transcendental Being's true form.


  • Each Legion Dungeon's time limit generally consists of 60 Minutes (1 Hour) to complete, exceeding it results in being auto-removed from that dungeon.
  • 2 Life Token.png Life Tokens are granted for only Stage 1 Card Operations (Except for Charon's fight) on either Solo/Party Mode. Players who've died during parties, regardless of the Memory Card chosen, gets auto-resurrected with 30% of HP/MP whenever a Transcendental Boss moves into their next phase.
  • HP/MP-related Consumables have an 8-time usage limit, this can be lowered through the Forgetfulness Memory Card.
  • Failing the Lightning War Memory Card, will not give out bonus rewards if the time required exceeds its limit.
  • Certain skills are weakened when entering Legion Dungeons, such as the Buffers' healing ones. (Slow Heal.png Slow Heal, Healing Prayer.png Healing Prayer and Meticulous Stitching.png Meticulous Stitching)
  • If you're not fond of the Operation Card that was chosen, you can change it anytime without limitation.
  • Choosing to "Abandon Mission" will not give back the Fatigue Points that were consumed upon entry, but it's possible to acquire a second chance through party play if everyone agrees to disband.
  • Similar to Ispins, Archmage can be entered three times a week, as the extra two counts are used as hold-overs, if either you've lost connection from the game or the mission was abandoned. The rewards themselves from defeated Transcendent Bosses be obtained only once per run, with both counts resetting on Tuesday (9:00 UTC).


Dungeon Name Monster Level Dungeon Boss
Realm 0 - Inverted World of Destruction.png Realm 0: World of Destruction 140 No Icon.png The Lady of Light
Realm 1 - Celesti.png Realm 1: Seon 140 Icon-He Who Hid the Dew.png He Who Hid the Dew
Realm 4 - Pandemonium.png Realm 4: Pandemonium 140 No Icon.png Fount of Abyss
Realm 5 - The Netherworld.png Realm 5: The Netherworld 140 Icon-Karon the Gatekeeper.png Karon the Gatekeeper
Realm 6: Hell of Sleepless Sins 140 Icon-Moros the Primordial Fear.png Moros the Primordial Fear

Tales Exchange System (Formerly)

As of the Asrahan: Curtains of Mu Update, both Tales of Bravery - The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions.png Tales of Braveries (Archmage) & Conqueror's Token - The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions.png Conqueror's Tokens (Archmage) have been removed from the Global Client, though Memory Librarian will still have the Tales Exchange Shop opened for other content, as Blurry Memory Fragment.png Blurry Memory Fragments will now be the main currency for purchasing items that were previously featured.


Memory Viewed

Memory Card Levels 1 - 4 Flips

  • max-width:300px 100
  • max-width:300px 100
  • max-width:300px 100
  • max-width:300px 100
  • max-width:300px 100
  • max-width:300px 100
  • Level 100 Dark Fragmented Abyss Unique Equipment (Level 2 - Transcendence)
  • 1
    max-width:300px 100
  • 1 Hall of Dimensions Fusion Equipment (Sub Equipment, Earrings or Magic Stone)

Neo Premium Contract Benefits:

Rewards per Completed Fight in The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions

Difficulty Brilliant Memory Fragment.png Brilliant Memory Fragment Blurry Memory Fragment.png Blurry Memory Fragment
Level 1 0 20
Level 2 6 14
Level 3 12 8
Level 4: Transcendence 12 8
Total 3 Realm Completion Rewards 24 (Level 2)
36 (Level 3/Transcendence)
60 (Level 1)
42 (Level 2)
24 (Level 3/Transcendence)

Hall of Dimensions Fusion Equipment

By collecting Blurry Memory Fragment.png Blurry Memory Fragment, you can purchase any of the 15 Fusion Stone Equipment that's featured with this Legion Dungeon content. Apart from offering Attack Increase and Buff Power alike, each individual piece has their very own functions and special effects alike once fused onto your corresponding equipment slots.

Similar to Ispins Fusions, they can also receive a Level 110: Seon upgrade through Dusky Island by gathering Precipitated Purple Malefic Energy.png Precipitated Purple Malefic Energy, and this not only increases their Adventurer Fame.png Adventurer Fame by 300, but also grants Overall Damage and higher Buff Power.

Abyssal Concentration / Fount of Abyss

Slot Skill Range
Sub Equipment Abyssal Concentration - Infinite Contraction.png Abyssal Concentration: Infinite Contraction
Magic Stone Abyssal Concentration - Undefined Presence.png Abyssal Concentration: Undefined Presence
Earring Abyssal Concentration - Amorphous Power.png Abyssal Concentration: Amorphous Power

Soul Bind / Karon

Slot Attack Increase
Sub Equipment Soul Bind - Dominating Authority.png Soul Bind: Dominating Authority
Magic Stone Soul Bind - Heavy Karma.png Soul Bind: Heavy Karma
Earrings Soul Bind - Unbreakable Seal.png Soul Bind: Unbreakable Seal

Reign of Sin / Moros

Slot Quality of Life
Sub Equipment Reign of Sin - Shrouding Terror.png Reign of Sin: Shrouding Terror
Magic Stone Reign of Sin - Hanging Screams.png Reign of Sin: Hanging Screams
Earrings Reign of Sin - Primal Fear.png Reign of Sin: Primal Fear

Brilliance / Lady of Light

Slot Auto-Recharge Barrier
Sub Equipment Brilliance - Noble Mission.png Brilliance: Noble Mission
Magic Stone Brilliance - Unstoppable Will.png Brilliance: Unstoppable Will
Earrings Brilliance - Imparted Wisdom.png Brilliance: Imparted Wisdom

Superior / He Who Hid the Dew

Slot Object Damage
Sub Equipment Superior - Origin of the Myre.png Superior: Origin of the Myre
Magic Stone Superior - Magic Circle.png Superior: Magic Circle
Earrings Superior - Cosmic Earrings.png Superior: Cosmic Earrings
