The Arad Explorer Club system grants special bonuses to players who have multiple characters on their account. The bonuses include boosted stats, bonus dungeon clear experience, access to support characters and mercenary runs. Arad Explorer Club Level increases according to the number of characters at Level 40 or above. Arad Explorer Club Level affects additional benefits for your characters. Characters reaching level 50 can be used as Supporters via the Supporter System. Players can access the Mercenaries tab when at least one of their characters reaches level 70.
Stat Bonuses
In order to gain stat bonuses, a player must have two or more characters that are at Level 40 or above. The player's Arad Explorer Club level increases for each character at Level 40 or above. The Explorer Club Level is determined by an experience point system. Experience is gained either through having a Level 40 character or leveling that character past Level 40.
Level Name
Stat Bonus
Required EXP Per Level
Required Total EXP
Lv. 1 Abnova Explorer |
STR/VIT/INT/SPR +10 Resulting EXP bonus +10% (Not applicable to the max level characters) |
1375 |
Lv. 2 Meltdown Explorer |
STR/VIT/INT/SPR +30 Resulting EXP bonus +10% (Not applicable to the max level characters) |
4050 |
Lv. 3 Castaway Explorer |
STR/VIT/INT/SPR +50 Resulting EXP bonus +10% (Not applicable to the max level characters) |
5425 |
Lv. 4 Inverted Waterfall Explorer |
STR/VIT/INT/SPR +70 Resulting EXP bonus +10% (Not applicable to the max level characters) |
10850 |
Lv. 5 Iced Wall of Resignation Explorer |
STR/VIT/INT/SPR +90 Resulting EXP bonus +10% (Not applicable to the max level characters) |
16275 |
Lv. 6 Antwer Canyon Explorer |
STR/VIT/INT/SPR +110 Resulting EXP bonus +10% (Not applicable to the max level characters) |
16275 |
Lv. 7 Oceanic Express Explorer |
STR/VIT/INT/SPR +125 Resulting EXP bonus +10% (Not applicable to the max level characters) |
21700 |
- |
Lv. 8 Celestial Explorer |
STR/VIT/INT/SPR +140 Resulting EXP bonus +10% (Not applicable to the max level characters) |
25625 |
Lv. 9 Time Gate Explorer |
STR/VIT/INT/SPR +155 Resulting EXP bonus +10% (Not applicable to the max level characters) |
32150 |
- |
Lv. 10 Noble Sky Explorer |
STR/VIT/INT/SPR +170 Resulting EXP bonus +10% (Not applicable to the max level characters) |
41625 |
Basic Overview
- Characters who reach level 50 can be registered as Supporters.
- Supporters can be summoned by a character within the same account regardless of its level.
- To start, select a skill to register a Supporter.
- On a different character, press "Tab" and the selected character performs 1 skill then disappears.
- The hotkey for summoning can be changed.
- 1. Supporters can be re-summoned after the cooldown finishes.
- 2. Supporter cooldown is shared among all party members; 2 Supporters cannot be summoned at the same time.
Basic Rules
- Supporter’s skills and items require HP/MP and consumables.
- Some of Supporter’s abilities and cooldowns changed.
- Depending on the level of the Supporter the HP/MP consumption and damage is changed.
- Supporter’s equipment will be set to +12 reinforcement/amplification.
- In some special dungeons, summoning cannot be performed or additional damage and cooldown corrections are made.
- Supporters only perform actions within the room it is summoned in.(Summoner’s summons, Summoning item summons, etc.) With one exception. The Mech's summon lasts until its duration expires, following you from room to room.
- If the Supporter is attacked before they perform their skill, they may disappear without performing it.
This article contains contents that may not be in Dungeon Fighter Online. Some of the following content may not be implemented in the Dungeon Fighter Online client. This article is based on the oversea servers. Details may change before release.
Seria says: "Nothing should be as mysterious as I am!"
Some info is missing, please help to provide it if you can.
- Characters choose a Supporter to set 1 skill out of 3 preselected skills from the Supporter's sub-class.
- Setting a Supporter may only be done in town.
Flame Hurricane does not consume Clear Cube Fragments.
Basic Overview
- Characters who reach level 70 can be registered as Mercenaries and have the option to do Mercenary Runs.
- Mercenary runs allow for a character 70+ automatically "run" dungeons in a chosen region from a given list for a chosen set period. These time periods can span from 2h, 6h, 12h, 1d, 7d, 14d. Note: These runs can be cancelled early.
- As of now, the list of regions include:
- Mercenary runs do not consume fatigue, but your character is unable to enter dungeons/towers/arena/altar, fight system, faction war, or war zone while performing them. Your character also does not gain any clearing exp/gold while doing the runs.
- Usually, the longer the run, the higher chance of getting a reward/better reward. Note: Any run less than 1h will not receive a reward.
- Rewards could be the following:
- Gold (Function currently disabled in BETA)
- Blue/Mysterious/Black Meteor
- Demon Invitation
- Region related unique boss drop
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