Seria says: "Nothing should be as mysterious as I am!"
Some info is missing, please help to provide it if you can.
Side Quests are additional quests players can perform in various areas of the game.
Side Quests
System Side Quests
Invitation to Training Center
Level |
17 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
Pungjin: "Adventurer, don't you need a place to test your strength and your skills? I have recently constructed a training center where you can summon monsters to test your skills. Why don't you give it a try?" |
Objectives |
Meet Pungjin in Hendon Myre. |
Upon Completion |
Pungjin: "Welcome. The Training Center is in the building on my left side." |
Rewards |
80 Gold
Player gains access to the Training Center.
Let's Retexturize
Level |
94 |
Quest Giver |
Strawberry Nose Della |
Prerequisite |
completed level 95 scenario |
Briefing |
Strawberry Nose Della: "Hey, outsider! Where did you get that armor? It looks interesting. Doesn't it make you feel uncomfortable sometimes, as if you're wearing clothes that don't fit you? How do I know? Come over here. I'll tell you something useful. I din't tell it to just anyone. *Giggle*" |
Objectives |
Meet Pungjin in Hendon Myre. |
Upon Completion |
Strawberry Nose Della: "Armor has to be comfortable to move in, especially if it's for people like you, who practically live on the battlefield. What am I trying to say? This is called retexturization. With a little bit of magical treatment, you can change the texture of your armor. It requires materials, of course. If you don't have all the materials you need, just bring whatever you can, even if they're of poor quality. I can trade them for better ones...for a price, of course. *Giggle*" |
Rewards |
93214 Exp
9360 Gold
Player gains access to Retexturize equipment.
Mission Side Quests
Karakas's Call
Level |
40 |
Quest Giver |
Bulletin Board |
Prerequisite |
Mintai's Older Brother Ravinhur |
Briefing |
Bulletin Board: "Hello? I've been hearing about stories of your heroism wherever I go. I even know you went to Mount Thunderime just a while ago. You must be busy getting around, but why don't you drop by the Back Alley?
There's something I'd like to talk to you about. I'll have a bottle of good wine ready for us.
-Karakas" |
Objectives |
Talk to Karakas in the Moonlight Tavern in the Back Alley.
Upon Completion |
Karakas: "Welcome. I've been waiting. You look better than the last time. I'll take it as you've gained more experience. What is it that I have to say? Hah hah, you're impatient, aren't you? All right, I don't like beating around the bush, either. Let's cut to the chase. How'd you like to take jobs from the Adventurer Guild? Ah, don't be mistaken. I'm not asking you to join it. Recently, we've been getting more requests than we can handle. If able adventurers like you take on some requests, it'll help us unburden ourselves and you can get nice rewards. You don't have to say yes if you don't want to. But if you're interested, then go to the bulletin board in town. We posts available requests there all the time. Ah, and you should go to Elvenguard. One of our new prospects seems to know you personally. Elvenguard need more staff, so I sent him to run our shop there. You can get some of the items I have there. Go check it out." |
Rewards |
28,394 Exp
2,268 Gold
A Special Order
Level |
94 |
Quest Giver |
Bulletin Board |
Prerequisite |
No quests found that satisfy the search criteria. |
Briefing |
Bulletin Board: "Long time, no see. I've been keeping track of your heroic feats through Dana's reports. You've been very impressive.
You've even managed to get to this place, Harlem, and brave a showdown with really dangerous people there. Aren't you tired of risking your life one thing after another? Gosh, you're really something, do you know that?
Hearing about stories of your adventures excited me so much that I decided to go to Pandemonium with my guildsmen.
According to Dana's reports, that place is filled with wonders and mysteries. How could i call myself an adventurer without seeing them?
To explore Pandemonium as thoroughly as possible, I dispatched an advance party. I was going to select guildsmen and travel plans based on the information that it'd discover...and then a problem arose: as guildsman who went to Harlem, the place you are right now, is missing.
I'd like you to find him. I thought he'd show up soon to pick up his order, but it's been too long. And if you find him, please deliver this order to him as well. Thank you in advance." |
Objectives |
Go to the Black Market and look for the Adventurer Guildsman's traces. |
Upon Completion |
<Player>: (The only place he can stay is the Black Market...)
Timothy: "Hey."
<Player>: (Adventure Guildsman...)
Timothy: "Hey, you?"
<Player>: ...?
Timothy: "Finally, I got your attention. You need help, don't you? Come this way." |
Rewards |
287,680 Exp
9648 Gold
Notes |
NPC Timothy is added to Black Market after completing the quest. |
Adventure Guildsman in Harlem
Level |
94 |
Quest Giver |
Timothy |
Prerequisite |
A Special Order |
Briefing |
Timothy: "You're the adventurer who fought the Kashipas, right? I was right. I saw you pacing about the Request Bulletin Board. Interested in adventures? Then, you came to the right place! 'Guide those who need adventures!' I'm Timothy, in charge of the Adventurer Guild's Harlem branch. Let me guide you to adventures." |
Objectives |
Talk to Timothy in Black Market. |
Upon Completion |
Timothy: "You've brought an order from my guild master? That... Karakas... Yes, Karakas! Master Karakas, right? Of course I know him. He's the one who sent me here. He thinks I'm missing. I couldn't contact him. There were just too many eyes of Kashipas everywhere. But now that they're gone, and I'm healthy and sound as you can see, he doesn't need to worry about me anymore. Hah hah hah! Why are you looking at me like that? Don't you trust me? Look, I've got the official Guildsman Seal right here. Believe me now? Then, hand me over his order."
Order: "There are just as many people in Pandemonium as there are in Arad who need adventures. It's a shame most of them end up becoming criminals or losing their lives because of something or the other."
Timothy: "Man... Isn't that touching? This is why I respect the Guild Master-err, wait is this for real? This means I can also- Ahem! That was just a slip of the tongue. I am already an 'official adventurer.' F-for now, I'll treat this as a special order directly from Karakas himself. And mm...mmmm... I-I'm busy at the moment, so I'll just give you the information you need. Ah, don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to dump this on you. I will join you once I'm done being busy. Now, enough chitchat. Let's get to work. Ah, I'm so busy-busy!" |
Rewards |
287,680 Exp
9648 Gold
Notes |
Mission quests for Harlem become available. |
Golden Road Side Quests
Appearance of a Mysterious Island
Level |
25 |
Quest Giver |
Seria Kirmin |
Briefing |
Seria: "Ah, <Player>! Have you heard the news? A strange island rose out of the waters of Arad, and it's filled with treasures. A lot of Dungeon Fighters already left for the island for the prospect of wealth. <Player>, how'd you like to join them? Joah Ferrero is recruiting Dungeon Fighters that can search the island for him. You should go meet him." |
Objectives |
Meet Joah Ferrero in West Coast.
Upon Completion |
Joah: "Ah, hello. I'm Joah Ferrero, a trader. There's no place in Arad that I haven't been. How'd you like to join me on an exciting treasure hunt?" |
Rewards |
2,695 Exp
121 Gold
Notes |
- Upon completion of this quest, the following will occur:
}} |
Mystical Metastatic Crystal
Level |
25 |
Quest Giver |
Joah Ferrero |
Prerequisite |
Appearance of a Mysterious Island |
Dungeon |
Forgotten Land |
Briefing |
Joah: "No one knows when or how the island was created. It doesn't even exist on maps, hence its name, Forgotten Land. Your job is simple: investigate the Forgotten Land and collect Metastatic Crystals and other objects for me. I'll pay you accordingly, and you can have everything else except the stuff I want. So this isn't a losing business for you, hah hah! Just remember you must leave the Forgotten Land every 8 days before the Imperial Army visits for an inspection. Now, are you ready to leave? Our first destination is the Deathly Harbor. Would you find Blue Metastatic Crystals from the monsters? If you need advice, just talk to me in Forgotten Land." |
Objectives |
Collect 30 Topaz Metastatic Crystal while in the Deathly Harbor. (The Quest items are dropped from monsters in the Forgotten Land, which is accessible through Joah Ferrero.)
-Recommended Level: 25
Dungeon Dialogue |
Upon arriving in the Forgotten Land: Joah: "Finally, we're here. I'll wait here while you collect crystals. The Imperial Army comes for an inspection in 8 days. We have to go back before then. Got it?"
Upon entering Deathly Harbor: <Player>: "What's with this water?"
Upon leaving Forgotten Land: Joah: "Time's up. Let's leave before the Imperial Army catches us." |
Upon Completion |
Joah: "Wow, you've brought so many Metastatic Crystals. Good job. Keep bringing me the crystals, and I'll trade them for the finest merchandise of mine. Different types of crystals are found in different places, so hunt in the place that produces the colored crystals you want." |
Rewards |
2,695 Exp
1,815 Gold
Notes |
- Topaz Metastatic Crystals drop from monsters in Deathly Harbor and Sea of Chaos.
- Upon completion of this quest, the following will occur:
- Unlocked Quest(s):
Abducted Mermaid
- No quests found that satisfy the search criteria.
- No quests found that satisfy the search criteria.
- No quests found that satisfy the search criteria.
- No quests found that satisfy the search criteria.
