Saint Horn, the Floating Town, was previously the starting location of the Female Slayer but is now the location of Otherverse and Ancient Dungeons. Saint Horn is said to be the main stronghold of the resistance against the empire. You may only reach Saint Horn at level 67 through the Dock found in various towns.
Captain Luther
Quest Giver for Ancient Dungeons, Ancient Dungeon Rewards Merchant
Saint Horn Bow
Natalia Sue
Chronicle 2 Merchant, Sword Master, Female Slayer's Rival, APC
Saint Horn
Interdimensional Rift is one of the two dungeon areas in Saint Horn and is the location of the Otherverse dungeons. Players must be level 70 to enter this area. These dungeons are level 70+ and require players to have a special parameter called Exorcism in order to not be severely weakened.
Time Gate - Requiem is another dungeon area in Saint Horn and is the location of the Ancient and Requiem dungeons. Players must be level 85 to enter this area. These dungeons span from level 85 to level 88.