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Because 'Sandbox' is overly used and Etch a Sketch sounds cooler
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Using SMW to query for pages
Template: DungeonList - Origins
DPL query to remove categories
SMW test to template with array operations
Time Gate (smw) |
Time Gate (smw template) |
The Great Blaze, Epidemic, The Lawless District, Organization! The Kartel, Tangled Time Gate, Black Crusade, Confidential Area, Time Gate (Dungeon), Old Screaming Cavern, Fairy Forest, Tainted Time Gate, Naissance, Awakening (Dungeon)
SMW queries
- Class skills for Female Mage
Magic Missile, Magical Change, Concentrated Mana Shield, Sky Assault, Keep Away!, Mana Shield, Contract: Hodor, Florae Circle, Dragon Fang (Female Mage), Lantern Firebomb, Lasher, Rose Vines, Phase Shift, Cheeky Doll Shururu, Frost Head, The Pluto, Summoner's Train, Broomstick Control, Wait!, Aerial Lantern Firebomb, Black Magic Broomstick, Fire Pillar, Mobile Cast, Lesser Spirit: Wisp, Stabbing Wheel, Niu's Combat Technique, Lesser Spirit Summon, Puppeteer (Enchantress), Punishing Instinct, Palm Blast, Lesser Spirit: Ador, Summoned Creature Aura, Jackyl, Madd Mad Slash, Befriend Familiars, Lesser Spirit: Naias, Communion, Memorize, Enhanced Magic Missile, Lesser Spirit: Stalker, Disenchant, Ancient Library, Meticulous Stitching, Chaser, Practical Phase Shift, The Void, Favoritism, War Goddess, Black Manteau, Double Swing... further results
Fling, Intense Takedown, Grab Cannon, Sliding Grab, Gauntlet Mastery, Overwhelming Grab, Impact Combination, Neck Snap, Break Down, Shoulder Tackle, Snap Shot, Air Steiner, Magnumsault, Slam Kick, Rolling Spike, Wild Cannon Spike, Fling Upgrade, Rhythmic Assault, Counter Strike, Snap Shot Upgrade, Neck Snap Upgrade, Break Down Upgrade, Shoulder Tackle Upgrade, Wild Cannon Spike Upgrade, Air Steiner Upgrade, Pierce, Magnumsault Upgrade, Rolling Spike Upgrade, Slam Kick Upgrade, Focused Fury, Who's the Strongest?, Black Tornado, Technique: Storm Diver, Sole Bearer: Quaking Tiger, Equanimity, Basaltic Twister, Volcanic Dynamo
- Give me a list of weapons for class mage
- Filter mage weapons between two weapon magical attack 100 and 400
- Give me a list of NPCS that exists in Time Gate
Abello, Annis, Arin, Dana Donatel, Danjin, Daphne Marbros, Grandis Gracia, Grandma Oran, Hills, Iris Fortune Singer, Iris Fortunesinger, Joah Ferrero, Kargon, Knight Robato, Lorianne, Loton Maximug, Lucille Redmayne, Natalia Sue, Oberith Rosenbach, Ophelia Bagrans... further results
Test timeline
- Make sure the "|from=1" "|to=1600" have the same numbers.
- Use the "|<num>-at=777" to change where text or timeline goes
↓Empyrean splits into two sections
Empyrean has its first age
- A Female Mages' first
attack can deal 8 to 10 times its regular damage at a very low chance. Likely an intended feature, it is speculated to be an homage to the Wizard from D&D.
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