- No quests found that satisfy the search criteria.
}} |
Abducted Mermaid
Level |
25 |
Quest Giver |
Joah Ferrero |
Prerequisite |
Mystical Metastatic Crystal |
Dungeon |
Forgotten Land |
Briefing |
Joah: "Ah, you've noticed the saltwater pooling on the harbor ground. No one fishes in here, and yet the ground is soaked in saltwater and you can see fish scales floating on the surface. Hm, Dungeon Fighter, would you check how far this trail of water goes?" |
Objectives |
Follow the trail of spilled water in the Deathly Harbor in the Forgotten Land to rescue a Mermaid that is held prisoner somewhere.
-Recommended Level: 25
- Rescuing Abducted Mermaids: 0/1
Dungeon Dialogue |
Upon encountering the Abducted Mermaid:
Abducted Mermaid: "Kyaah! Help!"
Upon saving the Abducted Mermaid:
Abducted Mermaid: "Whew, thank you for saving me. Strange monsters invaded the sea and killed many of my kind. I came ashore under the Guardian's order to seek help, but then I got in this mess. Oh, would you help us? Thank you so much! Let me teleport you right away!" |
Upon Completion |
Joah: "You've opened up a path into the sea. Incredible!" |
Rewards |
2,695 Exp
1,815 Gold
Notes |
- Follow the trail of green seawater to find the Abducted Mermaid.
- The Mermaid is located in the right most building in the 3rd Room in Deathly Harbor.
- Enter the building, and you receive the following map:File:Deathly Harbor Map.png
- Note: The room in the top left is the only room without Phantom Ghosts. Players can strategically wait here during nightfall to avoid encountering Chaser.
- The mermaid is located in the bottom right room. Upon saving the mermaid, stand near her character sprite, and she will teleport you and herself back to the starting point dock.
- Note: Upon saving the Mermaid, she will grant you two keys.
}} |
Dangerous Creature in the Deep Sea
Level |
25 |
Quest Giver |
Joah Ferrero |
Prerequisite |
Abducted Mermaid |
Dungeon |
Forgotten Land |
Briefing |
Joah: "A monster in the water, huh? Not only does it threaten the safety of the underwater village, but it can also block the route to the island. We have to do something. Would you take care of the monster?" |
Objectives |
Follow the Mermaid to the Sea of Chaos and defeat Abyss Hydrackle. (To enter the Sea of Chaos, rescue the Mermaid and climb up the maelstrom at the dock.)
-Recommended Level: 25
Dungeon Dialogue |
Upon teleporting back to the Dock:
Abducted Mermaid: "Please hurry. I'll summon a whirlpool that can ride into the sea."
Upon arriving in the Sea of Chaos:
Guardian Atalosia: "Oh, here comes our savior. Welcome. I am Atalosia, guardian of this world. We don't have much time. While I defend this place, I'd like you to defeat the leader of the monsters at the end of this road. If you want to go back to the land, then you can use the Mermaid's Whirlpool."
Upon returning to Guardian Atalosia after defeating Abyss Hydrackle:
Guardian Atalosia: "Welcome back. Did you really take care of the monster? Impressive! Please take this key. It opens a treasure chest somewhere on this island. If you want to go back to the land, then you can use the Mermaid's Whirlpool. Be safe on your travels." |
Upon Completion |
Joah: "I knew you could do it, Dungeon Fighter. Now I can continue to send a ship to this place, all thanks to you." |
Rewards |
2,695 Exp
1,815 Gold
Notes |
- Follow the same steps as the previous quest: Save the Mermaid again. Upon teleporting to the the dock, stand near the Mermaid's character sprite. She will transport you to the Sea of Chaos via whirlpool.
- Entering the Sea of Chaos will give you the following map:
- Abyss Hydrackle is located in the top left room.
- Note: Upon defeating Abyss Hydrackle, a green goblin dressed in gold clothing, known as the Watcher's Tower Gatekeeper, will appear and disappear. The Watcher's Tower Gatekeeper grants the player access to Watcher's Tower, if and only if the player manages to defeat all five major area boss monsters in the Forgotten Land.
- Note: Upon meeting Guardian Atalosia after defeating Abyss Hydrackle, he will grant you two keys.
}} |
Mercenary Side Quests
Way of the Mercenary 1
Level |
Quest Giver |
Seria Kirmin |
Briefing |
Seria Kirmin: "Adventurer, Joah Ferrero is looking for you. If you're not busy, why don't you pay him a visit?" |
Objectives |
Talk to Joah Ferrero. |
Upon Completion |
Joah Ferrero: "The Merlin Mercenaries are recruiting in a hurry. Did you know? They need comrades who can accompany them to some castle called Camlann, and they don't have the time to train rookies. They've asked me to introduce some strong adventurers to them. Would you be interested?" |
Rewards |
100 Gold
Way of the Mercenary 2
Level |
Quest Giver |
Joah Ferrero |
Briefing |
Joah Ferrero: "Hah hah, I knew it! That's why I filled out your application already. You can take off right away." |
Objectives |
Explore one of the following dungeons, and then speak to Joah Ferrero.
- Trial of the champion, Inner Castle, Underground castle
Upon Completion |
Joah Ferrero: "Err? You came back. I didn't think you wold... Hah hah, good job! This is tough, but rewarding. Please come often. Well, bon voyage!" |
Rewards |
100 Gold
Michelle Side Quests
To the Back Alley
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Michelle |
Briefing |
Michelle: "Adventurer, I want to talk to you about something. Please come find me in the Back Alley." |
Objectives |
Talk to Michelle in the Back Alley. |
Upon Completion |
Michelle: "You came. What is this about? Well...I don't know. You came to the right place, but the person who really called you is another me. Enter through this door. She's waiting for you." |
Rewards |
3,348 Gold
On the Other Side of the Mirror
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Michelle the Telekinetic |
Briefing |
Michelle the Telekinetic: "Hello, Adventurer. I'm glad you've got my message safely. I contacted you because I have a favor to ask of you. My other self told me that you've been solving many problems in the worlds on the other side of the Gate. This place also needs your help. Of course, Aganzo and many other heroes have been helping it, but there have been more problems than they can handle on their own. I called you because we really need your help. If you don't mind, we'd like to place a request with you. Would you accept it?" |
Objectives |
Talk to Michelle the Telekinetic and accept her proposition. |
Upon Completion |
Michelle the Telekinetic: "Thank you! This makes me so happy. Then I'll tell you my request through another me. Thank you for doing this for me!" |
Rewards |
3,348 Gold
Interdimensional Rift
To the Saint Horn
Level |
70 |
Quest Giver |
Captain Luther |
Briefing |
Luther: "Hey, how are you? Looking for some new things to do, aren't you? Come to the Saint Horn. I've got something you'll find interesting." |
Objectives |
Talk to Captain Luther. |
Upon Completion |
Luther: "Hah hah hah, you really came. I knew you'd be interested in doing something new! Yes, I promise what I'm about to tell you is really interesting. Have you ever heard about the Interdimensional Rift? One day, a rift formed in the air above the deck of this ship. I investigated it and discovered that it led to a different world. But I'm not capable of finding out which world is behind this rift or what's going on in there. That's why I called you. What do you think? You're strong and capable enough to go anywhere, however dangerous it is. How'd you like to investigate this Rift on our behalf? Of course, you can keep anything you find there. All I want is that you share the information you discover there. Say, does this sound fair? If it does, go to the deck on the back of the Saint Horn. That's where the Rift has formed." |
Rewards |
550 Gold
Grants access to the Interdimensional Rift.
Gold Dragon's Proof
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Aska |
Briefing |
Aska: "Shonan, the City of Warriors, is hosting the Gold Dragon Tournament. Anyone who has an endorsement from their royal family can join the tournament. Come to Shonan now!" |
Objectives |
Talk to Shonan Aska. |
Upon Completion |
Aska: "Nice to meet you. I'm Aska, the queen of Suju. I've heard many great stories of your skill and courage. I'll see that you join the Gold Dragon Tournament without extra referrals. Good luck competing in the tournament, and be careful not to hurt yourself." |
Rewards |
99,561 Exp
8208 Gold
Player gains access to the Gold Dragon Tournament.
Silver Dragon's Proof
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Aska |
Briefing |
Aska: "Shonan, the City of Warriors, is hosting the Silver Dragon Tournament. Only those who are endorsed by their royal family get to compete in this tournament. Fighters at the top of their game are welcomed. Come to Shonan!" |
Objectives |
Talk to Shonan Aska. |
Upon Completion |
Aska: "You came. I've heard many great stories of your heroism. I used to compete against formidable warriors in my time, and you remind me of my younger self. You're strong enough to join the Silver Dragon Tournament. Feel free to enter the stage. I'd love to watch you fight." |
Rewards |
99,561 Exp
8208 Gold
Player gains access to the Silver Dragon Tournament.
