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Tossing Slash

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Tossing Slash.png Tossing Slash

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Active Skill

Sword Master

Command: Downkey.pngUpkey.png+Z.png
Prerequisite Level: 30
Prerequisite Skills: None
Alternate Names: Korean: 비연참


Basic Description:
A powerful upward slash knocks the enemy back, followed by a series of slashes and a final slash that creates a shock wave across the ground.

Detailed Description:
A powerful upward slash knocks the enemy back, followed by a series of slashes and a final slash that creates a shock wave across the ground.

[Special Function]
[ Crushing Bludgeon Mastery.png Crushing Bludgeon Mastery Effect ]
- Increases shock wave range and Atk.

[ Boundless Legacy.png Boundless Legacy Effect ]
- Drops magic swords of the Elemental Shift attribute.


  • SP per level: 30
  • Master Level: 60
  • Max Level: 70
  • Casting Time: Instant Cast
  • Cooldown: 12 sec.
  • MP -2.0% Cooldown -1.0% on Command
  • Basic Attack Cancelable Skill
  • Multi-slash Count: 8
  • [Range Info]
    • Shock Wave Range Rate: 100%


  • Dungeon Fighter Online API Docs Link:
  • 던전앤파이터 API Docs Link:

Skill Growth

Note: This table has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations.


Level Lv Req MP Upward Slash Physical Atk. Multi-Slash Physical Atk. Shock Wave Atk. [Boundless Legacy Effect]
Enhanced Elemental Magic Sword Atk.
1 30 60 1139% 763% 896% 896%
2 33 65 1321% 885% 1039% 1039%
3 36 70 1503% 1006% 1182% 1182%
4 39 74 1684% 1128% 1325% 1325%
5 42 79 1866% 1250% 1467% 1467%
6 45 84 2048% 1372% 1610% 1610%
7 48 89 2230% 1493% 1753% 1753%
8 51 93 2412% 1615% 1896% 1896%
9 54 98 2593% 1737% 2039% 2039%
10 57 103 2775% 1859% 2182% 2182%
11 60 108 2957% 1980% 2324% 2324%
12 63 113 3139% 2102% 2467% 2467%
13 66 117 3321% 2224% 2610% 2610%
14 69 122 3503% 2346% 2753% 2753%
15 72 127 3684% 2467% 2896% 2896%
16 75 132 3866% 2589% 3039% 3039%
17 78 137 4048% 2711% 3181% 3181%
18 81 141 4230% 2833% 3324% 3324%
19 84 146 4412% 2954% 3467% 3467%
20 87 151 4593% 3076% 3610% 3610%
21 90 156 4775% 3198% 3753% 3753%
22 93 160 4957% 3320% 3896% 3896%
23 96 165 5139% 3441% 4038% 4038%
24 99 170 5321% 3563% 4181% 4181%
25 102 175 5502% 3685% 4324% 4324%
26 105 180 5684% 3806% 4467% 4467%
27 108 184 5866% 3928% 4610% 4610%
28 111 189 6048% 4050% 4753% 4753%
29 114 194 6230% 4172% 4896% 4896%
30 117 199 6412% 4293% 5038% 5038%
31 120 203 6593% 4415% 5181% 5181%
32 123 208 6775% 4537% 5324% 5324%
33 126 213 6957% 4659% 5467% 5467%
34 129 218 7139% 4780% 5610% 5610%
35 132 223 7321% 4902% 5753% 5753%
36 135 227 7502% 5024% 5895% 5895%
37 138 232 7684% 5146% 6038% 6038%
38 141 237 7866% 5267% 6181% 6181%
39 144 242 8048% 5389% 6324% 6324%
40 147 247 8230% 5511% 6467% 6467%
41 150 251 8411% 5633% 6610% 6610%
42 153 256 8593% 5754% 6752% 6752%
43 156 261 8775% 5876% 6895% 6895%
44 159 266 8957% 5998% 7038% 7038%
45 162 270 9139% 6120% 7181% 7181%
46 165 275 9321% 6241% 7324% 7324%
47 168 280 9502% 6363% 7467% 7467%
48 171 285 9684% 6485% 7610% 7610%
49 174 290 9866% 6606% 7752% 7752%
50 177 294 10048% 6728% 7895% 7895%
51 180 299 10230% 6850% 8038% 8038%
52 183 304 10411% 6972% 8181% 8181%
53 186 309 10593% 7093% 8324% 8324%
54 189 313 10775% 7215% 8467% 8467%
55 192 318 10957% 7337% 8609% 8609%
56 195 323 11139% 7459% 8752% 8752%
57 198 328 11320% 7580% 8895% 8895%
58 201 333 11502% 7702% 9038% 9038%
59 204 337 11684% 7824% 9181% 9181%
60 207 342 11866% 7946% 9324% 9324%
61 210 347 12048% 8067% 9466% 9466%
62 213 352 12230% 8189% 9609% 9609%
63 216 357 12411% 8311% 9752% 9752%
64 219 361 12593% 8433% 9895% 9895%
65 222 366 12775% 8554% 10038% 10038%
66 225 371 12957% 8676% 10181% 10181%
67 228 376 13139% 8798% 10323% 10323%
68 231 380 13320% 8920% 10466% 10466%
69 234 385 13502% 9041% 10609% 10609%
70 237 390 13684% 9163% 10752% 10752%