To Mt. Kulun
Level |
84 |
Quest Giver |
Aska |
Briefing |
Aska: "<Player>. How generous of you to come all the way here. Excuse me for not treating you well as we are in some urgent situation. In Kulundal, Bai Ming is closely observing the movements of Natram. The regiment is yet to arrive but fortunately, many adventurers are alread headed towards Kulundal. Please give your assistance to Bai Ming. I, King Aska, and all the people of Suju will be thankful for your deeds, <Player>." |
Objectives |
Find Bai Ming. |
Upon Completion |
Bai Ming: "Welcome, <Player>. I am Bai Ming. You have my utmost respect for your high morale." |
Rewards |
10800 Gold
Player gains access to the Mt. Kulun.
Sage Jiu Long
Level |
84 |
Quest Giver |
Bai Ming |
Prerequisite |
To Mt. Kulun |
Briefing |
Bai Ming: "Before you head over to Mt. Kulun, I suggest you meet with Jiu Long. I cannot tell you anything with certainty about him, but it cannot be denied that he is a wise man whose teachings helped the trainees of Kulun for a very long time. He should definitely be a great aid to your journey, <Player>." |
Objectives |
Meet Jiu Long. |
Upon Completion |
Jiu Long: "Oh, Bai Ming...saying something useless again. Since I've lived for a long time, isn't it obvious that I have seen and heard more things than the young ones?" |
Rewards |
82,766 Exp
720 Gold
Notes |
- Upon completion of this quest, the following will occur:
}} |
Path to the Sanctum
Level |
84 |
Quest Giver |
Bai Ming |
Prerequisite |
To Mt. Kulun |
Briefing |
Bai Ming: "We cannot wait for the regiments to arrive. Even if we do, Mt. Kulun is known to be very dangerous and it is not possible to march into the mountain. The only path to the Sanctum is very narrow and treacherous. Dragon-like Watchers made by Golems stand guard on this narrow path. Natram did something that made them stronger and many adventurers are unable to advance. <Player>, can you clear a path for them?" |
Objectives |
Clear The Watchers of Natram within 5 minutes. |
Upon Completion |
Bai Ming: "Unbelievable! <Player>. Your name shall be praised by everyone once more." |
Rewards |
68972 Exp
Notes |
- Upon completion of this quest, the following will occur:
}} |
Value of Nen Ore
Level |
84 |
Quest Giver |
Jiu Long |
Prerequisite |
Sage Jiu Long |
Briefing |
Jiu Long: "Nen? Ha ha... Nen is something that is there when it isn't or isn't there when it is. Ha ha ha, you seem so puzzled. Thank you friend, I haven't had a good laugh in quite a while. I shall return the favor. Mt. Kulun is filled with Dragon Head Statues. Break these stones and you will be rewarded greatly." |
Objectives |
Acquire Buff 2x by breaking Dragon Head Statues.
Upon Completion |
Jiu Long: "Haha, you look much better. So how is it? Can you feel the power of the dragons flowing within you?" |
Rewards |
68972 Exp
Notes |
- Upon completion of this quest, the following will occur:
}} |
Ice Stone's Owner
Level |
84 |
Quest Giver |
Jiu Long |
Prerequisite |
Path to the Sanctum |
Dungeon |
Twin Golem's Betrayal |
Briefing |
Jiu Long: "Golems are mythical creatures created by the Nen energy of Mt. Kulun. The Twin Golems are their leaders whose strength can be compared to the great dragons and each of them possess a unique element. Blaze Stone possesses the Fire Element and is under the control of Natram. On the other hand, Frozen Stone who controls the Ice Element won't give in to Natram. But Frozen Stone won't last long. If you would like to go against Blaze Stone, should see his Twin, Frozen Stone. You will be helpful to each other." |
Objectives |
Protect Frozen Stone to retrieve the Ice Crystal Shard.
Upon Completion |
Jiu Long: "I see. Ha Ha Ha. Natram must be worried by now." |
Rewards |
68,972 Exp
Eliminate Golem Traitor
Level |
84 |
Quest Giver |
Bai Ming |
Prerequisite |
Path to the Sanctum |
Dungeon |
Twin Golem's Betrayal |
Briefing |
Bai Ming: "Thanks to you <Player>, we have found a way out. Now we must pass through the only path to the Golem's area. Buf defeating these Golems will be tough. They are powerful guardians of Mt. Kulun and they have been protecting the Sanctum for a long time. The problem is that Blaze Stone, their leader, is under the control of Natram. You must not underestimate Blaze Stone. With Blaze Stone guarding the Sanctum, it will not be easy to get to the Sanctum. You must prepare thoroughly before heading in." |
Objectives |
Eliminate Blaze Stone
Upon Completion |
Bai Ming: "You are incredible! I will let the queen know of this right away! I would like to thank you again on behalf of Suju." |
Rewards |
68,972 Exp
Notes |
- Upon completion of this quest, the following will occur:
}} |
Capture the Sanctum
Level |
84 |
Quest Giver |
Bai Ming |
Prerequisite |
Eliminate Golem Traitor |
Dungeon |
Sanctum of Kulunchad |
Briefing |
Bai Ming: "<Player>, great job so far. Thanks to you, evil dragon will not be able spread his wings and covers the sky. Afterwards, <Player>, you will be remembered forever as the hero who bravely fought against the evil Natram. As soon as the regiment arrives, I will prepare to head out and assist you. Please drive away this evil dragon and take back the Sanctum!" |
Objectives |
Eliminate Giant Dragon Natram
Upon Completion |
Bai Ming: "Haha! How can I put my respect for you into words. <Player>, you truly are a hero. Thank you, thank you so much!" |
Rewards |
68,972 Exp
Powerful Enemy, Lava Soul
Level |
84 |
Quest Giver |
Jiu Long |
Prerequisite |
Eliminate Golem Traitor |
Dungeon |
Sanctum of Kulunchad |
Briefing |
Jiu Long: "I can sense it. The changes in the flow of Nen energy is easy to detect. Ah, I guess you don't know what I am talking about. A powerful flame soul called Lava Soul is a strange mythical creature that becomes stronger through training like humans. Now, I see that evil has token over them and become more powerful than before. It is certain that Natram is behind it all. He must have done something to save them and turn these creatures into his puppets. I don't think you can turn them back as they have become evil. Do not feel any sympathy for them." |
Objectives |
Eliminate Lava Soul
Upon Completion |
Jiu Long: "Don't feel bad. It is the endless cycle of life and death. One day they will be pure again." |
Rewards |
68,972 Exp
Hell Party Quests
Hell Party Ep 1. The Strong in the Oceanic Express
Level |
71 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "Adventurer, I have an urgent matter to discuss with you. Arad's future might depend on it. Please come to me as soon as you can." |
Objectives |
Talk to Grandis. |
Upon Completion |
Grandis: "Word is that a strange phenomenon is taking place in Empyrean's Oceanic Express region. Alien entities have appeared out of a rift in spacetime. The fabric of our reality has been ruptured. Can this be also because of the Metastasis? We must do something about it before it causes a terrible disaster. If you happen to go to Empyrean, please check out where these entities have been sighted. Thank you." |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
- Hell Mode can now be forcibly summoned in the Oceanic Express region.
Hell Party Ep 1. Supplementary Story (1/2)
Level |
71 |
Quest Giver |
Coral |
Briefing |
Coral: "Ah, long time, no see! You said you'd go far away. Did you come back because you missed Coral? No? Then, what is it? Strange phenomena? Mm... They happen all the time. Once I caught some fishes that I wasn't able to catch before. And the Mermen no longer come after me, even if I swim out to sea... Oh, right--Quong'qng got a letter a while ago, and it said that some strange things were taking place along the route of the Oceanic Express. You should ask the other humans for more details. I'm sure they're more familiar with this than I am." |
Objectives |
Ask Beren Vonnegut in Bahn Hafen about the Rift in the Oceanic Express region. |
Upon Completion |
Beren Vonnegut: "Who's this? I knew you looked familiar--you're the Adventurer!" |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
12,312 Gold
Hell Party Ep 1. Supplementary Story (2/2)
Level |
71 |
Quest Giver |
Beren Vonnegut |
Briefing |
Beren Vonnegut: "Is there a problem with the Oceanic Express? No. It's running as smoothly as it can, thanks to you driving away the pirates. But... Mm... Since it's you who's asking, I'll be honest. Recently, stories of strange sightings have been told among the passengers. A rift appears in the air all of a sudden, then a group of mysterious men in strange clothes show up... That sort of thing. Even soldiers came from Ghent to search the train for the sources of rumors. None of them were ever seen again. My superiors have told me to keep my mouth shut, so you'd better do the same. Don't tell anyone I told you, either!" |
Objectives |
Talk to Grandis. |
Upon Completion |
Grandis: "Ah, you came back. We've conducted an investigation on our own while you were away. According to an ancient document in my order's archives, the fabric of spacetime is noticeably thinner in certain places. I believe the Oceanic Express region is one of them. Pardon? You want to investigate the Rift? We actually wanted to ask you that, but you took the initiative. Thank you. It'll be dangerous, but if you can find out why the Rift was formed in there, it'll be really helpful. Let me know if you need help. My order and I will do our best to assist you." |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
Hell Party Ep 2. Guardian of Time
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "Are you aware of the mysterious event that recently has occurred in Shonan? An interdimensional rift has been formed, connecting our reality to another dimension." |
Objectives |
Talk to Grandis. |
Upon Completion |
Grandis: "On the other side of this Rift is Ozma, sealed away from this realm. A great disaster is waiting to happen, and the only question is when. The description of the entities on the other side of the Rift matches that of the legendary keeper of time, Time Lord, and his soldiers. If you have business in Shonan, could you go check where the Time Lord has been sighted?" |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
Hell Party Ep 2. Supplementary Story (1/2)
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Woo |
Briefing |
Woo: "Ah, Adventurer! I've been looking for you. The Master has been asking me to find you, but for some reason he wouldn't come out of his room. I have a feeling something bad is waiting to happen. Lately I've been visited by some ominous energy every night. The Master can tell you why he's been looking for you. Please go to him." |
Objectives |
Ask Siran about the interdimensional rift on the other side of the Time Gate. |
Upon Completion |
Siran: "You came. I've been looking for you. Let's go to my room to talk." |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
12,312 Gold
Hell Party Ep 2. Supplementary Story (2/2)
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Siran |
Briefing |
Siran: "I can tell by the look on your face that you know what this is about. Yes. Something has happened to the Time Gate. At first, I thought different time tracks got jumbled up, just like the last time. But then I found out even the Time Lords were out of their minds. I've been trying to contain this problem on my own, but I really need you to get in there for me. Be careful. Things are really bad in there." |
Objectives |
Talk to Grandis. |
Upon Completion |
Grandis: "So those mythical Time Lords do exist. Then, again, their existence is not that surprising, now that I know Siran is a Time Traveler. Anyway, we'd better keep mending the Rifts opening in there. I can sense a very dangerous energy radiating from you. I'm not completely sure yet, but it seems some otherworldly beings are seeking you out. Perhaps you should take care of them before they take you by surprise. Please defeat the Hell Party and help me with my investigation. Who knows; I might find the answer from it." |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
Hell Party Ep 3. Power Station Gate
Level |
81 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "I'm sensing their energy even from Empyrean that faraway place beyond the Middle Ocean. And this time, their energy is more dangerous than ever." |
Objectives |
Talk to Grandis. |
Upon Completion |
Grandis: "According to the investigation done by some members of my order, this hellish energy also has been detected around the Power Station in the Slaugh Industrial Complex. Having an Apostle in such close proximity must have aggravated the distortion in dimensions. If we leave it alone, we risk losing the peace we fought so hard for. We must close the interdimensional rift as soon as possible. Adventurer, please go to the Slaugh Industrial Complex and investigate where they've shown up. I'll help you locate them. But first, let's make preparations to close the Rift." |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
Hell Party Ep 3. Supplementary Story (1/2)
Level |
81 |
Quest Giver |
Navarre |
Briefing |
Navarre: "Adventurer! You're here. I've been looking for you. Are you aware of the situation in this place? Some time ago, strange beings started showing up here and there in the Power Station. I picked a few men out of the forces that were already spread thin and sent them out there on a scout mission. No one came back, five times already. This has been so stressful that I can't even enjoy the soda that we recently received. Farrel can give you more details about them. I need to go take care of the forces. I've been trying to keep mouths shut, but some rumors just can't be kept secret, and our soldiers are demoralized by them. Excuse me now." |
Objectives |
Ask Farrel Wane about the Rift formed in the Power Station. |
Upon Completion |
Farrel Wane: "Ah, long time, no see! I was hoping you'd come to help us. Did the Brigadier General tell you about our situation?" |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
12,312 Gold
Hell Party Ep 3. Supplementary Story (2/2)
Level |
81 |
Quest Giver |
Farrel Wane |
Briefing |
Farrel Wane: "Look at this. All the energy indexes are pointing at one place, where they were first sighted. It's also the center of distortion in spacetime, which is growing more severe by the day. These mysterious entities are a problem, but I'm more worried about the engineers and soldiers whom we tried so hard to gather in one place. If any more personnel go missing, we won't be able to restore or even maintain the existing facilities. Could you investigate the epicenter of this incident? I feel ashamed asking you this, but you're the only one I can count on." |
Objectives |
Talk to Grandis. |
Upon Completion |
Grandis: "I can sense their energy more strongly now. You've grown stronger, but so have they. Let me cast a spell on you, so that you can locate the Rift through which they came. Since Empyrean's environment is different from this Arad's, I'll have to revise the spell a little bit. Remember: going after them is as dangerous as waiting for them to come to you. In fact, it might give them a chance to take you by surprise. Please be careful." |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
Hell Party Ep 4. A Gaping Rapture
Level |
85 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "Ah, <Player>, can you feel that? I've never felt such strong Metastasis energy in Arad before. This is as if the whole world is about to fall into complete darkness..." |
Objectives |
Talk to Grandis. |
Upon Completion |
Grandis: "All this has to do with that gaping interdimensional rift that has appeared in the Castle of the Dead. Please go investigate it." |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
Hell Party Ep 4. Supplementary Story (1/2)
Level |
85 |
Quest Giver |
Roy |
Briefing |
Roy: "WAH! Did you have to sneak up on me like that? My letter is smeared now! The Metastasis energy? Hm, let me think... Oh, right. A while ago, we detected some strange waves coming from the Castle of the Dead. They were unusual, but nothing else happened afterward. All kinds of things that are unexplainable by science happen here all the time, anyway. Or so everyone thought... except for Meryl. She's been couped up in her tent since then, studying the waves for days. I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen to me... Well, that's why I'm drawn to her." |
Objectives |
Ask Meryl about the Rift formed in the Castle of the Dead. |
Upon Completion |
Meryl: "Who's this twerp trying to interrupt my--Adventurer! What brings you here?" |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
12,312 Gold
Hell Party Ep 4. Supplementary Story (2/2)
Level |
85 |
Quest Giver |
Meryl |
Briefing |
Meryl: "I see. I also found them strange, so I've been looking into them. I've never seen such strange waves, and they didn't do anything, at least on the surface. It's as if someone or something contained them well. A Rift... That makes sense. It would've been better if they weren't anything to worry about, like that helplessly optimistic twerp out there. You want to check it out? Okay. I got ahold of the blueprint of that place. Let me draw a map for you. Adventurer, let me know if you need anything. I'll support you as best as I can." |
Objectives |
Talk to Grandis. |
Upon Completion |
Grandis: "So, a massive Rift has been formed. Adventurer, you must fend off the otherworldly beings that are coming through the Rift. Let me cast the location spell on you again. It might be difficult to find the Rift because of the potent energy radiated from the Apostle. I've revised the spell, so it shouldn't be too difficult. These otherworldly beings don't seem to know when to quit. Adventurer, please be careful." |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
Hell Party Ep 5. Chaos in Pandemonium
Level |
87 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "Pandemonium... We're yet to find a way to stop disasters such as the Great Metastasis, and Luke has connected Arad to that planet that has drifted from dimension to dimension for a long time. This worries me to no end." |
Objectives |
Talk to Grandis. |
Upon Completion |
Grandis: "This interdimensional rift that has appeared in Pandemonium is much bigger than any [interdimensional] rifts formed in Arad, and it's filled with evil energy. I can't fathom what kinds of alien entities are waiting on the other side of that Rift to invade this realm. But the people of Pandemonium are just as helpless as we are. We must continue to mend interdimensional rifts that appear in Pandemonium for them as well as ourselves. You're the only hope we've got left. Please stop those entities before they bring disaster to our world." |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
Hell Party Ep 5. Supplementary Story (1/2)
Level |
87 |
Quest Giver |
Red Witch |
Briefing |
Red Witch: "Adventurer, where are you going, looking so grim? What? A Rift? Hm... That sounds pretty serious. Adventurer, you should tell Kate about it. I'm going to go make sure everything's okay in the Forest. I'm sure Great Axe can take care of most enemies, but still I'm worried." |
Objectives |
Ask Kate about the [interdimensional] rift in Metro Center. |
Upon Completion |
Kate: "Welcome. I would've liked to talk to you over a cup of tea if the situation wasn't so serious." |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
12,312 Gold
Hell Party Ep 5. Supplementary Story (2/2)
Level |
87 |
Quest Giver |
Kate |
Briefing |
Kate: "There were a few times that Pandemonium was connected to another plane of existence, and this almost always resulted in catastrophe. This is the first time that a Rift has formed in Central Park. The ward around this place and my magic can hold the invaders coming through it, but not for long. That means a lot of Pandemonians will end up getting killed or wounded. We must mend the Rift before such tragedy happens. Could you help us, Adventurer?" |
Objectives |
Talk to Grandis. |
Upon Completion |
Grandis: "I'm going to use the Rift from which they emerged against them. Entering the Rift, however, is nearly suicidal. You must have seen tiny cracks spreading from the rift. We'll use one of them. Let me cast the location spell on you. It seems I'm telling you this all the time, but please be careful. Never let your guard down." |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
Hell Party Ep 6. Signs of a Strange Phenomenon
Level |
90 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Prerequisite |
No quests found that satisfy the search criteria. |
Briefing |
Grandis: "Adventurer, recently, sightings of otherworldly entities have been reported from Harlem as well as from Metro Center. I know it's not easy, but could you go check Harlem once again? I can't think of anyone else whom I can trust with this task. Thank you in advance." |
Objectives |
Talk to Grandis. |
Upon Completion |
Grandis: "Did you find out anything? What? Another interdimensional rift? And it leads to the same place as the one that was opened up in Metro Center? Maybe you're right. Maybe it has to do with the planet that's recently connected itself to Pandemonium. I can sense evil energy from those who came over from Apostle Prey's homeworld. They [could] be the reason for the latest interdimensional rift. Rifts are difficult to close once opened. While we prepare to mend it, could you make sure those who already came over from the other dimension won't interfere with us? If we leave the Rift alone, it could cause confusion in both Pandemonium and Arad. Please be careful. May God bless you." |
Rewards |
248,904 Exp
Hell Party Quests (Pre-Harlem)
All of these quests were replaced with new versions in the Harlem update on 02-26-2019.