Sword Master Skills
Active:Arcane Sword Blast.png Arcane Sword Blast Ascent.png Ascent Auto Deflect.png Auto Deflect Counter Strike (Sword Master).png Counter Strike (Sword Master) Crescent.png Crescent Elemental Shift (Sword Master).png Elemental Shift (Sword Master) Flash.png Flash Illusion Sword.png Illusion Sword Imperial Swordsmanship.png Imperial Swordsmanship Sentiment Du Fer Critical.png Sentiment Du Fer Critical Swift Demon Slash.png Swift Demon Slash Swift Sword.png Swift Sword Tossing Slash.png Tossing Slash
Passive:Blade Dance.png Blade Dance Crushing Bludgeon Mastery.png Crushing Bludgeon Mastery Elemental Short Sword Mastery.png Elemental Short Sword Mastery Magic Sword Medley.png Magic Sword Medley Magic Sword of Unity.png Magic Sword of Unity Robust Zanbato Mastery.png Robust Zanbato Mastery Swift Katana Mastery.png Swift Katana Mastery Swordplay.png Swordplay
Awakening:Dragon Mortar.png Dragon Mortar Elemental Eradicator.png Elemental Eradicator Soul Render.png Soul Render Ultimate Slayer Technique- Spacetime Cutter.png Ultimate Slayer Technique: Spacetime Cutter
2nd Awakening:Ancient Pledge.png Ancient Pledge Blade Waltz.png Blade Waltz Ultimate Sword- Laevateinn.png Ultimate Sword: Laevateinn Unleash.png Unleash
Neo: Awakening:Boundless Legacy.png Boundless Legacy Supreme Legion.png Supreme Legion Ultimate Magic Sword- Wind Wheel.png Ultimate Magic Sword: Wind Wheel

Female Slayer Skills
Active:Ascending Sword.png Ascending Sword Castigation.png Castigation Cross Slash.png Cross Slash Demonic Slash.png Demonic Slash Flying Tips.png Flying Tips Mountain Press.png Mountain Press Shadow Snake Attack.png Shadow Snake Attack Sliding Slash.png Sliding Slash Spinning Blade.png Spinning Blade Guard.png Sword Barrier
Passive:Composure.png Composure Heaven Cleaver.png Heaven Cleaver

General Skills
Active:Ancient Memory.png Ancient Memory Backstep.png Backstep Indomitable Spirit.png Indomitable Spirit Leap.png Leap Quick Rebound.png Quick Rebound
Passive:Armor Mastery.png Armor Mastery Backstep Upgrade.png Backstep Upgrade Basic Training.png Basic Training Conversion.png Conversion Physical Critical.png Focus: Critical Latent Power.png Latent Power Physical Rear Attack.png Rear Attack
Neo: Awakening:Clues to Awakening.png Clues to Awakening One Step Closer.png One Step Closer Subitism.png Subitism