Hell Party Ep 1. The Strong in the Oceanic Express
Level |
71 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "Word is that a strange phenomenon is taking place in Empryean's Oceanic Express region. Alien entities have appeard out of a rift in spacetime. The fabric of our reality has been ruptured. Can this be also because of the Metastasis? We must do something about it before it causes a terrible disaster. If you happen to go, please check out where these entities have been sighted. Thank you." |
Objectives |
Prove your strength by fighting the following adversaries in Oceanic Express on Expert or harder mode.
Rewards |
- Hell Mode can now be forcibly summoned in the Oceanic Express region.
Hell Party Ep 1. Supplementary Story
Level |
71 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Objectives |
Unknown |
Rewards |
Hell Party Ep 2. Guardian of Time
Level |
77 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "Are you aware of the mysterious event that recently occurred in Shonan? An interdimensional rift has been formed, connecting our reality to another dimension. On the other side of this rift is Ozma, sealed away from this realm. A great disaster is waiting to happen, and the only question is when. The description of the entities on the other side of the rift matches that of the legendary keeper of time, Time Lord, and his soldiers. If you have business in Shonan, could you go check where the Time Lord has been sighted?" |
Objectives |
Prove you're strong enough to challenge the Time Lord by fighting the following powerful warriors on Expert or a higher level.
Rewards |
Hell Party Ep 2. Supplementary Story
Level |
71 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "Adventurer, you're surrounded by a very dangerous energy. I'll have to look further into it to know for sure, but it's pretty potent and evil, and it's sought you out for a reason. Why don't you defeat the Hell Party and help me investigate? You might find the answer through that fight. |
Objectives |
Clear the Time Gate Hell Party once. |
Rewards |
12312 Gold
Hell Party Ep 3. Power Station Gate
Level |
81 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "The Hell Aura has been detected also around the Power Station in the Slaugh Industrial Complex. The distortion of the dimension must have been aggravated by the presence of an Apostle. If we leave this alone, we can lose peace that we barely restored. We must close the interdimensional rift as soon as possible. First, let's make preparations to close it." |
Objectives |
Collect the following energies in the Power Station on Master or a higher level, and bring them to Grandis.
Rewards |
- Hell Mode can now be forcibly summoned in the Power Station region.
Hell Party Ep 3. Supplementary Story
Level |
71 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "Empyrean... I can sense the Party's dangerous energy in there even from this far. It really must be fond of you. There has to be another rift in Empyrean. Let me help you find it. |
Objectives |
Clear the Power Station Hell Party once. |
Rewards |
12312 Gold
Hell Party Ep 4. A Gaping Rupture
Level |
85 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "Ah, player name , can you feel that? I've never felt such strong energy of the Metastasis in Arad before. This is as if the whole world is about to fall into complete darkness... All this has to do with that gaping interdimensional rift that has appeared in the Castle of the Dead. Please go investigate it." |
Objectives |
Prove you're eligible to call upon the Hell Party in the Castle of the Dead by fighting the following powerful warriors on Expert or a higher level.
Rewards |
- Hell Mode can now be forcibly summoned in the Castle of the Dead region.
Hell Party Ep 4. Supplementary Story
Level |
71 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "The bridge between Empyrean and Pandemonium... I can sense the potent energy of the Apostle in the depths of the castle, and the energy hidden underneath it. This group of unearthly beings doesn't know when to give up, does it? Let me help you find the rift existing in the soaring tower." |
Objectives |
Clear the Castle of the Dead Hell Party once. |
Rewards |
12312 Gold
Hell Party Ep 5. Chaos in Pandemonium
Level |
90 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Briefing |
Grandis: "Pandemonium... It's the place that has long wandered from one dimension to another, and it's been connected to Arad by Luke. This doesn't bode well for the future of Arad. The interdimensional rift that has appeared in Pandemonium is much bigger than any interdimensional rifts formed in Arad, and it's filled with evil energy. I can't fathom what kinds of alien entities are waiting on the other side of the rift to invade this realm. You're the only hope we've got left. Please stop those entities before they bring disaster to our world." |
Objectives |
Prove you're eligible to call upon the Hell party in Metro Center area by fighting the powerful warriors on Expert or a higher level.
Rewards |
- Hell Mode can now be forcibly summoned in the Metro Center region.
Hell Party Ep 5. Supplementary Story
Level |
71 |
Quest Giver |
Grandis |
Objectives |
Unknown |
Rewards |
[Anton Raid] Anton in Another Dimension (Obsolete as of Season 5 Act 3)
Level |
85 |
Quest Giver |
Naen Siger |
Briefing |
Naen: Um, was it successful? What's this? I've never heard about this type of energy before... Oh, no. D-did I o-open up an interdimensional rift?! I-I think I've o-opened up a path to another di-dimension wh-where another Anton exists. Wow... Th-this is huge! P-physicists will b-be so excited! Huh? You want to get in there and m-meet the other Anton? Y-you're fearless, aren't you? M-my detector c-can't even measure the strength of that Anton, he's so strong. Oh, all right. If you really want to go, th-then let me c-check a few things f-first. I-I can't let you go unprepared. |
Objectives |
Collect materials to help Naen with her research.
Upon Completion |
Naen: "I-I just f-finished my research. I s-sneaked in a probe, and the situation in the other dimension is similar to ours. But the Anton and his Tartan are m-much stronger, as if th-they've absorbed a great deal of energy from somewhere I don't know. You said you want to go there, no matter what? T-take this, a-and come back i-in one piece." |
Rewards |
Grants access to Anton Raid and the Anton Raid Channel.
[Luke Raid] Constructor Luke 1
Level |
90 |
Quest Giver |
Meryl Pioneer |
Briefing |
Meryl: Recently, Jurgen and the Imperial Princess have been acting pretty secretive, and it turned out the production equipment in Luke's lab has been operating at an alarming speed. Luke must be making a last-ditch effort, now that his plan is all but ruined by your interference. This explains the strong enery we've detected in the Castle of the Dead. Luke will only grow stronger. Why don't you stop him while you can? |
Objectives |
Bring the following materials to Meryl.
Upon Completion |
Meryl: While studying the castle, I've discovered a new ore called Monolium. I found it from the shells of the mechanical dragons you procured for me. I believe it's terranite infused with the power of darkness. I haven't found something like this anywhere else, and this could mean even Luke isn't aware of its existence. Why don't you go to Roy? He'll get you some useful things for your adventures. |
Rewards |
Grants access to the Luke Raid Channel.
[Luke Raid] Constructor Luke 2
Level |
90 |
Quest Giver |
Meryl Pioneer |
Prerequisite |
[Luke Raid] Constructor Luke 1 |
Briefing |
Meryl: What are you still doing here? Huh? Do I really have to tell you where he is? You're helpless. |
Objectives |
Meet Erica who is filling in for Roy while he is away. |
Upon Completion |
Erica: Ah, nice to meet you, Adventurer. What brings you? You're looking for Roy? He went to see someone named Melvin. Aha, Meryl sent you, Then I can help you with that. Roy dumped his work on me before he left. He's so irresponsible that it's little wonder he's still single. Tsk tsk. It might take you a good while before he comes back. In the meantime, I can help you. |
Rewards |
Grants access to Luke Raid.
Notes |
Erica must be spoken to while in the Luke Raid channel, which is only open on Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays (09:00 UTC). |
Class Specific Side Quests
Return to Empyrean
Level |
60 |
Quest Giver |
Zeldine |
Prerequisite |
Reached Empyrean. Player is a gunner. |
Briefing |
<Player>: "Empyrean... Whew, finally I'm back. That was a long journey. Are the Kartels still on the rampage? This is just as well. I want revenge."
Zeldine: "Huh? Excuse me. Are you an Empyrean by any chance? I can't help but notice your height and that weapon of yours. So, you are. May I ask how you're with the people from the Underworld? When did you go down there?" |
Objectives |
Go to Zeldine. |
Upon Completion |
Zeldine: "Ah... I see. You jumped into the sea while fighting the Kartels...and landed in Underworld. You fell with nothing to protect yourself and didn't break a bone. The gods must have watched over you. So, after you landed on that world, you just traveled to find a way back up to Empyrean."
Marlene Kitzka: "Then what should I call you? Others said they wanted to be called adventurers. Adventurer is fine with you, too. *Chuckle* You must like being an adventurer."
Zeldine: "Okay, then we'll call you an adventurer. Welcome back home, Adventurer." |
Rewards |
4752 Gold
Restoring My Honor
Level |
70 |
Quest Giver |
Nevillo Jurgen |
Prerequisite |
Cleared all scenarios in Oceanic Express. Player is an Agent. |
Briefing |
Nevillo Jurgen: "It seems you have questions for me. I have something to say to you, too. Please meet me outside the Palace." |
Objectives |
Go to Nevillo Jurgen. |
Upon Completion |
Nevillo Jurgen: "You came. I hope you liked your gift."
<Player>: (What is he up to?)
Nevillo Jurgen: "You must be wondering why I did you a favor. After all, I'm the leader of the Nobility that framed and chased you away. A member of The Company, the group of exiled criminals. I knew who you were the first time we met. You stood out among the help from Underworld that came with the eldest daughter of House Kitzka. You had the look of an Empyrean, and then I noticed the way you carried yourself like a member of the Nobility of Northpiece. At first I thought you came back for revenge, but over time I realized you meant no harm. Then I thought about what happened in the past. I was with the others when they accused you, but that was only because I was fooled by the wrong information. I wondered if you were falsely accused, but I didn't have proof. While I was contemplating, The Company disappeared. So when you saved Her Highness, I thought this was the perfect time to help you clear your name. I'll lead the investigation of your case as Her Highness has ordered. I'll do my best to clear The Company's name of the false accusation."
<Player>: "Thank you." (He was partly responsible for the crime, and now he's investigating it.)
Nevillo Jurgen: "Empyrean has found a hero. It'll find its old friends, too. And honor will be restored to The Company. I say we let go of our unfortunate past and join forces. Now, excuse me, but I'll look forward to seeing you again." |
Rewards |
147,366 Exp
5,940 Gold
Sunlight in Central Park
Level |
90 |
Quest Giver |
Kate |
Prerequisite |
Got to Central Park. Player is an F. Mage. |
Briefing |
Kate: "It's been a while since you left for Arad. Wasn't it tough, traveling alone? Lonely? I know you're in a hurry, but it's important to take a break, especially before an important task. Why don't you come have a seat next to me and we can talk? The smell of grass will help you relax too." |
Objectives |
Go to Kate and relate what happened. |
Upon Completion |
Kate: "I see. That adventure sounds befitting you. I've been half-excited and half-worried since you left. I shouldn't have worried."
<Player>: "Kate, it must have been tough growing the forest so big. I want to ask how you've been, but it seems too many things have happened for you to have been fine."
Kate: "You're right. It'll be long before Pandemonium becomes peaceful, but I haven't given up hope. I believe one day it'll become the homeland we've always dreamed."
<Player>: "But it's a long way there. I've experienced a lot of things, just coming here. Terrible, sad things."
Kate: "I know... It's a shame. But take a look around. Warm sunlight is turning leaves bright green, and sprouts are taking roots deep inside the ground. Pandemonium has changed a lot, and it'll change again since you're back."
<Player>: "It'll change again because I'm back?"
Kate: "Don't you know how significant your return is to Pandemonium? You're different from others. You weren't sent to Arad by the Metastasis; you went there of your own accord. And you've returned. Pandemonium is drifting across the universe, always exposed to external invasion. And we're on it; we can't escape our terrible destiny, even if we tried. We're barely hanging onto hope that may or may not exist. But you went to Arad to find hope, and came back on your own. When songs of your heroic exploits spread, other Pandemonians will see hope shining through their dark lives like this sunlight."
<Player>: "...Do you think so? Heh heh. I'm so great, am I not? *Ahem*"
Kate: "*Chuckle* Why don't we ask Joshua to write songs with the stories of your adventures? He will make wonderful songs." |
Rewards |
289,800 Exp
7920 Gold
Pandemonium Rift
[Pandemonium Rift] Interdimensional Rift in Pandemonium
Level |
85 |
Quest Giver |
Kate |
Prerequisite |
Reach Central Park. |
Briefing |
Kate: "...What I dreaded has come true. An interdimensional rift has opened, connecting Pandemonium to another dimension. Something must be done before aggressive forces of the unknown invade Pandemonium and play with the lives of its residents. Will you help?" |
Objectives |
Listen to Kate talking about the Pandemonium Rift. |
Upon Completion |
Kate: "Thank you. The Pandemonium Rift is near Central Park. Let me give you directions. Please don't let any more tragedy happen." |
Rewards |
8,208 Gold
Grants access to the Pandemonium Rift dungeon in Metro Center.
Pandemonium Junction
Into the Legend
Level |
90 |
Quest Giver |
Joshua |
Prerequisite |
Plans for the Future |
Briefing |
Joshua: "Hello, you must be the adventurer Kasijas and Kate told me about. My name is Joshua. I came to tell you something. I'm glad I caught you before you left. Can I talk to you? Do you like stories? This world is filled with tales that are passed on by word of mouth as well as in written form. Some tales that are older and more mythical than the others are called legends. I'd like to tell you about a legend that takes place somewhere far away. But you'd rather experience legends than just hear about them, wouldn't you? How about creating a legend of your own." |
Objectives |
Meet Joshua at the Pandemonium Junction below Central Park. |
Upon Completion |
Joshua: "You're as impressive as they said you are. I look forward to hearing about the legend you create on your own." |
Rewards |
8,208 Gold
Grants access to the Pandemonium Junction dungeons (Echon).
Imperial Arena
Invitation to the Imperial Arena
Level |
90 |
Quest Giver |
Beatrice |
Prerequisite |
Plans for the Future |
Briefing |
Beatrice: "Ah, you're the adventurer I've heard so much about. My name is Beatrice. I came here to invite you. You look like you're as good as people say you are. There's a special place for special adventurers like you. Please come to me. I want to get out of here with you as soon as I can." |
Objectives |
Meet Beatrice in Elvenguard. |
Upon Completion |
Beatrice: "Good, then please get on the carriage." |
Rewards |
8,208 Gold
Grants access to the Imperial Arena.
Beast Dungeon
[Beast Dungeon] Catherine the Beast Researcher
Level |
90 |
Quest Giver |
Kate |
Prerequisite |
Plans for the Future |
Briefing |
If player isn't from Pandemonium [show]
Kate: "Ah, Adventurer, you're here. There's something I want to let you know. Have you heard about the Beasts? They are powerful beings that wander the eight planes of Pandemonium, inspiring awe in the people of Pandemonium. Records about them date back to a long time ago, but reports of unfortunate incidents and damage caused by them have been increasing just recently. They've also been sighted around Metro Center, which is causing an influx of Beast researchers and adventurers to this area. If you're interested, I suggest you go to Catherine. Maybe they can be a new challenge for you. Catherine has been studying them for a long time. She can tell you more about them."
If player is from Pandemonium [show]
Kate: "You're here. I've been looking for you. Why, you ask? You've heard about the Beasts, right?"
<Player>: "The Beasts?"
Kate: "Ho ho, yes. Everyone who lives in Pandemonium knows about them. They're believed to aimlessly wander the eight planes of Pandemonium, but recently there have been reports of unfortunate incidents and damage caused by them. They've also been sighted near Metro Center, which is causing an influx of Beast researchers and adventurers to this area. If you don't mind,coud you gather information about them? I don't know what kind of Beasts they are, but I'm worried they might hurt our children here. Thank you. I know I can trust you. When you're ready, go to Catherine. She has the blood of Dragons in her, but don't let that decide your impression of her. She knows the Beast better than anyone else in Pandemonium. She can tell you more about them."
Objectives |
Go to Catherine and learn about the Beasts. |
Upon Completion |
If player isn't from Pandemonium [show]
Catherine: "Hey, over here! I've heard about you even before you arrived in Central Park. People said you defeated Apostles. The Beasts are powerful beings that wander the eight planes of Pandemonium. The people of Pandemonium call them the Wandering Disasters in awe. Studying these creatures is so dangerous that you have to risk your life to do it. Are you ready to do that? Then follow me. I'll guide you to where the Beasts are."
If player is from Pandemonium [show]
Catherine: "Hey, over here! Don't bother introducing yourself. Kate told me enough things about you already. You want to help me study the Beasts. As you know, the Beasts are the powerful beings that wander the eight planes of Pandemonium. They're dangerous because they follow their instincts and can't be reasoned with. Studying these creatures is so dangerous that you have to risk your life to do it. Are you ready to do that? Good. If Kate can trust you, then so can I. Follow me. I'll guide you to where the Beasts are."
Rewards |
Grants access to the Beast Dungeon and allows player to purchase Beast Investigation Requests from Catherine.
Dawning Crevice
[Dawning Crevice] The Interdimensional Rift in Harlem
Level |
95 |
Quest Giver |
Strawberry Nose Della |
Prerequisite |
No quests found that satisfy the search criteria. |
Dungeon |
Dawning Crevice |
Briefing |
Strawberry Nose Della: "Hey, look at this! What is it, you ask? This reading! I've never had such a bad reading before. If anyone gets a reading like this, their house would cave in on itself in a spring breeze! Come here and sit. No, I'm not asking you for money!" |
Objectives |
Go to Strawberry Nose Della and ask about the Rift in Harlem. |
Upon Completion |
Strawberry Nose Della: "Come to think of it, strange things have been happening for some time now. A sharp rock shot out of the ground all of a sudden. Some strange creature showed up, wandering about the place. Huh? Where is it? Why, so you can go take a look? *Giggle* You're a brave youngster. Sure, telling you isn't difficult. It's not that far away from here. But be careful. This reading I've got is really suspicious." |
Rewards |
287680 Exp
9648 Gold
[Dawning Crevice] Extremely Rare Materials
Level |
95 |
Quest Giver |
Strawberry Nose Della |
Prerequisite |
No quests found that satisfy the search criteria. |
Dungeon |
Dawning Crevice |
Briefing |
Strawberry Nose Della: "*Giggle* Yes... Yes... Yes! Mm? What? Were you eavesdropping on me? Now you'd better pay me--No, wait. Come over here. Let's talk about something lucrative. *Giggle* The place you're investigating... Extremely rare materials can be found there, and I want you to bring them to me. *Giggle* How do I know? Well, Delarion told me so, and everything he says is true! Yes, now you believe me. Bring those materials, and I'll trade them for something good. What do you say? Come on, you don't have to hesitate. You've got nothing to lose. *Giggle*" |
Objectives |
Investigate the Dawning Crevice. |
Upon Completion |
Strawberry Nose Della: "Yes, this is it! You've brought the right thing! Yes, it's as valuable as Delarion said. *Giggle* Keep bringing these to me. I'll trade them for good crafting recipes. Check out my shop, and you'll want what you see. You can also upgrade these into better things by using the Kashipa Subjugation Hero equipment sold by that arrogant kid, Timothy. Or you can buy the finished products right off me... at a hefty premium. *Giggle*" |
Rewards |
Sky Rift
[Sky Rift] A Rift in the Sky
Level |
95 |
Quest Giver |
Pumpkin Ball |
Prerequisite |
Hell Party Ep 6. Signs of a Strange Phenomenon |
Dungeon |
Sky Rift |
Briefing |
Pumpkin Ball: "WAH! Why did you startle me like that!? Look, my hair's standing on end because of you! It figures now that Kashipa's gone, something else shows up. Pandemonium attracts all sorts of things, but this time a really bad threat has shown up. I've seen a lot, but what's happening right now doesn't seem like it'll go away on its own. Well, the only thing powerless people like me can do is hide in a hole, waiting for this to pass." |
Objectives |
Talk to Pumpkin Ball in Black Market. |
Upon Completion |
Pumpkin Ball: "What happened? Well, a hole happened, over there in the sky. The interdimensional rift? I don't even know what that means. One day, the air just split open. Since then, monsters have been pouring out of it every day, like rain pouring through a broken ceiling. I've heard they're coming from Prey's homeworld. If so, why are they so violent? Since that hole appeared, I haven't been able to sleep at night. People are so afraid that they rarely leave their houses. It's a matter of time before they decide to pack things up and leave. Err? You're going to go there? Oh geez, you're fearless." |
Rewards |
279,642 Exp
[Sky Rift] Ominous Energy 2
Celestial Rift
[Celestial Rift] Hell Party Ep 6. Side Story
Disaster Sector
[Disaster Sector] Della's Ominous Reading
Level |
95 |
Quest Giver |
Strawberry Nose Della |
Prerequisite |
No quests found that satisfy the search criteria. |
Dungeon |
Disaster Sector |
Briefing |
Strawberry Nose Della: "Oooh, disasters are coming! Earthquakes, locusts, cold waves, shadows- Err? Was I dreaming? But they were so vivid. When I get ominous readings like this, they're never wrong. Hey, come over here. You need to hear this, or you'll get swept up into the air and torn into pieces by a tornado. Come on!" |
Objectives |
Listen to Strawberry Nose Della's ominous reading. |
Upon Completion |
Strawberry Nose Della: "A while ago, the remnants of Kashipa snooped around here and set up some strange devices all over the place. If they're to cause mana overload, a terrible disaster will happen in Harlem. Outsider, if you see any suspicious devices around here, destroy them all. That should stop my reading from coming true. *Giggle* I'll be able to sleep tonight." |
Rewards |
287680 Exp
9648 Gold
Assault Mode
[Assault Mode] The Lurking Shadow
Level |
95 |
Quest Giver |
Timothy |
Prerequisite |
No quests found that satisfy the search criteria. |
Dungeon |
Fight Club |
Briefing |
Timothy: "Have you heard the rumor about the shadow that drags people into the darkness? I thought it was nonsense, but this shadow has actually been sighted in various places as of late. There are even people who were lucky enough to escape from it. According to some eyewitnesses, this shadow is shaped like a wolf with big fangs. Some of them even claim that it showed up in multiple places at once. Just when I thought I could take a breather... Well, thanks to this monster, business is booming. I'm hoping you can help me. You can, can't you?" |
Objectives |
Talk to Timothy in the Black Market. |
Upon Completion |
Timothy: "Alright, then let's go to work." |
Rewards |
287680 Exp
9648 Gold
Notes |
Player gains access to Assault Mode in Harlem. |
[Assault Mode] Special Supply
Level |
95 |
Quest Giver |
Timothy |
Prerequisite |
No quests found that satisfy the search criteria. |
Dungeon |
Fight Club |
Briefing |
Timothy: "I thought the best way to get rid of a shadow was to find the real thing casting, so I've been gathering information about where it might be. I looked up the lucky survivors and the earlier places that the shadow was sighted. And... I've found a suspicious place: the Fight Club. Please go check this place. Carefully, of course. If it knows someone's after it, it might decide to disappear for a while. Me? Err... Mm... Oh, I'll keep looking into some other places. The Fight Club isn't the only suspicious place, you know. Ahem... Alright, let's get to work. Thanks!" |
Objectives |
Identify and defeat the hulking shadow in the Fight Club in Assault Mode 10 times.
Upon Completion |
Timothy: "I knew it was in the Fight Club. Huh? Me? O-of course, I was working hard, too. I was making sure it didn't run away someplace else. I swear! Ah, anyway, pick one of these. It's for your hard work. It'll be helpful if you're going to stay here." |
Rewards |
287680 Exp
9648 Gold
- Choice of one of the following:
[EXP] Niu's Call
Level |
94 |
Quest Giver |
Niu |
Prerequisite |
No quests found that satisfy the search criteria. |
Briefing |
Niu: "Adventurer, thanks to you, the situation with the Kashipas has improved, but their threat hasn't quite stopped. We the Guardians are still getting into skirmishes with them. If you would help us, could you come to me?" |
Objectives |
Meet Niu in Black Market. |
Upon Completion |
Niu: "Thank you, Adventurer. Let's do this." |
Rewards |
263993 Exp
8784 Gold
Player can now accept EXP quests.
Eliminate the Troublesome Kashipas
Level |
94 |
Quest Giver |
Niu |
Prerequisite |
[EXP] Niu's Call |
Dungeon |
Sleepy Hollow |
Briefing |
Niu: "The Kashipas in Sleepy Hollow stir up trouble every day, and there aren't enough Guardians to handle it. Adventurer, please go take care of those troublesome Kashipas." |
Objectives |
Clear Sleepy Hollow 3 times. |
Upon Completion |
Niu: "Thank you. I can trust you for anything, Adventurer." |
Rewards |
263993 Exp
8784 Gold
Eliminate the Gathered Kashipas
Level |
94 |
Quest Giver |
Niu |
Prerequisite |
[EXP] Niu's Call |
Dungeon |
Sleepy Hollow |
Briefing |
Niu: "The Kashipas who were temporarily scattered by you started gathering here. Adventurer, please try to scatter them again." |
Objectives |
Clear Sleepy Hollow 3 times. |
Upon Completion |
Niu: "It seems I always rely on you. Thank you, Adventurer." |
Rewards |
263993 Exp
8784 Gold
Eliminate the New Leader of the Kashipas
Level |
94 |
Quest Giver |
Niu |
Prerequisite |
[EXP] Niu's Call |
Dungeon |
Sleepy Hollow |
Briefing |
Niu: "In the depths of Sleepy Hollow, some Kashipas are gathering others to create a gang of their own. The more notorious members among them are too difficult for us Guardians to handle. Adventurer, please help us." |
Objectives |
Defeat the Sleepy Hollow Boss monster 3 times. |
Upon Completion |
Niu: "This is a load off my chest. Thank you for helping us, the Guardians." |
Rewards |
263993 Exp
8784 Gold
Collect Kashipa's Confidential Documents
Level |
94 |
Quest Giver |
Niu |
Prerequisite |
[EXP] Niu's Call |
Dungeon |
Sleepy Hollow |
Briefing |
Niu: "Rumor has it that the leaders of the Kashipas here have important information about their organization. That information can help us resolve the chaotic situation here. Adventurer, could you bring me the document containing that intel?" |
Objectives |
Collect 3 Kashipa Confidential Documents from the Sleepy Hollow Boss monsters.
Upon Completion |
Niu: "This intel shows the size of their organization here and their password system. It's been very helpful, Adventurer." |
Rewards |
263,993 Exp
8,784 Gold
Eliminate the Instigators
Level |
94 |
Quest Giver |
Niu |
Prerequisite |
[EXP] Niu's Call |
Dungeon |
Sleepy Hollow |
Briefing |
Niu: "There are some strong members of Kashipa who pick a fight with us on a daily basis, probably to impress their leaders and rise through the ranks. Adventurer, please knock the stuffing out of them." |
Objectives |
Defeat named monsters in dungeons 9 times. |
Upon Completion |
Niu: "I hope this will stop the Kashipas from coming at us. Thank you, as always." |
Rewards |
263993 Exp
8784 Gold
Retrieve the Guardians' Tokens
Level |
94 |
Quest Giver |
Niu |
Prerequisite |
[EXP] Niu's Call |
Dungeon |
Sleepy Hollow |
Briefing |
Niu: "Recently Kashipa's foot soldiers have been attacking the Guardians who were defeated or wounded in battle for their rings imbued with their powers. I don't know what they're trying to do with them, but it can't be good. Adventurer, could you retrieve our rings from them?" |
Objectives |
Collect 3 Guardian Rings from the Sleepy Hollow Boss monsters.
Upon Completion |
Niu: "So, they've been offering them to their leader. Thank you for bringing them back." |
Rewards |
263,993 Exp
8,784 Gold
Teach Their Leader a Lesson
Level |
94 |
Quest Giver |
Niu |
Prerequisite |
[EXP] Niu's Call |
Dungeon |
Sleepy Hollow |
Briefing |
Niu: "A young Guardian ventured into the depths of Sleepy Hollow and got badly beaten up by the leader of the Kashipas here. This has infuriated all of us, but we can barely handle the fighting as it is, let alone avenge him. This is very depressing. Adventurer, please teach the enemy a lesson and boost our morale." |
Objectives |
Defeat Sleepy Hollow Boss monsters 3 times. |
Upon Completion |
Niu: "Thanks to you, the Guardians are in high spirits now. I'm so happy!" |
Rewards |
263,993 Exp
8,784 Gold
Collect the Kashipa's Magic Orbs
Level |
94 |
Quest Giver |
Niu |
Prerequisite |
[EXP] Niu's Call |
Dungeon |
Sleepy Hollow |
Briefing |
Niu: "We investigated why the number of the Kashipas wasn't decreasing, no matter how hard we tried. It turned out some of them are gathering and regrouping the others. Please bring us the magic orbs that they use to signal the others. Maybe we can use them to send false signals and keep them from regrouping properly." |
Objectives |
Collect 3 Kashipa Magic Orbs from Sleepy Hollow Boss monsters. |
Upon Completion |
Niu: "I knew you could do it!" |
Rewards |
263,993 Exp
8,784 Gold
[Tayberrs] Legend of the Brilliant Golden Star
Level |
95 |
Quest Giver |
Joshua |
Prerequisite |
No quests found that satisfy the search criteria. |
Briefing |
Joshua: "Adventurer, even though you went over to Tayberrs and fended off the Corrupt, they still haven't given up the idea of coming over here. And if they do, they'll ravage Pandemonium like a pack of hungry beasts. Pandemonium can't handle another tragedy like that. Adventurer, please go over to Tayberrs once more. You're the only one who can stop the Corrupt and save Pandemonium from them." |
Objectives |
Talk to Joshua in Pandemonium Junction below Central Park. |
Upon Completion |
Joshua: "Thank you for saving Pandemonium from peril yet again." |
Rewards |
287680 Exp
9648 Gold
Notes |
Player gains access to Tayberrs in Pandemonium Junction. |
Operation: Hope
[Operation: Hope] Pursue the Kashipas
Level |
95 |
Quest Giver |
Pai |
Prerequisite |
No quests found that satisfy the search criteria. |
Briefing |
Pai: "Adventurer! We've got a problem. While you were away, the Kashipas attacked again, and the people in the outlining area--huh? No, they were not the ones you fought. No, I mean--"
Niu: "You came! While you were away, the Kashipas attacked. The other Guardians and I tried to stop them, but there were too many of them to stop."
Ceberin: "Of course. You're crazy if you thought you could stop an army of them with just a few self-imposed 'Guardians.'"
Pai: "...But Ceberin, you predicted their route for us, so we could minimize the damage. We also saved the people before they were dragged away because of you."
Ceberin: "Shut up, kid! I just didn't like the Kashipas showing up again and acting as if they owned this place!"
Niu: "According to the people we saved, the Kashipas are abducting people for their Abyss research."
Ceberin: "Hmpf, that's ridiculous."
Pai: "...?" |
Objectives |
Listen to Ceberin explaining the Kashipas' movements. |
Upon Completion |
Ceberin: "Research into the Abyss transplant is already completed. It's just that there aren't many people who can contain so much mana. Even the Kashipas stand in line to get the Abyss transplant. They're abducting slaves for the Abyss research? Nonsense!"
Pai: "Ceberin, did you have the Abyss transplant?"
Ceberin: "Are you stupid? The Abyss is not a toy. Do you even know what it means to get the Abyss transplant?"
If player is a Male Mage [show]
Niu: "Then, there has to be another reason for their abduction. But for now, it's more important that we save them. The Kashipas are heading to Bronx in three different groups. We must follow them and rescue the abducted. Adventurer, could you lend us a hand?"
Ceberin: "You always ask others for help. You don't deserve to be called the Chasers."
Pai: "...Please help us, Adventurer. People are being abducted even as we speak." |
Rewards |
287,680 Exp
9,648 Gold
Notes |
Player gains access to Closed Area in Harlem. |
The Oculus: The Sanctum of Resurrection
[Sanctum of Resurrection] Beneath the Sky Tower
Level |
100 |
Quest Giver |
Robato |
Prerequisite |
Path to the High Place |
Briefing |
Robato: "Adventurer, with your help, the Alliance Army entered The Oculus and successfully thwarted the Grim Seekers' schemes. But who knew such a horrendous thing would happen at the end? It nearly destroyed us. A great many soldiers died, and even the ones who survived are being tormented by this mysterious dark energy that has encroached upon them. The Priests of the Lemidia Basilica and the mages of the Principality are looking for ways to get rid of this energy, but so far they haven't had any luck. To make matters worse, our intel says that the Grim Seeker followers who survived that accident are making suspicious movements. There's chaos everywhere. Our military strength has been decimated, and our fighting spirit is barely there. Adventurer, please lend your power to the Alliance one more time. It needs you now more than ever. Please take the lead, and the members of the Alliance will regain their strength and follow you." |
Objectives |
Talk to Knight Robato in the Central Tent of the Alliance in West Coast. |
Upon Completion |
Robato: "Welcome. Everyone in the Alliance has been waiting for you." |
Rewards |
330,036 Exp
11,088 Gold
Notes |
Player gains access to The Oculus: The Sanctum of Resurrection. |
[Sanctum of Resurrection] Put Them to Rest
Level |
100 |
Quest Giver |
Robato |
Prerequisite |
[Sanctum of Resurrection] Beneath the Sky Tower |
Briefing |
Robato: "I've just received a report on the dark energy. This dark energy is filled with terrible curses, having been generated by Sirocco when she resurrected. It can't be purged by either the Priests' prayers or the mages' purification spells. However, Lemidia Basilica and the Mage Guild's relentless research collaboration has been paid off. They've found out how to resist this energy: by using the souls of the Grim Seeker followers. You must have seen the dark souls that appear from dead Grim Seekers. Sirocco feeds on these dark souls and releases the dark energy, which explains why the dark souls and the dark energy are of the same property. According to the Priests and mages, the dark souls of the Grim Seekers yield crystals of the opposite property when purged. These crystals can help alleviate the pain caused by the dark energy. The Mage Guild has created the Dark Soul Converter with help from Lemidia Basilica, to produce these crystals. In the meantime, everyone has been heading for The Oculus to stop Sirocco from feeding on the dark souls and collecting them to save the victims of the dark energy. This unprecedented tragedy has brought everyone together, across all religions, countries, and races. But this isn't enough. They need someone to hold them together and be there for them when they need support. Adventurer, you're the only one who can do that. Please lead and help them win, and collect the souls of the Grim Seekers for those in pain. Adventurer... <Player>, we have faith in you." |
Objectives |
Defeat Grim Seeker Followers in The Oculus: The Sanctum of Resurrection, and collect Dark Souls.
Upon Completion |
Robato: "Welcome back! Good job collecting so many Dark Souls. They've been sent to the Mage Guild. While you were fighting the Grim Seekers in The Oculus, I've received good news. Some of the soldiers who followed you into The Oculus succeeded in collecting Dark Souls and purging them through the Dark Soul Converter. The resulting crystals have proved that they really can alleviate the pain inflicted by the dark energy. That's not all. The crystals can also be used to create equipment that resists the dark energy. This is one of them. I wanted to give it to you before everyone else, to thank you for your tremendous help so far. Once again, thank you so much for fighting on the front line for everyone else." |
Rewards |
330,036 Exp
Notes |
The epic item obtained from the Purged Soul Box can be converted into any other non-weapon level 100 epic item via Robato. |